Looking to buy tickets to an event in Melbourne in September. It's sold out. Looking to find someone wanting to sell tickets - legitimately. Any ideas?
Is There a Website Where People Sell Tickets to Gigs They Can't Go to?

thank you so much!
thank you so much!
……about the username…
Look, I don't live by it… it's a username I've had since i was a teenager!
Made it when you were young and foolish
If you don't have any luck with face value resale, try Viagogo. I know the reputation is bad, but that's primarily due to overpriced (scalped) tickets.
No real difference to the Ticketmaster Platinum and Ticketek Ultimate stuff the promoters themselves are peddling now.
awesome thanks :)
Viagogo is a Website Where People Sell Tickets to Gigs They Don't Really Have Tickets For
Tixel is the best.
The Facebook event for the gig (if there is one) might be worth having a look at. Will yield better results closer to the date, especially about a week before.
Some “local” Facebook groups (like good karma groups) have people offering things like this last minute but it’s really a right place at the right time kinda thing.
Worst case scenario, check the box office on the day, sometimes people notify they won’t use their tickets and the venue cancels them then resells. Can also hover outside asking if anyone has any spare (eg a friend couldn’t make it).
The Facebook events are usually full of scammers who are the 'have four tickets can't make it any more inbox me' types though
Yes, but in between all that crap is often a legit ticket. Which is why I said in that last week, you’ll find the legit resellers realise they can no longer make it.
Is it TAA? So devo that both Melbourne concerts are sold out :(
I'm almost weighing up flying to Sydney to see them
Also both Ticketmaster and Ticketek have their own resale marketplaces if the event you're after was sold by them originally. Usually there's a 10% max markup on face value tickets I believe.