For those looking for special dietary food know it is hard to find special pricing on items !
Kosher Halal Gluten Free Foods - 80 Items on Special

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Many foods are, there is a lot of overlap.
Yes there is some over lap but that is because somone might be looking for a Gluten Free Product and someone else for an Organic Product, and sometimes the product is both, and sometimes only one
Yes many kosher foods are accepted as Halal at the same time, but not all Halal products are accepted as kosher.
You don't need to comment on everything jv. If you don't even understand what the product is, why would you even bother commenting on it.
Also going to put it out there that nothing is actually halal certified from what I can see. There is also no guarantee that the products do not contain alcohol.
You don't need to comment on everything jv.
why not?
If you don't even understand what the product is, why would you even bother commenting on it.
to learn
Most people use Google, jv uses everyone else?
google just returns top hits, not correct answers.
Where as an answer on ozbargain is always correct.
I dare you to ask me if you are an idiot.
Where as an answer on ozbargain is always correct.
you can have discussion on ozbargain…
i tried with google, but they wont return my emails…
I'm on the fence here. For opinions on products discussion is great. For known facts…. not so much.
So I don't like the idea is discouraging discussion, and there isn't a clear place to draw a line (though personally perhaps this case is pushing it).
are you an idiot?
If you don't even understand what the product is, why would you even bother commenting on it.
Why is asking questions, about something one doesn't understand, a problem for you? Aren't we here to garner knowledge about stuff as well as score bargains?
JV, please continue posting at will. You do need to comment on everything. There's quite a few of us that enjoy your posts.
I think it was an honest question and I greatly appreciate the question…
because the way that muslims and jewish slaughter are the same
i.e. Before they slaughter, they say "In the name of god" and then slit the animals throat (carotid arteries) and wait till all the blood is drained
All products on the site are kosher, some are also Halal and kosher at the same time.
Fruits, for example, are usually easy examples.
I don't wanna sound rude or anything but I agree with JV's question
because the way that muslims and jewish slaughter are the same
i.e. Before they slaughter, they say "In the name of god" and then slit the animals throat (carotid arteries) and wait till all the blood is drained
Before they slaughter, they say "In the name of god"
so they have someone there from both religions ???
lol no, but the slaughtering is the same concept for both
for both religions, meat is permissible to eat if slaughtered in the same of god.
That's why Muslims can eat kosher , but Jews choose only to eat Kosher (meat slaughtered by Jews), correct me if im wrong
No. Use google to learn instead of an ozbargain thread.
That's why Muslims can eat kosher , but Jews choose only to eat Kosher (meat slaughtered by Jews), correct me if im wrong
at last, something that might make sense… thanks…
No. Use google to learn instead of an ozbargain thread.
Lol wtf?? Okay, Modokun.. so I trust we won't be seeing you make any enquiries about the product in any deals listed, right? 'Coz it's not good to ask questions about the product, right? It's wrong to get peoples first-hand knowledge while they're here, right? You have Google for that!! =)
I wouldn't go onto a thread where I didn't know anything about the base products being sold and ask a question that personally wouldnt affect me in buying it in the first place.
The product being sold is not meat, and the term halal is not specific to meat. You can not assume that just because a product is marked as kosher, it is halal, which is the quality of the responses that are being provided.
That is why I would suggest that people take the time to research answers if this issue truly affects them buying this product, instead of just going off "Well I read on ozbargain from a group of people who may or may not know what they are talking about…"
To correct you as you are wrong:
Kosher has more stringent requirements about method of slaughter. As such, there are muslims will eat kosher meat, but not the reverse. Just like most meat eaters eat vegetarian products, but not the reverse. cf.…—-NON-MEAT—-
Once again because Jewish law has more stricter laws, most muslims will accept food that is kosher as being OK for them even without official halal certification. They just need to be wary of it not containing any alcohol products (among few other products), as Jews allow consumption of these while muslims do not.You are a prime example of why I discourage people using this thread as any kind of reference material.
