I have a fairly big data hoarding problem, and I am looking to store about ~160TB of data, expecting it to grow to ~250TB or so over the coming years. I was previously storing on Google Workspace unlimited, but they are enforcing their limits now.
I already have 20 HDDs that are either 16TB, 18TB or 20TB. For ease of management, I'd like to store this in one consolidated NAS, which I can build via TrueNAS, or other similar solutions.
The biggest PC cases seem to support 8 HDDs or a little more. The obvious way to do this would be to buy a rack server with a lot of HDD slots, but they are huge, heavy, and make a lot of noise for my small apartment.
Are there any other space-compact ways for me to put ~20 HDDs together? I don't mind using solutions like QNAP, etc, who seem to allow expansion units, but they seem awfully expensive for my use cases.
Ideas are welcome. Thanks!
Just because it's a rack mounted case doesn't mean it has to be noisy. I have a Norco 4224, 24 bays.
You just need to spend a bit of time, replace the stock fans, choose smart components.
A quick google suggests the 4224 isn't available anymore, mine is 13 years old now, currently on it's second set of internals.