This was posted 1 year 6 months 17 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[Pre Order, PS4, PS5, XSX] Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III $79 Delivered @ Amazon AU

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Amazon Preorder Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (2023) PS4, PS5 and XSX for $79
Release Date: 10 November 2023

Whenever you pre-order an item eligible for Pre-order Price Guarantee, the price we charge when we ship it to you will be the lowest price offered by between the time you placed your order and the end of the day of the release date.

JB has listed for the same price and steelbook edition for $99
EB has listed at a higher price for $109.95

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.

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closed Comments

  • That is great if you don't have any PS5 or XSX games above $10 trade value for the EB deal

    • Can you elaborate a bit on this? Also, is there an online list of eligible games?

      • EB Games will let you get the game for $49 if you trade 2 x PS5 or XSX games worth $10 or more trade value

    • +1

      Can I trade in MW2?

      • Yes but you will need a second game to get the $49 deal or just trade it towards the preorder. Only issue is the EB price is higher than most other stores.

        • You got any eligible trade-in list by chance?

          • @starspawn: No I don't sadly but you can work it out based on a third of the EB Games preowned sell price. For example a $28 preowned game should trade for $10.

  • +2

    lol ps5 is out of stock wtf

    • Microsoft put the fix in.

    • +1

      PS4 is cross gen so should be just fine for PS5 owners.

  • +1

    PS5 currently unavailable

    • +1

      Grab PS4 copy as it comes with the PS5 upgrade

  • +10

    Is this Modern Warfare III III aka COD 26?
    Why are they just rehashing games and movies these days? Can't think of anything new, when they do its usually as trash as the rehashes.

    • +3

      Oh, it's this take again.

      They make them because people want to play them.

      • Why not just call it COD 2023 or COD XXVI at the least?

        • If they called it that, would it make you feel better?

          • +3

            @pharcyde: I'd be less confused since this is I think COD MW III 3.

            • -4

              @reactor-au: What? CoD MW 3 3?

              • @pharcyde: Yes the 3rd iteration of MW3

                • @reactor-au: No, it's not. The original MW3 was released in 2011.

                  • -2

                    @pharcyde: And there was also a remaster or remake a few years ago.

                    • +1

                      @reactor-au: There was a remaster of the MW2 Campaign. You said MW3. No wonder you're confused!

                      • @pharcyde: Exactly, very confusing

                        • +1

                          @reactor-au: You're the only one who is confused. It is a very simple concept.

                        • +5

                          @reactor-au: Come now, there's nothing to be confused about. This is CoD MW III (2023), the sequel to CoD MW II (2022), not to be confused with CoD MW II (2009) or CoD MW II Remastered (2020), the original of which also had a sequel called CoD MW III (2011) and was the third game in the series starting with CoD 4: MW (2007) which should also not be confused with CoD: MW Remastered (2016) nor should it be confused with CoD: MW (2019), which would feature CoD: MW III (2023) as the third game in this series.


                    • +1

                      @reactor-au: Yeah, a remake isn’t an “iteration”, it’s a remake of the first iteration, it’s not a wholly new version of MW3.

              • +2

                @pharcyde: I would've just called it CoD Battlefield MW apocalypse WWIII 3.

      • -1

        They make them because people want to play them

        Weak defence unless you're also defending mobile gambling for kids or, like, pokies haha

        • +2


          The free market has decided. No defence needed.

      • Yet the gameplay is totally different and you still can't play maps like Terminal & Highrise. They don't even deliver on what the people wanting to play modern "MW2/3" want. The only reason the name can make sense is because of the campaign, which is fair enough because the campaign is the only thing worth paying attention to… after they gave up on their bread-and-butter multiplayer because of warzone.

        • +1

          Campaign war really good but really short in mw2!!! I ended up returning the game via Amazon for full refund

          • @Kammi: Can you return the game to Amazon after opening the plastic seal/playing?

            • @virtualds: Yep 🤐

              I smashed the campaign in one night and returned it the next day

    • Yea it is cod 26 honestly, but I like to play cod

    • +2

      Cos the COD kiddies keep buying the trash.

