Does anyone know where the 28deg card details, such as PDS and full details on what is covered by shopper's/merchandise protection are?
Just spend 30mins looking for them, but couldn't find anything.
Called them, and they told me to email head office.
28 degrees card - where are details?

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Just spend 30mins looking for them, but couldn't find anything.
Does you card have this? It was axed years ago, only old accounts that had it are grandfathered in as such.
The CSR on the phone said my card still had shopper's protection.
Also, the link that freefall sent seems to indicate all 28 deg cards have it, including new ones.
If you login through here…, then click the 3 line menu thing and click insurance it should say this if you have it - Great news! Our records show that your Latitude 28 Degrees Global Platinum Mastercard already has Shopper's Protection insurance.
If not, the out of luck. They stopped it ages ago hence 'existing policyholder' in free fall's link
Found that. Yeah, I have it. Had my 28deg for a long time now.
You are late to the game, shopper's/merchandise protection no more.