Slow Release Lawn Fertiliser: Fertilising The Day before and Watering The Next Day

Hi Guys,

I've got the Scotts Lawn Builder Extreme Green Slow Release Lawn Fertiliser, and I was planning to spread it over my lawn tonight, which is Empire Zoysia Grass. From what I know, it's best to water Zoysia early in the morning to avoid fungus. So I'm curious, would it be alright to distribute the fertiliser tonight and then water it the next morning? or will this cause issues?



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    Not an expert but AFAIK you don't need to water in slow release fertiliser at all. The whole idea of slow release is it works over time so doesn't need to be watered in unlike a liquid fertiliser. I don't fertilise often and never with the one you've selected but I never water in but I do apply it timed when I know it's going to rain in the next few days.

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    Not an expert either, but I think the watering in is more to bed granular fertiliser into the lawn so that it does not get blown away by the wind. Ideally spread the fertiliser the day before it rains as apsilon says above. Hose it down after spreading as per directions. This would mean that it is best to spread the fertiliser in the morning.

    • I think the watering in is more to bed granular fertiliser into the lawn so that it does not get blown away by the wind.

      It's a bit for that but mostly to stop the fertiliser burning the leaf. I would recommend you water the fertiliser at least briefly after applying, even if it means watering at night. Risk of fungus isn't that bad, consider that it rains at night and the grass survives.

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    i leave it until some heavy rain is forecast, let the rain do all the work …

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