    • +1

      It's Modern Warfare III II actually

  • +3

    16 MW2 remastered maps

  • Sledgehammer giving the 🖕to all the dumb decisions IW made in the past 2 games. Bless

    • +1


      • +1

        Not sure about the past 2 games, but definitely with MW2 it was a step back.

        Game felt incredibly clunky and removed nearly everything that added speed into the game.

    • +4

      We haven’t even seen gameplay yet, how could you possibly make that assessment, guaranteed you and most other dips who buy this shit day one will be crying about how much this game sucks a month in.

    • How about removing SBMM so people can finally play with their friends again with lobbies like they used to be.

      Honestly can't believe they have a stat saying they make more money by having SBMM because there's A LOT of people that don't touch the game because of SBMM too, if it was close it would be a no brainer to have no SBMM, so it must make them way more money… somehow.

      • +1

        They haven't used SBMM since MW19 at least. They use EOMM now, which is worse.

        But honestly - I've never once noticed or complained about SBMM. People blow it out of proportion.

        • I'd say SBMM was worse, I used to vs the same people nearly every match in MW19 and CW. Vanguard had some new faces but I was pretty much matched up against them all the time as well. I can't remember the clan, it got to the point where every single match was vs different people from the same clan lol

  • +20

    Who ever pre orders any cod game has rocks in their head. It will be a buggy mess as it always is. Stop pre ordering these garbage games from greedy devs

  • +1

    So what's the go with this game? Is it just last years game with new maps?

  • +9

    Remember - no preorders.

    • +3

      Any other retailer yes.

      But this is Amazon. Free returns. Easy cancellations once review embargo lifted. Lock in any price dip along the way prior to shipment.

      No stress.

      • +1

        It was a reference to COD MW2.
        If it's Amazon then it's next day delivery anyway, why preorder?

        • +4

          If it's Amazon then it's next day delivery anyway, why preorder?

          Because if you preorder and there is a price drop it will match your preorder. Even if preorder price increases after the fact you will still be charged the lower price.

          Many instances of prices being more expensive on release day or just prior compared to months prior when there was a price drop. So that's one advantage of preordering stuff early. Easier to flip the game for same amount you paid for it.

          But all the above is only unique to Amazon, I wouldn't bother preordering through other retailers I agree with you.

        • Because my June preorder for Spiderman 2 has been locked in at $79.20

  • -1

    I already played it in 2011. Not gonna buy the same MW3 again

    • -1


    • What's funny is that if they just copied the original game 1:1 and remastered the graphics to todays standards it would do way better than this in terms of player count in multiplayer.

      • 4k 120fps 2009 MW2? Hell yeah I'd buy that.

  • +2

    MWIII aka DLC pack that should be released on MW1

    • And pay at least $70 for the dlc anyway.

  • +1

    Can't wait to pay $100 for the same thing on PC.
    I remember when it was the other way around. Wth happened. 😣

  • FYI for mw2 I preordered through Amazon and didn't get a beta code

  • +5

    This was meant to be free DLC but they backflipped on that idea and decided to charge full retail price.

    Not a bargain, it's basically a scam at any price.

    • +3

      One of the reasons I spent $110 on MWII was that there wouldn't be another COD in 2023.

      Since warzone is free, you're basically paying for the normal multiplayer experience, which is hit and miss at the best of times.

      MWII came out with a shoddy UI, no hardcore, ordinary maps at best and constant bugs.

      • Yeah same. My son is more into it than me and he spends more time on the free version.

        I'm a bit nonplussed so I'm jumping off the COD train for a while.

    • +1

      They never actually said that.

  • +3

    I'm only interested in CoD these days to play the campaign. Picked up MW2019 for ~$30 (still too expensive imo) and am waiting for a decent price on MW2.

    Maybe it'll pop up on game pass/PS+ like Cold War did? Nah I'm probably dreaming.

    • +1

      Maybe once the ABK acquisition goes through…

    • yeah I'm in the same boat mate, I got it and cant believe the state of CoD after years of being away..
      Firstly you have to download warzone, just to play MW2.. why, who the hell knows, warzone gets an update, you gotta get that before you can continue the campaign.. (my current folder size is 98Gb)
      Need a constant connection to play the campaign (i got disconnected a few times) have to load the main menu, then select campaign, which then restarts the game in campaign mode, every… goddamn,.. time..
      One update deleted my entire campaign progress and I had to restart again..
      Its a great game, but cant believe the shit around it, and the constant up sell everything you logging of new skins or some shit, its like being in a 3rd world flee market,

  • +2

    I didn't buy MWII because I thought they'd do this. This model is archaic and they are still sticking to it.

