• expired

Woolies Mobile 20% off $29/ $49 Recharge + FREE SIM +Get $20 Woolworths Gift Card -Saturday Only


Saturday (8/9/12) only = extra benefits over previous deal
Receive 20% off Woolworths Mobile recharge with an Everyday Rewards Card
plus a FREE Woolworths Mobile SIM when purchased in one transaction.
(from Woolies Everyday Rewards 'Week of Winning' email 'More exclusive offers')
You need a REGISTERED EveryDay Rewards card for the 20% discount.

Free SIM & doubled discount for taking up the http://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/77343 deal (thanks to utkarshgoel for posting that deal - see it for discussions)

Still includes the FREE $20 Woolwoths Gift Card
Buy and activate a $2 Woolworths Mobile SIM
Recharge with $29 or $49
You'll receive an SMS within 24 hours of recharging requesting your full name and address. You will receive a confirmation SMS that your Gift Card is on its way.
Your Gift Card will arrive within 28 days
^$20 Gift Card deal is for First recharge only. Must recharge by 2 Nov 2012

Offer is unfortunately only for NEW customers to Woolies Mobile, not just a new service or SIM.
T&C: http://woolworthsmobile.com.au/woolworths-mobile-20-gift-car…
Q: I’m a current Woolworths mobile customer. Can I still get this offer?
A: No. This offer is only for new customers who connect and make their first recharge during the promotion period.

SIM + Recharge purchased in 1 transaction:
$29 - 20% - $20GC = $3.20 (down from $7.90) for 5GB data, $500 included value and 45 day expiry or
$49 - 20% - $20GC = $19.20 (down from $25.90) for 5GB data, $1000 included value and 45 day expiry

^20% off Woolworths Mobile recharge voucher offer consists of 10% off in store offer# plus an additional 10% off with this exclusive offer. To be eligible to receive 20% off Woolworths Mobile recharge voucher and your free Woolworths Mobile SIM, you must be a registered Everyday Rewards member and present your card in a participating store when purchasing a Woolworths Mobile recharge voucher and SIM in one transaction. Offer only available in participating stores and may be changed or withdrawn without notice to you. Offer starts 9am 08/09/2012 and ends 11:59pm 08/09/2012 AEST. To receive this offer you must comply with all requirements for the standard 10% recharge offer for Everyday Rewards members#.

Promotional email

Referral Links

Everyday Extra: random (955)

Referee and referrer get 1500 points after referee's first paid month of subscription.

Related Stores

Everyday Rewards
Everyday Rewards

closed Comments

  • Great OzB smarts. So for the $29 deal one could pay $23.20 on Saturday, and hang on to the SIM and recharge until Nov 2 latest to get 5GB of data over 45 days for $3.20 net. Plus the calls, really only $250 value unless you have friends on Optus/Woolies mobile also.

    • +5

      But wait, there's more… I'm holding out for the free steak knives;)

      • -1

        what steak knifes

        • -2

          Bit unfair on the neg, note the nick!

    • when you recharge on Saturday, would the SIM be activated at the same time? And I do hope this is a easy job as believe it or not, my local wollie people aren't that tech savvy

      • +1

        You don't have to recharge on Saturday. You get a SIM and a recharge voucher. You have until Nov 2 to activate and recharge, well see the original post for the fine details. You don't get your $20 gift card until you have recharged.

        • Yeah. The sim and the recharge voucher are different. So you if you are an existing customer, you can just throw away the sim and just use the voucher to recharge. I wonder how long the vouchers are valid for? I think it was around 11 months last time.

          Works out to $15.40/month.

        • But you won't get the gift card after Nov 2 so unless you want to pay 80% full price, so the expiry date of the voucher is irrelevant.

        • +1

          Just bought this deal at my local woolies.
          I bought a $29 recharge voucher and a SIM pack and paid a total of $23.20.
          The recharge voucher is valid till 01/11/2012 which means it perfectly aligns with their gift card voucher promo.

