Half Price Tuesday
50% off - 186098
Traditional and Premium range only
Half Price Tuesday
50% off - 186098
Traditional and Premium range only
I ordered last week with the 50% off deal for the first time in several years. It wasn't cheap even with 50% off and I actually had to check with them if I'd accidentally received their mini pizzas by mistake. Can't believe how small their "large" is. Easily half the size of the local pizzeria I normally go to and if it weren't for the 50% off it would've been more expensive as well.
Well, I don't think they are able to shrink the size but the toppings
Nah the base has shrunk, I'd barely call their 'large' a medium size pizza now.
@ptfff: Said that Large from dominos Australia is 10 inches. I agree the term Large here is kinda false advertised. Normally I notice the KJ which is around 4k-5k which is okay for 2 people if with drinks and sides.
@bcYield: They aren't 10 inches anymore though, I've measured two I've bought recently, one classic crust and one deep pan, both have been no more than 24.5 cm which is under 10 inch. So despite the employee here denying they've shrunk again, the evidence is right there by measuring them.
'personal' is a pizza size?
Especially, when you get the thin'n'crispy base, like I do.
It's been like this for a long time. They do seem to have upped their toppings making it taste even better which is far more meaningful than humongous empty pizzas. However, it looks like they recently hike their prices by 10%.
Does this bring their latest pricing scheme back down to Earth?
Same deal as last week. Are we going to get a list of dominoes half price Tuesday deals or did we stop doing that?
Same deal as yesterday just so you know, ctually a week-long deal last deal
uhh… Dominos removed the firebreather???
RIP. That was my go-to order from Dominoes. :(
switching mushrooms to jalapeno on the supreme isnt too far off.
Firebreather had mushrooms though, so would be replace Pineapple with Jalapenos, right?
@Karmond: I don't think it had mushrooms? At least not any time I've ordered it.
2 free swaps, you can kinda turn most things into most other things - just gotta make sure you're doing like-for-like cost ingredients
@sethowar: Guess you're right. I must be confusing the mushrooms with something else I used to order a long time ago. (Peri peri beef?)
Yes at 50% off or more it becomes ok, 40% marginal. Also try some different stores as I find they can vary.
50% off with 50% less toppings. :')
Still waiting for a discount on the value/value max range…
Add a thousand dollars to upgrade from a base to anything with actual toppings.
Domino’s aren’t what they once were.
Of course they can sell them 50% off, they took 50% off the size. They are more like personal sized pizzas now.