  • Is this a remake or a remaster of COD Modern Warfare 3 from 2011 or is it a whole new game?

    I don't get it. If it's a new game, why not call it something different to avoid confusion? There are literally millions of other thing they could have called it, like Call of Duty: Revenge of the Potatoes, instead of rehashing names.

    Think of the poor kid who asks his mum to buy him a copy of CoD Modern Warfare 3, only for his mum to come back with a copy of 2011's game because the name is exactly the same. The kid will be rightly pissed.

    • Whole new game. This is a continuation of the Modern Warfare 2019 and MW2 (2022) games.

      Want even more confusion? There are remasters of the original MW & MW2 as well.

  • +2

    Ok everyone idk why yall are fighting they are clearly different names.
    Call of duty MW3 was released in the 2011
    Call of duty MWIII is this one

    No confusion at all..

  • +1

    What a rubbish game

  • I purchased MW II (or to continue the re-imagining joke… MW II: II) on a bit of a whim. Hadn't played COD in years, my previous attempt with MW 2019 didn't go very well (something in the graphics in the console version didn't mesh well with my eyes). Took a punt on MW II……while the multiplayer is infuriating at times, it's still fun for me most of the time. And once they re-introduced Shipment, it became my new video game addiction!!

    That said I don't know if I'd get MW III being that it's just a DLC masquerading as a full price game. I might get tempted down the line if they keep Shipment as part of the map rotation!

  • Just watched the trailer

    Looks heavily inspired by the movie The Rock in the underwater siege

    The Rock is one of my favourite movies

  • +1

    Never pre order, learnt my lesson with Cyberpunk..

  • Thought that was red redemption for $79 with the red cover…😅

  • +1

    No rushin' into this preorder.

  • Only PS4 version available. PS5 and XsX sold out

  • Holy shit.

    12 years later, and I'll be price matching 79 bucks for Modern Warfare 3…again.

  • I’m an absolute weapon on MW2. @me

    • +1


    • -KD below 1.2

  • The whole lobby the other day had DLC tuned guns except for me, felt like I didn't even own the game bro

    • The pre-tuned blueprints are crap.

      • +1

        Not all of them, some shred.

        • +1

          Objectively though, the tunes they come with aren't meta. So they may be better than stock, but certainly not an advantage if your gun is levelled.

          • @pharcyde: It's hard perfectly tuning yourself, might be say easier for, oh, I dunno the company that made the game to do that.,..

            • @[Deactivated]: Erm except it's actually extremely easy using wzranked like everyone else.

              Most blueprints either come with bad attachments devs decided to use for cosmetic reasons or to add variety to compete against the objectively meta builds. Either that or just plain bad tuning (inefficient or tuned for only one specific type of engagement like range or cqc).

              • @pharcyde:

                using wzranked like everyone else.

                Does ranked Warzone work ok in AU now ? For the first month or so, the matchmaking was totally broken, it would take 30 minutes to get into a game with 300 ping 🤷🏼‍♂️

                • @Nom: Nah didn't work on launch, still doesn't work now. Matchmaking pool isn't big enough in OCE for ranked. You need the party leader to VPN to US servers using a service like ExitLag.

                  • @pharcyde: I should say "damn" but all I can say is LOL - just another Call Of Duty fail 😁
                    I haven't tried it since the first month, but I'm surprised they haven't done some simple fixes like throw us into the lowest ping games in other regions 🤷🏼‍♂️ Weird.

                    • @Nom: Lockdowns were fun - everyone was on 24/7 and playing Verdansk. Full 150 player lobbies even at 4am. Now you get 70/100 for Quads at 9pm. Sad times.

    • There also seems to be a massive influx of wall hacks lately - since last update… some of the killcams show 100% levels of cheating

  • +3

    PS5 & XSX are available now

  • Pre-ordered PS5 copy, such a sucker for COD now!

  • Anyone been hit yet or clan members been hit… ?…

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