        • Makes sense, probably their promo people read OzB now. :)

  • Is this for new woollies mobile customers only?

    • +1


      • +2

        No for this deal. Recharge vouchers and sim are separate items (not connected). You should be able to use the recharge voucher for any Woolworth Mobile account.

        The gift cards are for activating new sims, so yes for that part.

        Disclaimer: This is my interpretation.

        • +1

          Only for new customers as per previous post.

          Q: I’m a current Woolworths mobile customer. Can I still get this offer?
          A: No. This offer is only for new customers who connect and make their first recharge during the promotion period.

        • This deal has 2 parts. The 20% off voucher is for anyone. The gift card is for new customers.

        • Thanks for clarifying. I'm only interested in the $20 gift card

        • +1

          If you really want the $20 gift card, you can buy a $2 Vodafone sim or similar, port to Vodafone, then port back to Woolworths.

        • +8

          A true OzB'er has some unused SIMs with no credit on them lying around. :)

        • +1

          A new customer would be someone who is not registered with them. Even if my service was inactive I'd still be on their system. So by porting a different number across doesn't make me a new customer, it's merely a new service.

        • +1

          I have about 6? they come in handy for use with viber if the sims are still actually alive

        • So when you bring your different number to Wool's you will get the full deal, including "Thx for joining, plus your gift card is on the way, thx Optus"

          I can do that. another 5,oooMB; what a grandiose deal.

        • Don't buy another (Vodafone etc) SIM to port to Woolies. Its just a waste of time & $2.

          Offer is unfortunately only for NEW customers to Woolies Mobile, not just a new service.

          If you have not registered a SIM with Woolies - just register the free one in this deal. Conditions were not clear for me either.

        • Off-Topic, but interesting… GROG are you saying you use registered but non-recharged SIMs to receive FREE calls via http://www.viber.com/ (while the card remains alive)? I like your style! Am looking into that.

        • +1

          Yep young Bruce… the woolies sims [ and maybe others]last for 6 months before they are cactus if not recharged.

          You can receive incoming phone calls and txt from anybody during the 6 months, as per normal.

          You can install viber onto say a wifi only ipad and tell viber the phone number of any active but not charged sim/number.

          Viber send a code to that number and then you enter the code.The phone number is "tied" to the viber program.
          When the sim dies, viber will still work on that phone.

          Viber only uses data over wifi or a mobile data plan.

          I have even removed the sim from the phone and still use viber for sending and receiving calls and txt via home wifi.

          Some people will say that skype will do the same sort of thing and they are right but i reckon viber is better and its free.[skype is free for similar use]

          I suppose you could activate a woolies sim and not recharge it at all and use it for 6 months for incoming calls and txt.

        • +1

          That's correct. As grog says, Viber only uses the mobile number to send you a validation code when you join. And for your friends to know it's you. After that the calls go through via data.

          In the past I gave Viber my non-smartphone "permanent" number (when I was still using my smartphone on WiFi only) and thereafter used Viber over WiFi to talk to friends. Now my smartphone is my regular phone. No hiccups at all.

        • Thanks for that useful info!
          I have used registered but unrecharged Optus SIMs to receive incoming calls months after registered. Had a few free Voda ones but they weren't active for long.
          Will now explore viber for my calls. If only someone I called used it.

      • anyone being ask your id when you purchase this sim card? the lady on the check out asking my id when i purchase this bundle

  • Is this deal available at dick Smith?

    • Nope:

      Offer ONLY valid on Saturday 8th September 2012 at participating Woolworths supermarkets.

  • Does anybody know whether these discounts requiring the presentation of Everyday Rewards cards work in Tasmanian Woolworths supermarkets?
    They normally don't accept Everyday Rewards cards because they use their own Frequent Shopper Card system.

    • I didn't think Tasmanian Woolies terminals would even recognise EDR cards. When I was there some time back, I could only get the normal 4c petrol discount on the docket and not the additional discount for that week. And would Tassie customers even have them?

