This was posted 1 year 6 months 20 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • out of stock

[Steam, PC] XCom Ultimate Collection 96% off US$5.84 (~A$10) (+ PayPal Surcharge) @ Instant Gaming


This is an awesome bargain if you are interested in tactical combat but own none of the games (probably only people new to PC gaming are in this situation). XCom 1 Enemy Unknown, XCom 2 and Chimera Squad + all DLCs. Instant Gaming has no surcharge on a Credit Card payment but a small surcharge on Paypal (12 US cents in this case). Far less unexpected fees than Kinguin and other grey market retailers.

Steam link:…

The XCommie 2 base game is also really cheap at multiple places, like 95% off. $3.87 AUD from Greenman:; $2.19 USD from CDKeys:
However, people recommend playing it with the War of the Chosen DLC.

Update: If anyone missed out, you can still get it for under $7 USD from several grey market retailers. Look here at the offer (it included coupon codes):

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Instant Gaming

closed Comments

  • Great deal! I'll probably never getting around to playing them, already have one xcom on my phone and not played it at all, but that's just me.

    • +4

      It's terrible on mobile anyway, just a low effort port.

  • Hey this site is pretty cool.

    Humble Bundles and Fanatical are usually my go to but i'll add this as well.

    • +1

      It seems to be in a bit of a grey area between those stores and key sellers, though note in it is listed as a KeyShop.

      Have purchased a couple of times from here and no issues so far.

      • Yes it's a grey key seller like eneba.

    • Jeez that's terrible stivo! Did you uninstall the keyboard as well?

    • +4

      Get a better gaming chair, bro

    • I do admit it can be pretty frustrating at times. I really enjoyed the phoenix point aiming mechanism, where weapons were burst fire and your shots would land in a circle, so you could hit enemies behind your target, also half of your shots would be more accurate and land in the inner circle. Shame the game itself wasn't good. XCOM with that aiming change would be so much more fun.

    • That's XCOM baby!

  • Decent game. Got it from Intel Gaming Access for free some time ago and really enjoyed playing it (just first one, not the collection).

  • +10

    put in my credit card details, then they want my driver's licence? fork off!

    • +1

      Just use paypal if you can.

      • strangely… I had the same response to paypal when after using them for a few years, they asked the same thing!

  • Are the DLCs worth it if you already have XCOM 2 base game? (Seems to have been given away as an Epic freebie in the past)

    • +2

      In DLC Shen's last gift, you can have a robot to aid you on your mission. And I believe the second Shen's last gift DLC, you can create your own robot after getting one.
      The biggest DLC, War of the Choosen, It add new stories, new enemies, new limited weapons, and new tech where you can modify human into half robot (forgot the name of it).
      Other DLCs are just cosmetic and speedup progress purpose.
      I play it since 2016 and occasionally replay it. The DLC are worth for replay, but I believe it is too much content for the first time player, with limited time you need to rush before alien invasion.

      • Cyborgs?

  • +5

    A bit deceptive. Even with paypal, after the order is placed and money taken, they ask you for photo ID verification, but to contact them if you want to refund. Contacting them seems intentionally convoluted, as you don't have an order number to reference.

    I'm in the process of getting a refund. We shall see how easy it is.

    • The order was cancelled but no sign yet of the Paypal refund

      • Actually not true, my error. The transaction was cancelled before being completed.

        I also reordered it, and sent a photo of some old ID (not useful for identity theft) and it was approved quickly and I redeemed the code.

  • +1

    Wow that is an incredible price!
    And for those wanting to know, it is just a single key for the bundle.
    Also, have purchased many times from Instant Gaming before and never been asked for photo ID… I always use paypal, it only adds a small fee on top, very reasonable compared a lot of other key stores.

  • +4

    Had shonky experience with an ID request to. I just demanded a refund. Avoid in future.

    • Like me, you might find that the funds were never taken, and the transaction was cancelled

    • agreed…. a request for driver's licence or passport …. if not corrupt in the first place… is an appalling internet transaction with risk of data hacking (if they don't use it nefariously themselves) dunno how systems work, but my bank asks me for secondary verification if they are concerned.

      this mob, and paypal, are the only organisations that have asked me to upload ID docs. they can stick it up their jaxxy!

  • Pretty sure the standard edition is free on PS Plus.

  • xcom2 was great but for some reason i preferred xenonauts , there's something about the atmosphere of it

    • I google it and it look like the old xcom ufo defence on dos.
      Will give it a try, thanks for mentioning it.

      • There are some good quality of life mods worth a look at if i recall too. Also xenonauts 2 now whoch is basically same same but so much more refined, yet to try it tho

  • XCOM2 is infinitely better with mods. I play with a few:

    • +1

      holy crap

    • only 233 mods??

  • Awesome, bought it and used PayPal. Redeemed instantly.

    • Did you need to send in ID?

      • No, use PayPal.

        • Funny. I used PayPal and had to provide ID, which was requested after the purchase was authorised (but no funds taken until the ID was verified)

          • @DeepDreamer: Very strange, unless it must have been some security trigger if you were on a VPN or something? Not sure.

  • +1

    Available again for $6.18 USD but I'm still dubious because of the ID requests above

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