• expired

Boost Mobile: $14.35 Cashback ($2.35 Profit) on 50GB 28-Day SIM @ Cashrewards


Looks like $0.15 cashback less than yesterday but still a great deal for us SIM sluts.

Multiple SIM purchases need to be made as separate transactions. Adding more than one SIM to an order will result in an untracked purchase.
SIM must be activated within 30 days of ordering.
You must return and click through Cashrewards for each new transaction.

Referral Links

Referral: random (3763)

$10 for referee and $10 for referrer, after referee makes $20 purchase within 14 days.

Related Stores

Boost Mobile
Boost Mobile

closed Comments

  • +2

    Use your coles digital mc :)

    • Got an error after purchasing 6 sims on that one unfortunately.

      • Same but only got one order in before error. No other cards are working now, guessing they flagged the delivery address

        • +1

          All my other cards work.

          • +1

            @wavesgreen: how did you use all of them and what do you use them with

  • What are sim sluts using for alternate month sims? I've exhausted my stash and need to find a complementary SIM for non Boost months.

    • +1

      $4 lebara

      • Where do you get Lebara sims for 4 dollars?

    • +1

      I don’t slut my main number but would $25 with 10% off a grocery shop be an option

    • https://www.kmart.com.au/product/amaysim-dollar10-starter-pa…?

      I bought a couple of these to get me through the next few months, $5 - Free delivery if you have onepass, or you can probably use a free trial.

      Also you can activate it as a 7day 10GB plan and use it for a week, so the $5 isn't a complete waste either.

      Seems decent enough to me.

    • You can get the first 30 days with mate communicate for 1 dollar so that could be a good alternative

    • +5

      Only if I get a 50GB sim card thrown in as well.

      • +2

        Only if I can repeat it ad infinitum.

        If you wanna pay me $2.35 in 2 months for approx 1 min of my time now and nothing else in return, I'll sign up every single time. Unlike bargainatoraah who fails at simple maths and economics.

        • +1

          Only if I buy it to bring it closer to my Tesla purchase

        • How about $1 next profit?

    • -1

      Not just time but also your initial money, mind, and being the product.

      • If you talkin about mind, well,,, let’s say different species are wired differently 😗

    • No, but a couple of minutes are definitely worth saving about $15 (minimum) per month for a phone plan, plus an extra $2.35 taking the total "saved" to $17.35 (or more).

  • Cashrewards - Refer and get $40 … seems good?

  • +1

    We're sorry but we're experiencing technical issues. Please try again later.

  • Any idea on when the next batch of boost cashback is going to be approved?

    • Sometime in the next 7 days.

    • +1

      Cashbacks on June boost purchases got approved today.

      • I checked earlier today at around 3pm, wasn't approved then. Thanks for the reminder.

  • Is the cashback only one per cashrewards account ? Or can be multiple?

    • +1

      Multiple, but only one at a time, exit and click through again from cashrewards.

      Multiple SIM purchases need to be made as separate transactions. Adding more than one SIM to an order will result in an untracked purchase.
      SIM must be activated within 30 days of ordering.
      You must return and click through Cashrewards for each new transaction.

      • Thank you very much !

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