      • Yes, I have an EDR card which I use at BigW (and previously at Dick Smith). But I don't think they work at the supermarkets.
        I wonder if this deal is available at BigW or only in supermarkets.
        edit: Sorry. Just saw the post above that it is only supermarkets. :-{

  • Anybody knows what is the expiry date for this woolworth recharge voucher? I have one left since last year which is expiring end of November. If this expires much later than Novermber, then I might stock some up.

  • We need two new numbers, but only have one everyday rewards card? Is that ok?

    • The temporary paper version of EDR might do the trick, just like the Coles/FlyBuys Starter Brochure

      • To be eligible to receive 20% off Woolworths Mobile recharge voucher and your free Woolworths Mobile SIM, you must be a registered Everyday Rewards member

        Still definitely worth a try though.

  • I use Liveconnected :)

    • this works out $0.64/gbyte net; ie. @2Mbps, a few hours 480P 0.9GBph SD video, & 4hrs voice.

      • Is it any good for ipad?

        • I believe it is possible via personal (Wifi)hotspot or (USB)cable connection for that device and it would be great, but you are said to need to have a jailbroken iphone (or any Android handset/?unlocked Mifi device will do) to bypass the Optus Apple restriction. I know I won't get any obstacle tethering it with my haipad tablet (it being a knock-off brand); my smartphone + tab are homogeneous in the android family.

  • Any current user of this around that can inform me about their service's quality? I've been thinking of jumping into it, but my last attempt at getting myself cheap mobile service (Crazy Johns) backfired horribly. Super poor customer service, a guaranteed mistake in my bill every month (obviously always charging me more) that takes several calls/visits to fix and the slowest Internet I've experienced since I had a phone-line router back in the 90's. I'm so disgruntled that I'd pay double the amount (Telstra's cost for a similar plan) if I could terminate my contract with Crazy John's right now.

    • Works ok. Woolies mobile operates on the Optus network, whereas Crazy Johns uses Vodafone. For many people that is probably a big improvement in itself.

  • +1

    can anyone that buys them today confirm the expiry date on the vouchers please? also can you grab 2 sim cards and 1 recharge voucher on the same transaction and get bother sim cards free? I still have 1 recharge voucher left over from last year just need another sim card so that i can sign up my mother.

    • Why stop at 1 free SIM, why not ask for more? Psst: extra SIMs are only $2. :)

    • EXPIRY 1/11/12!!!
      Buy 2 SIMs & 2 recharges. 20% applies for each free SIM/recharge. Another SIM would cost $2, a SIM & $29 recharge $3.20 as long as is seen as a new connection.
      Register 1 now & again on 1/11 for nearly 90 days coverage & 10GB of data.

      • +1

        EXPIRY 1/11/12!!!

        Ah so Woolies wised up and are preventing people from buying a bunch of recharges for the next year for 20% off.

      • Wow, that's not good. Guess we won't be stocking up. What was the procedure of taking your info (id,name, birthday ect.) ? Last time they wrote all my info on a sticky note.

        • Just sold me the deal without ID - previous posts have indicated it depends on the staff.

        • +1

          EDR card is probably sufficient ID.

        • Just got one and they asked me for id

  • i am only interested n the 5GB data.
    How can this be used with iphone (and for tethering). I assume the SIM card is not a microsim?

    Will the simcard work as a data only (mobile broadband) with the USB modem or mifi?

    • You can get the microsim version, ask at the counter. Nothing says you have to use the call credit. As for tethering, it works fine with Android, but the usual hassles with Optus and Apple, so I'm told.

      • Yeah. Tethering has worked fine with Android and Symbian phones but Optus disables tethering with an iPhone so you'll need a jailbreaked iPhone.

  • +10

    Just bought 2 SIMs & 2 $29 recharges for $46.40 on 1 registered EDR card in 1 transaction. Added groceries to make $50 to get bonus 200 points offer on that card. (Took groceries to store side of service counter before purchase, so was easy to add to purchase.)

