Was $29 before: http://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/78221
It's not the best N300 router, but for $19, still worth a try.
Check availability before you go.
I checked online, some left in Clayton Vic and some store in Sydney. Didn't check other places.
Note: I used this N300 before and using N150 now, NO repeater or bridge mode supported. But you can set this router as a pure AP mode as I did.
My experience with this router is I prefer use a fix channel (no auto channel selection, no big conflict with your neighbor's channel), normally I set it to channel 2 or 7 or 9 etc. The reason I did this is I found that if you set is as auto channel selection, when the router try to change channel itself, the wireless will stuck and stop working. Set it as fix channel, it will work perfectly, but DON'T set it to a HOT channel like 1, 6, 11.
I got this from Harvey Norman at the same price recently. Have been super happy. Installed on at my parents too. they were very glad. Runs well.