We are all now feeling the effects of inflation since COVID and have seen several things jump up 20+ % with no end in sight. However, what have you noticed has actually gone down in price>
What Has Gone down in Price since COVID?
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COVID was a introvert dream 💟
I have to admit its been good to me. Working from home rocks.
Solid state drives
Bro, you know what's important.
lol…..only 20+%????
cant even get a bag of chips for $6!!!!!yeah food prices are unbelievable now…
I’m protesting by only buying them on sale, for their prices prior to this price gouging ‘inflation’ eg $2.5-$3 a bag
thank goodness for weekly sales, though sometimes you get caught out and have to buy their RRP items
Who even buys the chips not on sale? Actual messed up how much they are charging for it normally
Too right. If it's junk food and not on sale, I don't even look at it.
@Loopholio: and proper sale too.
none of this SALE!!!!! (20c off) $5.80
if its not at least 40% off, no deal.
A better protest is not to buy them at all. They are still making a profit when it’s discounted. But they will make zero profit if you don’t buy at all
Considering there are analytics happening purely to find the best value pricing, I know the more people buy it at a lower cost the better.
If no one buys them when they’re cheap, they’ll just keep the prices up and produce less.
@ColtNoir: If nobody buy them ever again regardless of what the price is, then they will shut up shop and that is the ultimate people power protest
@illusion99: Except that it won’t ever happen. Considering we could barely keep things together as a collective for Covid itself, it won’t happen for chip prices.
Go to Aldi and just pay $3 something every day? I am so sick of the fake prices just so that they can give you a 50% discount at Woolworths and Coles.
i do! ….200-230g bags are a hell of a lot better than 175g/150g limited edition flavours bullshit!
My local Aldi adjusts prices based on the nearby Coles and Woolworths then drop the price by 1c. Aldi are not your friend.
I thought Aldi prices are same everywhere
sounds like bullshit
I think I saw they are $3.50 at ALDI a few days ago. That's still ridiculous. i.e. Higher than ColesWorths was before the deadly sniffles virus that dropped thousands dead in the streets. I bought a mandolin slicer from an op shop, fry in hot oil in seconds, looked up seasoning mixes on youtube. Haven't made any in ages though.
The worst part is these "discounts" get posted as a deal on OzBargain each week… we're encouraging this BS behaviour
sweet potato
the value of Linus Tech Tips
Australian Dollar
Hand Sanitiser
Covid tests
Graphics Card
Power Supplythe value of Linus Tech Tips
savage haha
$100mil valuation a couple months ago too.
How much now?
But fair …
It never plays well when you bash other channels for no good reason. GN's takedown was epic.
Affirmation why I never subbed to LTT.
I might buy their screwdriver thho and leave at that
@capslock janitor: The Megapro screwdriver it’s based on is still pretty good and is less than half the price I think.
the value of Linus Tech Tips
I doubt it, it can't go down as it was about 0 value since day 1
the value of Linus Tech Tips
I'll give you my thoughts on the matter, right after this message from our sponsor: ifixit/honey/squarespace/dbrand/ridge/ltt store/floatplane/ting/freshbooks/tunnel bear/nordvpn
hornsby hospital has a pack of 10 covid tests just sitting at the front door free of charge for anyone to take, so id say they are a lot cheaper :p
AutoGas / LPG is back down to 72c a litre.
was as high as 96c in Melbourne during the past year. (higher in NSW and QLD)
Any ideas on where I can get a liquid injected LPG system + engine tuning done atm? I remember calling around a few years back and JTG + Orbital are all gone. Screw that vapour injection stuff.
I don't know much about the difference between liquid vs vapour, I have a factory dedicated LPG Commodore.
but I've used these guys a few times and found them good.
Graphics cards have gone down since 2019?
Are we forgetting the great lettuce crisis that saw takeaways saying there might be - yuck - cabbage put on your burger instead? Gag. /jks…kinda.
No payrise in my department, also somehow earnt less…
My favouite is how my wife's income was adjusted down when the super percentage was increased.
Maybe you're aware, but for the record that's illegal.
Maybe you're aware, but for the record that's illegal.
Not necessarily - it depends on the contract of employment and if the salary package is inclusive of superannuation.
It's still a pretty poor way to treat your employees.
Masks & RAT Tests
However, what have you noticed has actually gone down in price
My buying power
my wage
Considering the increased cost of housing, services, building materials, and food, pretty much everyone I know is significantly worse off than they were 4 years ago, even if they had several wage rises. But I guess in some areas, houses are now cheaper than they were in late 2021-early 2022. At that time, prices were going insane in some places, just because everyone was desperate to buy in a hurry.
seems like only the very very wealthy are the ones benefitting from all of this. First time in my adult life that I've sort of experienced this so not too sure what to expect in the immediate future..
