Where's The Best Place to Store Jewellery & Cash

Just want to get some recommendations on the most ideal places to store jewellery and cash.

I currently have a safe in my bedroom but it's not bolted down and can easily be picked up.

I've seen some clever items online, like a fake water bottle, soda can etc. I have access to the roof so maybe that's the ideal place?

Alternative expensive option will be to hire a bank deposit box.

What do ozbargainers think…


  • +11

    Bank deposit box, if you find one. Even if it is expensive, you'll sleep better knowing that your valuable items are safe and protected.

    • -6

      Pretty sure you're not allowed to keep cash in a safety deposit box

      • +2

        Who is to know.

      • Why not? I have some collector items in my safety deposit box.

        • -1

          Pretty sure it's got to do with money laundering laws and things like that.

          • +6

            @Sammy Boi: Nope, no restrictions. It's just a poor idea to keep substantial amounts of cash in a deposit box; limited access hours and no interest earned.

          • @Sammy Boi: An actual source would be better than hearsay for something as straightforward as this.

  • +2

    Bank deposit box for sure if you don't use them frequently. Also make sure they're appropriately covered by insurance.

    • If you insure it then a third party knows what you have.

      • +5

        Yeah. The insurance company. They can't cover you for items you won't tell them about.

        • +1

          What if they tell the government then you're asked to explain where you got it.

          • @JIMB0: I notice it's never the wealthy that are so paranoid about others knowing which valuables are in their possession. Sxio's point about insuring valuables properly is the important part - assuming you or I have valuables worth insuring (we don't).

    • +2

      Contents of a bank safe deposit box are not insured by the bank

  • +11

    Can't share this here, thieves pride themselves on knowing all of our hacks. Inside an old cathode ray TV or VCR would work ok, thieves won't take those. I do like this one
    Certainly off site is the safest option.

    • +1

      That's a good one, but I'm in a rental, so not an option for me.

      • hollowed out hardcover book amongst other books on a bookcase. bonus points for a bible as no one would steal that.

        sewn into the hems of curtains.

        • probably the first place i'd look after fake cans

        • Except when people notice your dodgy hemming job or out-of-place bible in a secular home. Or when fire consumes them.

      • +1

        SammyQ don't listen to these folk, the best place to store it is at my house.

      • Hide it in plastic bag in a clean pot of paint with a few other pots of paint under the sink. Or some cleaning product that comes in pots.

    • +15

      thanks, now the thieves will start ripping out our power points

    • +12

      So thats the real reason behind this house

    • +4

      What if the thieve is a retro gamer and steals the CRT?

      • +4

        Then no more Time Crisis for me.

        • Financial Crisis instead

    • If I see a VCR or old cathode ray TV I know 100% it’s gonna have some goodies inside

      • Or a fishbowl.

      • You sound like a burglar.

        • Or just someone who reads the stash hacks written on this forum, subtly pointing out the irony of giving burglars tips on where to look.

  • In the Fortress Of Solitude….or on the Man Of Steel himself.

  • +1

    Inside old socks spread all over the house, no one will ever pick these up! :)

    • +5

      With a sign near the back door…

      A teenage boy lives here

    • i think peggy bundy found it there when al hid his cash in them (alien episode?)

  • +8

    *takes notes*

  • +1

    Put a slit in the underside of your mattress

    • +1

      wont work. one of my friend's house was robbed while he was overseas for a month. when he came back he was shocked to see thieves have flipped the whole house inside out including mattresses, drawers etc.. .most likely the thieves had made multiple visits.

  • Cereal boxes at the back of the pantry.

    • +2

      What if the thief is hungry and wants to have cereal 🤔

      • +15

        Put poison in the milk…
        Better yet, add a mushroom sauce to it.

      • Pick something unpopular like Kellogg’s Just Right!

        Or hide it inside a jar or pasta sauce!

      • Then the thief can take your money and use it to buy cereal 😋

        • +1

          cereal offender

  • I knew a family renting a motorhome who hid 100e bills throughout the motorhome, eventually they could not find them all when it came time to return it.

    I've always thought that a clever place to hide jewelry would be into small pockets that you can sew in your curtains next to the pole. Doubt anyone would think to look there, until this post :P

  • I have a bank deposit box and a safe. Like a big arse 750kg safe. If you're ever thinking are they worth it (second hand) the answer is yes.

    • you keep a small amount of your valuables in the obvious safe, then store the rest in the middle of all your junk boxes.

      • +1

        And put two hundred dollar bills on the top and bottom of a stack of fake money.

        Put some baby powder in a plastic bag.

        Also put some of those fake silver jewellery which are just nicely chromed stainless steel.

