Looking for recommendation for solar panels for new home.
Is it better to go with hybrid or regular ? Pros and cons pls
Please suggest on below
- 6.6kw or 10kw ( Family of 4)
- hybrid or regular ?
- Storage batteries or feed in tariff ?
3 .Good brands for panels - Good brands for inverters
Please provide your usage (how many kWh you use a day), usage pattern (how much kW you use hour by hour; do you use most during the day or at night) and home appliances (reverse A/C, swimming pool, hot water systems etc)
Without above no one can give you any meaningful suggestions or advices.
In terms of inverter brand and whether to go hybrid, please provide your upfront budget and your ideal payback period.
Importantly, search a reputable installer around your area. I don’t know where you live so no suggestion can be given.