    Will register 2 numbers for 2 $20 Gift Cards.
    1 now & then 1 on Nov1 for 10GB data & almost 90days.

    EXPIRY is 1/11/12 on recharges!!

    Paid with Oral-B Cashback Visa card. They sent $50 instead of $30 when I bought a 1/2 price brush for $49.95 (less 10% EDR discount).

    Posted outside Woolies on cheap Android phone bought from Woolies, using Westfield's free WiFi.

    Thanks for all the bargains, OB!!

    • It's only one gift card per person

      • He probably got one for his wife.

    • So if you purchased 2 sims,did you have another person/family member with you because they take down id for each sim.
      In other words,i am already using Woolworths Mob so if i wanted to get this deal wouldn't i have to take a family member with me and give their id for the new sim?

      • No ID requested. Depends on staff.
        Will register under different family members to get gift cards.

        • +1

          Thanks Bruce,love the cheap Android phone/free wifi comment.
          You are a massive tight arse.

        • +2

          Thanks. I take your tight arse comment as the ultimate compliment on OB. My arse is so tight it has sealed over.

        • +1

          So tight, you won't even give a shit. :-P

    • +1

      By the way, Westfield's WiFi allows VOIP calls. Haven't tried Skype yet. Made a long 8c call to a landline with my VOIP provider PennyTel from my Android phone. 50MB/day limit.

      (Was just on a Malaysian island resort ($6/n, $3 all-you-can-eat breakfast, $80 Scoot flights Oz to Singapore) making these 8c calls to Oz on free WiFi.)

      • Gawwwd RM20/night with a RM10 makan pagi?
        Where was this Bruce?
        I'm heading to KL next week and have a week free prior to traveling companions arriving.
        Would have to have been the west coast to avoid the pending monsoons on the east yes?
        Pangkor perhaps?

        • +1

          Off Topic as usual for me - on the Malaysian North East coast - Perhentian Kecil island, Terengganu state. Its an 8 hour long (over night) RM35 bus from KL & then a RM70(return) speed boat ride.

          Usually at this time of year, the West has the rain, and the East is great for another month.

          http://www.shari-la.com/ was the resort. I stayed from mid to end of August during the 'Super Peak' season - the busiest & dearest due to Hari Raya & school hols.

          But the trick was I stayed in 1 of the 2 unadvertised dorm rooms, not a cabin. While I paid RM20($6.50)/n, bungalows 20 metres away from my room in the same resort cost RM1800($600)/n. That is why you don't find the dorms listed in TripAdvisor etc. So don't tell anyone ;)

          Cabins with a fan at cheaper places on these islands & east coast beaches are available for RM50/n for 2 people. At that price (like dorm rooms), hot water is a not supplied & not required in the heat. Naturally warm showers are OK after a day of sun & snorkeling. Still for an island off the power grid, Shari-La's dorms had 24hour aircon, electricity, free WiFi & cool drink at reception, laze around the beach on their few deck chairs & wander the resort, good fairly clean dorm rooms, and friendly room mates in the two 8 or 12 bed (not bunks) rooms. But don't think it is like an Aussie resort - its down market but in a great location. You can not book, just turn up for dorms & cheaper accommodation!

          And makan pagi (breakfast) was reduced from RM15 to RM10, because the restaurant manager was a nice guy. Otherwise meals are limited (eg RM15+ ($5+) BBQ fresh fish at night or expensive roti canai (RM4) for breakfast, both on the beach) & certainly not up to the fantastic food found elsewhere in Malaysia.

          Snorkeling boat trips (RM30 for 1/2 day) & diving boats set out everyday or you just swim out from the beaches to watch the colourful fish & some coral. But I mainly lay around the sandy beaches for 2 weeks at the end of a 7 week food trip. How I suffered!

          binatang - PM me for any details.

