When my phone rings, the display either shows a green square, with a handset icon in white, or a green circle.The former,is easy to answer, by simply touching the green square.
Sometimes, however, I get a round green symbol that has to be touched and swiped to the right. Eight times out of ten, it will not answer, and rings out, going to message bank. Why is this so and am I doing something wrong?Why two different answering systems on one type of phone?


  • Eight times out of ten, it will not answer, and rings out, going to message bank.

    Hmm, time to put in a request for a new work phone…LG P690F you say… ;)

  • I think the round green symbol is when the phone is 'locked' and the green square is when it isn't locked, or when (I've noticed) that it was recently locked.

    I have annoying problems with answering calls too - I blame it on the general sluggishness of the phone because of the slow hardware.. Many times the phone has frozen and needed manual/auto reboot, and even sometimes it freezes up during a phone call coming in… very frustrating

  • I used this phone for a few months, and I also experienced the same problem a few times. In my opinion this happens when you have a lot of apps running in the background, and the phone memory is struggling to cope up. When there is an incoming call, the phone struggles and misbehaves like this. Try using the Tasker app etc, to kill unnecessary apps…Also uninstall the apps that you don't need/use. Avoid "heavy" apps like Skype. Hope that helps.

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