        Maybe slide an Apple AirTag among the stuff too.

    • With enough time (eg. whilst you are away for work, on holidays, etc) criminals will still be able to get into alot of safes, so make sure you back it up with a decent CCTV and monitored alarm systems.

      • Yep, all of those things.

        But to give you an idea, we bought it after relying (foolishly) on a hand me down small safe from grandparents made in the 70s. Probably around a 50kg one.

        We were burglarised 3 times. The bastards came back because they saw the safe.

        They spent the entire night in the shed, unbeknownst to us, trying to break into in with tools at hand. After their 8 hours, they gave up and the safe survived but was a wreck. It hand to be busted open to salvage the contents.

        Now, if some dumb thief wants to have a crack at my ex bank safe, he's got before the cops or my gun gets to him 🤣🤷‍♀️

    • How did you move the 750kg safe to your home?

      • +1

        We didnt. The safe people move it for us. We recently moved and it was about $400.

        The have a truck with a crane, burley men and an uncanny knowledge of physics.

        Essentially, they lift the safe down onto steel rollers then simply push it where it needs to go. Bit of a rock, tilt and a crowbar gets it done.

        Best $400 spent 👍

  • +10

    Prison wallet has always worked for me.

  • +2
    • -1

      Without looking at the video is it a wrist?

      • +1

        A 'Pulp Fiction' fan would appreciate

  • +2

    Just bolt down the safe instead of trying to improvise hidey holes.

  • +3

    I know someone who hid them in their garbage bin with garbage bag on top and some dry garbage in it such that it doesn't make the home smell when they are away plus thieves didn't look under garbage as that will be unpleasant. And, actually thieves came entered their property and nothing was stolen. LOL

  • +2

    Gun safe bolted to the floor

    • (noise issues aside) How do those safes go with cordless angle grinders?

  • +2

    Unless they know someone is going to be away for a long time thieves will probably not want to go through a whole pile of stuff to find jewellery. I would leave some sacrificial cash, and costume jewellery, to make them think breaking in was worth while and put anything valuable at the back end of a pile of inconsequential stuff in a storage area, like above your garage.

    As others have said if they are really valuable get a bank deposit box so you can stop worrying.

    • but if you found something wouldnt you want to keep looking?

      • Nah, they want to get in and out quickly in case the owners come back.

  • +23

    there's always money in the banana stand

  • Bury them in your garden.

  • +3

    Why can't you put your cash in a bank account?

    • +1

      Cash in hand tradie, Asian restauranteur, sex worker, drug dealer or cabbie? Who else deals with cash these days?!

  • +3

    I have all my money in $100 notes sewn into the hems of my bedroom curtains upstairs, and another mega amount in my kitchen cupboard under the box of cereal in a large red tin in case im not there and you're looking. Help yourself to coffee if you come and I'm not home.

  • I had a hidey hole behind a picture in the bedroom. No safe or locks or anything, but just behind the painting itself

  • +5

    this thread sure is a nice way to find out where you should be looking for valuables if you are a thief

  • Wear it all, so the police can't seize it when you get nicked.

    • Something Something American Made

  • +2

    What is the real chance of someone breaking in? Do you live in a high crime area? If not, stick with the safe and bolt it down in the bottom of a wardrobe. If it’s a high crime area, sell your stuff and out the cash in the bank.

    • -1

      I had a housesitter while on holiday in Mar/April. She took cash and valuables from the safe - similar to the one described by OP.. Not all the contents, just what she wanted. So they don't have to break in and it doesn't have to be a high crime area. She also had a good search literally everywhere. She has just over 3 weeks to do so. As she was in the house with our permission, the insurance company has denied the claim. She has been charged and spent time on Remand. She was doing this instead of working in Qld, NSW and ACT. When they caught her, NSW police were also thrilled.

      OP, talk to some. South Africans. Our DIL is from South Africa and her family have ways of hiding their valuables without using safes, security cameras and lights etc. They have never had an issue and the risk is higher there.

      • +2

        How did she open the safe?

        • +1

          she opened the door to the safe

        • +1

          The key was hanging on a hook next to it and the code was on a post it note on the fridge.

  • Metal box in a bigger cardboard box of junk in the far corner of the ceiling for the jewellery. Bank for the cash.

  • +1

    Wrap in plastic bag and put it on a rope into your septic tank.

    • +9

      Not sure the plastic bag will be enough to ensure there is no smell. Im not sure the expression filthy rich is meant to be taken in this context.

      • cistern of the toilet is better / clean option.

    • Maybe easier to recover from your toliet cistern?

      • Have you not seen 'Pretty Woman'?

        • Seen the film but can't recall the reference… all good, found it!

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