  • +1

    I just realised it is not a micro sim after i took off the seal….
    will it work if i cut the edge off and make like a micro sim? (i know it says 'not suitable for iphone though)

    • Take it back to woollies, ask them for micro sims they do have them. Also not that you can't use personal hotspot.

      • said they dont have any..

        • True. They rarely do.

        • The last OzB half price bargain, I got a microsim the second time because that was all they had left. I was about to turn it down, then I remembered that I only wanted the voucher. Wonder if I can take this microsim back and exchange it for a normal SIM, but they would have to transfer the ID details. Maybe on a day with too much free time I might give it a go.

        • +1

          never mind. Ive just cut it into a micro sim and it works like a charm!

    • +1

      Yeah it should work if you can trim it down. There are microsim punch tools and dual punch sims (e.g. Amaysim) in existence so the chip is the same, only the SIM size is different.

  • I joined Woolworths Mobile about 4 days ago, I was previously with Vodafone (my wife 3) and while Vodafone's network is a discrace their customer service is SOO much better than Optus. This is coming from someone who spent 3 an a half hours on the phone the Vodafone getting My old contract cancelled.

    I don't mean this to sound racist but Australia is primarily an English speaking country yet the customer service struggled to speak it when on the line to me. Miss understanding basic information (when asked what my wife's birthday was they miss understood and entered it incorrectly then when I corrected them they refused to change it accusing myself and my wife of not knowing her birthday) so bad was their taking of information that 3 refused to port my wife's number across without an hour of speaking to Optus managers finally convincing some bright spark to enter the information correctly, then authorizing the port with 3.

    Sorry that was so long winded.

    • +1

      If you are describing someone who cannot speak English, but is working in a customer service field where English is a basic requirement, there is nothing racist about that. The person cannot do that job effectively and your complaint sounds legitimate.

      BTW It's spelled misunderstood.
      Miss Understood is a little, erm…. different see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miss_Understood

    • Also not to be confused with Miss Demeanour. :)

      Might be one of those outsourced service centres.

  • +1

    Q: I’m a current Woolworths mobile customer. Can I still get this offer?
    A: No. This offer is only for new customers who connect and make their first recharge during the promotion period.

    I registered a SIM, recharged late last year & used it for 45 days. The SIM has not been active in over 6 months. I am technically not a 'current customer', but am registered on Woolies, so not a new customer either.
    Will ring on Monday to see if I am eligible for $20 Gift Card promotion & post response.
    Otherwise will register my 2 new SIMS under family members names & IDs to get 2 Gift Cards.

    • Left a question on Woolies 1800174215 but no answer in a week! Grrr!

  • Just back from my local woolies.

    The green $2 sim card packs all had expiry date of august 2013.

    All the packs with expiry on the pack of september 1 and october 1 2012 gone.

    Plenty of micro sims packs on the shelf.

    Will be interesting after november 2nd to see what date is on the recharge vouchers.

    I hope they have christmas specials again like last year

    • My local Woolies (Carindale, Brissie) SIMs expire 1/6/13 & have plenty of micro-SIMs.

      It is strange Woolies are selling recharge vouchers with such a short life (recharge by Nov 1), and running a promotion for these recharges to new customers.
      (My guess is their current Optus contract expires around Nov 1 + 45 days - when the vouchers expire. It would be in Woolies Mobile's best interests to sell as much mobile service as possible in the current contract period so as to negotiate a better deal in the next contract, or to use up surplus capacity in the current contact.)

      Yes, a lot of us will be interesting what deals are on offer after Nov 2.

      • +1

        The vouchers sold since at least december last year have had an expiry of november 1st 2012.

        This prompts me to think that from november 2 2012 the vouchers will/must have a new expiry date.

        Who is gunna be first to let us know?

        That is what i want to know, if its 12 months on all vouchers from 2 nov 2012, and they have christmas specials is will be goodo.

  • +3

    If your only buying one spend another $6.80 to bring it up to $30.00 & get a fuel discount as well.