The reason that Muslims will eat kosher meat and not the reverse relates back to the passages in quran that say that the meat of people of the book is permissible and also that as long as the meat is not killed with the name of any other being, it is permissible. This does not necessarily apply to meat from Christians (which are also part of the people of the book) due to the trinity wherein Jesus is put on the same level as god. Obviously this is not the case in Judaism.—NON-MEAT—
regarding ingredients.…
Halal certification is not required provided that the ingredients can be traced back and proven to be halal.
Halal certification is highly sought after so people don't need to check each ingredient individually. It also means that when eating at a restaurant, it is easily identifiable that it is a restaurant that will cater to your needs.
I think you're right, but it depends on the local officiating rabbi or (I suppose) officiating Muslim leader.
to Modokun:
well you are a prime example of why people find it hard to educate themselves about this matter and don't make it easier for us who need this dietary requirements.
had you showed better attitude from the beginning by simply answering JV you would have made it much easier for those who are still totally blind about this.
i hate it when I come to a corporate function and found that there is nothing in that can suit my dietary requirement. sometimes vegetarian food can be an option, but sometimes there aren't any vegan option.
hence I appreciate the questions coming from people to let them understand better the different dietary requirements that people may have.
to 4iedemon:
There are plenty of avenues where you can educate yourself should you wish to. If Halal is one of your dietry requirements, then speak to your local mosque/islamic centre, they will be more than happy to oblige.
Having said that… If jv didn't troll so many other posts, then my initial attitude would be quite different.
Regarding work… My tip is that the best thing to do is speak with your HR department and request that a vegan alternative that doesnt use alcohol be available. That way you will not only satisfy your own requirements, but also take into consideration any vegans/vegetarians at the same time. 2 birds, 1 stone kind of deal.
this is not about educating myself… but this about educating the masses…
people with these dietary requirements are a minority hence should have more open-minded approach to questions.
in regards to corporate functions, I'm still happy that 80% of those events I attend I get either the options I needed or vegan alternatives… which is good for a country that is the home to people with so many different dietary requirements (not just the religious ones).
That's not actually correct. The method is not exactly the same. While a halal product can be kosher, and vice versa, it is not always the case.
read comment above
read comment above
now we're in a recursive loop…
i'd better wait for Modokun's approval before i read that…
not everything in wikipedia is true…
thank you…
i wouldn't have expected the rabi and the imam to agree on anything…
Halal simply means that something is permissible.
Most of the time when a product is not halal, it is because there are additives that are derived from animal products (Think Calf rennet in cheese, gelatine from pigs in sweets).
A lot of products that say halal on them do not contain halal meat, instead they source ingredients from vegetable sources as opposed to animal sources.
Hope that helped.
Yep, same with Kosher. Heaps of stuff is both Halal and Kosher.
My special dietary food is bacon - can't see it here unfortunately.
i've had beef bacon and turkey bacon in Malaysia…
The same way you can buy beef bacon marked as halal from some pretzel places here. it is bacon flavored beef.
Interesting thread, one never stops learning :)
GF = Girl Friend specials
make sure you have SafeSearch on if you are going to Google that…
There's no bacon on that site. NO DEAL.
So, buy the smoked turkey…
holy moly, all of the posts by JV have positive votes !!!!
not a single neg!!!
Ozbargain works in mysterious ways
I'm not really jv,
he's off to the footy, I'm a NAB stand-in
thanks for clarifying that. I thought I had logged onto by mistake.
allah akhbar! what a deal!
You just murdered the arabic language via poor transliteration. I hope you are happy with yourself.
I'm an infidel and should die for my "poor transliteration" :(
Hehe, jv is the good guy in this thread o.o
The main difference I see between Halal and Kosher is the comprehensivness of the law and regulations involved that constitute what is kosher and what is halal. Halal would have a few while kosher has probably 100 and thats becuase judasim is a more compreseive and perhaps the most comprehesive religion in the world period.
becuase judasim is a more compreseive and perhaps the most comprehesive religion in the world
…and hence the war began…
what war?
What is a compreseive religion, or comprehesive religion (is that like adhesive)?
Come to think of it, what is a comprehensive religion anyway?
613 seperate commandant plus countless rabbinical interpretations and customs, not to mention factional politics, need i say more. Tradition and obligations that spans over 3000 years. sorry for the spelling.. but u get what i mean.
