Comes with Total Clean + Hydra Energetic
Only 39c off the all time low this is a great price for 2 X 400ML so at around $3.15 per 400ML this is significantly cheaper than the normal $3 per 300ML discounts at Amazon.
Comes with Total Clean + Hydra Energetic
Only 39c off the all time low this is a great price for 2 X 400ML so at around $3.15 per 400ML this is significantly cheaper than the normal $3 per 300ML discounts at Amazon.
I hate the orange bottle, I just want the black bottle
1/2 Price Coles this Week $3 in South Australia
IMO, the "stress" one is the best by far, then carbon then the orange one. Spewing I missed the deal!
does the smell of these linger for a good while or just dies off straight away?
i can confirm the smell dies off straight away!
Great thanks for that, so far has been more financially viable to use natural bar soap and a loafer might keep it that way then
i agree - i use imperial leather and the smell lasts all day. The this Loreal body wash is rubbish.
@Retarded Lunatic: Does the imperial last all day? I've been struggling to find a bar soap that lasts more than 2 hours and they're $4 a pop! Might have to give imperial leather a try then thanks!
I just want the orange bottle