Bunnings Search for Multiple Products

Hi internet wizards and experts,

I need a solution for searching bunnings website for multiple items (barcode/sku) for once and return prices of items list or page for the search. I can get search done one by one, i guess i am trying make it easy for myself.

Is this possible to achieve? I know we have nrby website that returns stock level. If similar site out there does what i want would be good. By the way i am absolute noob to this kind of things, so if you can lead me to right direction please.

Thanks in advance

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  • Download the Bunnings App from Apple/Google App Store and create a list. It will show price and stock level.

  • Not exactly what i am looking for, anyway thanks for the replies. I am searching the products using barcode and google cant really crawl and get products from bunnings web page because the barcode of products actually is not displayed in their product details section. But if you put the barcode in their search box it brings up the product. Also i am trying search multiple items once, like list of barcodes etc. and get list of prices.

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