  • +1

    Went to a Woolies supermarket this AM [Forest Hill Chase, Melb], went through all the rigmarole with ID, etc. Got all the way down to the bit where it needed to communicate with the EDR central computer and it went pear-shaped.
    The sales assistant could not be more helpful. I suggested that I take the SIM to another Woolies, she taped the receipt to it and said if there were any probs (because to get the 20 percent discount buying the SIM and the recharge are supposed to be one transaction) to get the next store's mgr ring that store and ask for her by name.
    At the other store, the guy helping me understood at once. When the SIM scanned it came up with my details, so he scanned the EDR card and it came up $29.00, then -$2.90, then -$2.90 then -$2.00 (for the SIM). In and out in 3 mins.
    So, 45 days of calls (I hope) and 5GB data for $3.20. A great deal and the service at Woolies was first-rate.

  • Can i get a everyday rewards card on the spot? I remember having it years ago.

    • Yes, but that will only give you a 10% discount & no FREE SIM.
      Needs to be also registered (online) to qualify for today's deal.

      • :( no deal then. Should have registered one for a day like this.

        • You can join online, but can't remember if it then allows you to print a temporary EDR card / show it on phone screen. That would give you a registered card ready to go now.

        • +1

          yes it does allow you to print a temp EDR card

        • So can I or can't I get this deal by joining on the spot?

        • Can't. But you still can get this deal http://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/77343 until November 1 (no free SIM, 10% discount instead of 20% on recharge, but still get $20 Gift Card if you are a new customer)

        • But jack said that you can print temp card? Means you get a registered one? Anyways it is expired now but good to know if it works or not.

        • By your 2 questions of "joining on the spot" - thought you meant joining when you were buying the deal at the store rather than joining online beforehand. You get a temporary (unregistered) EDR card when you join instore. But my response was a little late to be of use anyway.

          We had suggested getting a temporary card online, which should be registered immediately, but who knows if it would work when you presented it? Woolies system may not register it immediately at the store. Others with registered cards had problems. So there was no definite answer without trying it yourself.

          The other deal is still good value for $4.70 more.

        • I had tried to join & register online myself to give you an answer if that worked. You could have tried that yourself.

          That was at 15:15 yesterday (9min after your first queston).

          But Woolies system said try again later after going through the registration process. So I responded that I did not know if you could print a temporary card.

          Woolies system finally responded 25 hours later (now) with a temporary registered card.

          So the answer was No, Woolies online system could not issue you with a temporary registered card yesterday when you asked, but that process does (slowly) work.

          Would seem a good idea to get a registered EDR card now, so you don't miss out on deals emailed to you. eg Todays free competition was to win a car.

        • +1

          Hi Bruce, thanks for your detailed answers. Yeah I have grab a temp card now and just registered with it. Hopefully some great deal comes along again. Cheers~

  • Purchased 2 loaves of wow bread -$0.60
    EDR wow phone -$2.90
    EDR mobile 10% -$2.90
    Spent over $30 so Fuel discount -$0.04 a litre.
    There are almost more discounts on my docket than items I purchased.
    Had to give my id but can't register it in my name,(already with wow)she said it will be ok when I activate it to put it in another name.Hope so.

    • I have purchased an Optus SIM from Woolies with my ID & registered online for another family member. Later changed back online to my name as it was not needed. No problems.

  • Purchased 4 bundles ( SIM + Voucher ) from Warwick (W.A.) Woolworths. No I.D. was asked for.
    The price was as per described in this deal - $3.20 ( after the $20 Gift Card is subtracted ).
    Now I've got to find something to buy at Woolies ( when they arrive )..

  • as I already have Woolies mobile for my tablet should I use my wifes EDR to grab the deal

  • I went to two different Woolworths in Sydney and both failed to give me this deal. Yes, I have a registered Everyday Rewards Card but the checkouts give only 10% discount on recharge and no free SIM.

    The staff tried to be helpful but they have not heard anything about this one-day special. Did anyone in NSW able to get the deal?

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