The wealthy and the old (on average, not saying all), based off the CBA financial results slides.
Seems like we'll just have to muscle through and hope for the best. I'd like to feel what goes up must come down eventually…
how do you figure?
I am becoming increasingly pessimistic about the future, based on current trends. Except for a few tech items mentioned above (like SSDs, Rams, TVs) everything else is sharply increasing in price and/or shrinkflating. Australia's population is also massively inflating, driving up prices due to increased competition (competition is evil). Also Stage 3 tax cuts will reduce government income by $26 billion per year, so more cuts to welfare programs that help the poor and increases in other taxes like GST (which also disproportionately injures the impoverished).
However, life is great is you are a member of the middle or upper class. The middle class just keeps getting richer. No matter what happens they always come out on top. They don't have to ever lift a finger. The government guarantees a 10% per year capital gain on all of their investment properties.
The saddest part is, Albo could fix most of this woe. But he won't. He is owned by the top end of town and works always in their interest.
I think Albo is mostly a good guy, but he owns multiple investment properties, so it's unlikely he wants housing to become more affordable for everyone. That's probably why his government is pumping more money into the property market via the Help to Buy Scheme, which will increase demand, instead of creating policies that will reduce demand, like reducing tax payer handouts to investors via negative gearing.
The middle class just keeps getting richer.
Are they? I dont think this is the case
Can get RAT tests pretty cheap now lol
Yeup, it's a rat. Narp, that's a mouse.
And masks.. was at the post office today, and they had a bargain bin thing in the check out line. Had a box of 50 masks for $1
Stock up for the next Pandemic, benefits of hindsight.
The effective $ value society places on an average workers hourly outputs?
Was trying to figure out how much an hourly octopus charges for a second there.
Whole Beef - on the cattle lot down ~ 50%, butchered from the farm down ~ 25%
I doubt supermarkets will pass the savings on, but why buy from them when there are so many other healthier and cheaper options!OzB Premium subscription went down :)
Platinum membership is where it's at
I heard there is a secret Titanium tier.
What about Vibranium ?
@ItchyBallsack: There's the legendary Unobtanium Membership, and not even scotty can seem to obtain the requirements….
Shit loads of things…. too many to list.
The price to migrate here.
how much is it these days? My colleague was paying 40-50k for his parents
That's too cheap considering older ppl are going to be less productive from the get go.Less tax paid, more draw on health & welfare system.
No, migrant parents are ineligible for Medicare and have to pay for their own private health insurance.
@freshofftheplane: and yet, here, in the real world our health services fix ppl first, chase the cash later. The tax payer foots the bill, the health system buckles under the weight. This is the number one reason for economic migration and families drafting in more members . The safety net for the broader public looks good on paper.And that's where it ends.
@Protractor: I was in Mater Private Hospital Brissy on the Weekend and the place was empty , believe what you want but I think demand/supply is all artificial and all about $$$ and nothing else .
Enjoy your Olympic hype , just don’t get sick and or fall behind on your bills .
Well the actual price is the housing crisis we're facing today. Those 700k predicted to come over the next few years all need a home, not to mention everyday Australians…
Blame the 2 big parties trying to over-overpopulate to raise money.It's just blatant fumbduckery, and the human footprint here now is destroying more priceless natural assets by the hour. The way the climate's going we'll have no haven on or off land soon.
We don't have a shortage of houses we have a glut of ppl.Well said
Mass migration; the great Ponzi scheme
@Windows7forever: Imagine the 'favours' being done inside the migrant top heavy immigration system as well.
We are supposed add 13 million more 'legit bodies' (+ rellos) in the next 40 years. Optimistic thinking the place won't be dusty lifeless wasteland by then.
Who needs a meteor?
I actually agree with some of your sentiments, however, you are incorrect regarding overall population growth.
In Australia (and many other western countries) population growth is at all-time LOW levels.
Traditionally, governments have played the seemingly never-ending 'population growth = economic growth' game. It's always been a simplistic response, and destined for Malthusian disaster at some point.
(And you may well be correct that we are close to that point already - but perhaps even without excessive population growth.)
@Roman Sandstorm: Splitting hairs here. We burst the seams as far as living within the capacity of natural systems here probably in the 1990s. Technology has amplified the impact of 'us' on multiple fronts.Mining,forestry,fishing,ag.
