NRMA car insurance

My 18 year old son needs to get insurance for his $15,000 and we tried NRMA as he lost his license for 3 mths they seem happy to cover him. I am trying to get the cheapest insurance, but iselect and such will not do it for him as he doesn't have a license. I contacted NRMA three weeks ago when the car was purchased and the quote was $1700 for 12 months. He was meant to ring them and listen to their product disclosure and then the policy would be activated, as he did not do this the policy lapsed. We rang them again last week to start to start a new policy and the same car now going to cost $2600 - I am wondering if there is a cheaper option for him, any help would be great, thanks

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NRMA Insurance
NRMA Insurance


  • I'm in QLD and every year, I get a quote online from then get NRMA to beat it by 10%.

  • thanks, but they will not cover my son as he has had his license suspended for 3 mths

  • Have you tried just car insurance?

  • thanks, they are cheaper, ($2050) but I also went online to NRMA and they then quoted me $2060 so that is better than $2600 quoted over the phone, thanks it is certainly getting better, I am open to other ideas if anyone has any.

  • +1

    In true OzBargain spirit, how 'bout just going with 3rd party, fire & theft and tell him to drive carefully? :)

  • I wish that was possible, but as this is his first expensive car, I would hate to see him out of pocket if something happened, and as he is just 18 anything is possible….

    • Why don't you just insure it under your name? Also if you go with NRMA (I think) anyone who drives the car is covered. So when he does get his license back he will be insured even though its under your name.

      • Additional excess applies to drivers under 25 or with less than 2 years’ driving experience.

  • ok I will try that although when I spoke on the phone to NRMA when he first got the car they told me to have it in my name was more than him as I do not have car insurance myself.. will try my name online. As I have a good driving record with all my points so maybe that will save him some $, yes and as he is under 25yrs there is additional excess to pay if he has a claim, thanks

    • If you have had TPPD insurance, or driven under someone else's insurance you may qualify for some NCB.

  • The only reason to put insurance in your name is to get the benefit of your No Claim Bonus
    If you don't have car insurance in your name already then forget that
    As someone in the industry I can tell you that an 18yr old who has lost his licence he is going to struggle to find competitive offers - A LOT of companies wouldn't insure him - mine wouldn't
    Try Just Cars - they take anyone
    Also AAMI and YouI and Budget Direct

  • thanks, I will try all of these ones to see if I can get a better deal.

  • Every year I check all insurance companies again. Every time AAMI comes out cheaper. Even if I do the quote as if I'm not already a customer. (Some give discounts if you've already been with them.) They're also cheaper than the ones (I forget their name) who send out junk mail regularly "guaranteeing" they'll be cheaper. I've talked to them on the phone and instead of honouring their guarantee, they've told me they can't do it cheaper so I should just go with AAMI.

    • Hey i don't think anyone's mentioned it in this post yet but coles insurance is worth checking out. then getting NRMA to price match/beat if they do that in NSW. They beat it by 10% in QLD, but that's apparently a "promotion" that's been running for years.

  • hi, thanks I just tried Coles and it was about $4000 per year, and I did not even have to tell them he has lost his license, and tried AAMI yesterday and it very expensive as well. thanks for all your help, but I guess it seems NRMA is the best price so far.

  • Have you tried doing the quote as yourself (and your son as an additional driver) at ?

  • tried this option, but will not insure my son even if he is a listed driver, thanks

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