Yeah.. because Muslims don't have factional politics. Hasn't been a a civil war in a muslim country for a long time…
613 seperate commandant
i thought there were just 10, or was that the Executive Summary ???
No was 10 was only for the movie.. Imagine trying to fit all 613 on 2 tablets! lol
are you for real?!… never heard of suni vs shiite? been killing eachother for centuries.
No was 10 was only for the movie.. Imagine trying to fit all 613 on 2 tablets! lol
well you could now if it they were dual core and with 32gig microsd memory cards.
That was my point.
As for how comprehensive, unfortunately compared to other religions, it is not very comprehensive in terms of original texts.
Imagine trying to fit all 613 on 2 tablets
he should've bought an iPad, would have only needed one.
Cool story bro. They can all comprehensively shove it.
They're all bastardizations of one another.
Christianity and Islam are off-shots of Judaism, and Judaism took a lot of it's fundamental belief system from Zoroastrianism, the world's first monotheistic religion and Zoroastrianism in all likelihood descends from the Proto-Indo-European religion.
This guys got it figured out. Just remember ur ancestor was a monkey! lol
Do you see monkeys screwing each other over because the voices in their head promised them a certain plot of land 2000 years ago?
Don't badmouth monkeys; they kill out of necessity. One monkey steals another's mate or food; it's payback time.
I can sympathize with a monkey's rationale much more than a religious human's.
were does ozbargainism fit into the greater scheme of things?
No store address and no company ABN. The store doesn't seem that Kosher to me.
i always thought the meat was organic.
guess not much difference other than the animal was prayed for!As someone whose eaten both Halal and non-Halal meat I can tell you the Halal-slaughtered stuff has a more… "robust" flavour. There's a distinct difference in the taste for me.
Because consuming any blood is very forbidden in Islam, they have to drain the animal very well; and I think this gives the meat a slightly better taste.
That's just my tastebuds talking by the way, I am no way whatsoever upholding Halal food as inherently "better".
In general I love meat per se.
Its all tortured animals to me !
I dont care who witnessed or who performed the painful SLAUGHTER of the beasts.
Modern days! Modern techniques!!! SOme religeons need to come into the 21st century.
A bolt gun is a painless death!
And Im not a tree hugger!I would like to see what you think after they hit you with a Bolt Gun. Atleast Muslims can say they have religion and science (Blood essentially contains contaminants that are cycled through the body) for the process they use.
What excuse do you have of using a bolt gun??
Animals are not people.
There are over 2000 asteroids with earth-crossing orbits out there with a diameter of 1Km or greater; known as the "Apollo Asteroids".
The last one that struck Earth wiped out the dinosaurs.Impacts like these occur once every 100,000 years and we're well overdue for one.
When that happens, guess who has the best chance of stopping it?
Not cats, dogs, cows, or anything that flies, walks on all fours and rolls in it's own shit.
If we want to eat a few of them while invest time and money into saving the goddamn planet, they better get in our mouths before we change our minds.
And yes, Asteroid Deflection Strategies are a serious scientific endevour that millions of dollars is poured into annually.
bruce willis is still alive. we're ok for now.
True. We need to invest more money into the bald-headed, no-nonsense, cigar-smoking all-American bad ass industry to ward off against potential catastrophes.
That is why you have the expendables.
Haha. We destroy this planet more then we help it.
I agree with zeugmatographer. What a stupid way to kill a animal.
I think we need to add this thread to the wiki about Halal and Kosher. It has become reference material I reckon ;)
After being hit by a bolt gun there would be no thinking!Therefore no pain
All body parts have contaminants.
Even meat after you have drained the blood.
The only organs that remove wastes in your system are your kidneys and liver!
Blood is just the carriage way.
Blood is good.
You should try black pudding.
Its delicious. :)mmmmmmm…. black pudding on the BBQ… nom, nom, nom :)
Yes but blood is the transport medium where things get concentrated bt diffusion (active and passive).
Sweet Jesus, i need a drink…
Yeah, sure. What the hell.
how can it be Kosher and Halal at the same time ?