As far as sustainable limits we have butchered ecology, wasted ancient finite water on washing rocks, thus cutting off future opportunities to live as we do now. The state of soils and water tables in Australia is horrendous via the 3 pronged attack of urban sprawl,mining and industrial agriculture.Every day we face restrictions on our standard of living, because we chose to . It's 2023, QLD farmers produced too much food .because they can;. What happens to gluts in food? (think avocados)
Do they (a) give them away or (b) landfill?
On the other hand the MDB plan has failed abysmally and ag is arguing to leave it as is. . There has been too many of us for too long. Capitalism's infinite growth VS natures finite resources = multifaceted catastrophe. We are seeing its impacts already via a burning planet. The impact of those fires will amplify the next ones in one or 2 seasons from now.And on it goes.@Protractor: @Protractor
We agree on many points.I have to say I feel…. uncomfortable… however, when population growth is used as an argument (here in Aus). It is likely we would have negative population growth without migration; if one swallows the nineteenth/twentieth century kool aid of growth being essential for prosperity and increasing living standards (as do our major political parties - and indeed, most denizens of OzBargain, no doubt), then migration remains vital. Not all of us subscribe to that.
However, the extra dimension I feel complicates this is the hijacking of the migration issue by xenophobic and/or racist elements.
So this conflates legitimate criticism of continuing untrammelled growth, with the narrow-minded views of those who just don't like brown people. And who don't think deeply about the economics of it.
And guess which views are more… prominent? And how easy it is to denigrate or negate arguments against endless growth by labelling them essentially race-based?
There has been too many of us for too long. Capitalism's infinite growth VS natures finite resources = multifaceted catastrophe
No argument from me.
But I feel things like urban sprawl, extra land use, etc are not necessarily largely related to population growth alone (or indeed to a major extent). They are structural and endemic within the economic system we have; inevitable consequences of twentieth century capitalism.
@Roman Sandstorm: Yes, I get the racists will hijack the population debate.
That sucks. But this country is overpopulated.The planet is too. Nothing outside what's ahead will interrupt that stupidity cycle. To say we are underpopulated is to ignore what's going on around us in the real worls. And people getting money out of something are good at ignoring shit.We are already experts in xenophobia and racism here, and that's already being bolstered by the cohorts we favour in immigration.
You can't claim we are underpopulated unless you are hostage to the capitalist myth that we need more people infinitely.
It's taboo to even discuss population under any form unless it's about the level of expanding it.
And frankly it's 20 years too late to turn the impacts around. That's how the lag effect works.
2 years of global sea temps like the last, and mother nature will do what we won't , within a couple of decades. So much for Jims 40 year plan
My week's worth of groceries, but only for yesterday though. The cost went back up after 5pm or so.
- Technology goods - e.g. refurb Dell computers for similar specs
- Whole foods - a lot of fruits/veg are similarly priced or even cheaper. Aus oats - big 1.8kg bag - prices have gone down down.
Quality of rolled outs has gone down with the price, IMO. Have been comparing some lately
How do you assess quality?
My oats have tasted the same. I've eaten oats for decades.
Comparing the colour (more darker % of oats) , the flake size shape( whether the machine was 'kind' to the grain when it was rolled.)
and amount of dross. As in bits of husk etc.
They have headed south for a cpl of years. On appearance the Coles ones match the Aldi ones, so probably same origin.There's a reason the cheaper branded ones are now pkgd with less clear wrappings than back in the day.
I know premium should be better qulaity in general, but the lesser quality of the cheaper ones has dropped (in my experience)
If you are in doubt get a small amount from a whole or health foods store as a control, and compare to the brand you normally eat.(over time)Also be aware that the big 3 juggle pkg weights, so always double check price per 100gms
@Protractor: Coles' oats look much better than Aldi's imho but they won't absorb as much liquid. Messes up my porridge recipe :)
@ousema: Perfect for me - won't absorb too much liquid. :)
Oats, ground flaxseed, walnuts, frozen blueberries, soy milk - heaven.
@ihbh: Sounds great!
Have you tried Vitasoy's oatmilk, the 'milky' one, instead of soymilk? It was a revelation for me. Should be able to get it for around 2aud when on special sometimes even 1.30 if you're lucky.
@ousema: I've only tried oat milk with coffee. I'm very used to soy milk with my breakfast but might give it a try. I used to get the Vitasoy soy milk when they dropped to lows of $1.45 - just ELP now.
I predominantly eat whole food plant based so the combo of grains/legumes gives complete protein needs and/or soy.
I now use the Macro or Coles soy milk with 15+% protein $1.60.
Peoples driving skills certainly took a hit from the Covid break.
All Plastic Teslas have come down in price.
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