Getting tired of looking for my lighters when driving and miss the days I just push the 12V Cigarette Lighter and it's ready piping hot.
My 2022 car has the 12V Socket but it looks to be for stupid purposes like LED charge cables and whatnot.
Does anyone know where I can find a simple thing like this? I checked ebay and amazon, none stock it.
Is There Anywhere I Can Buy a 12V Cigarette Lighter in This Nanny World We Live?

I think they want one that works.
Indeed. I hate it how the cigarette lighter stops working after an accident, forcing the owner to sell the car for scrap.
A plunger by itself won't work in an accessory socket, you need the matching cylinder in the dash.
That's what I linked. I guess ppl think if it's not on Amazon,it can't exist.
SCA is the obvious local supply search.
He said he wanted new, not rEfUrBiShEd
But then 10% off!
That makes sense. Cheers
only 10%????
Each time though.
@DashCam AKA Rolts: But, if it fails and they replace it… doesn't that make the whole car a refurbished car??
haha savage
You're welcome. Just don't throw your butts out the windowOr the obvious? SCA
Light a new durry of the lit butt of the last. Problem solved
Buy an
newold carSo where do you plug in your phone if you've got a cigarette lighter plugged into your cigarette lighter socket?
This Nanny World
While I agree yes, nanny country - is the removal of the cigarette lighter actually to do with 'nanny' protections? I thought it was more no one used them?
Maybe like eating, drinking, putting on makeup, smoking while driving is technically illegal (not having full control of the vehicle?).
Or that it's also illegal to smoke in a car with people 15 and under?i mean..theres always the humble bic lighter, in my younger years had 3-4 stashed around the car anyway as my 12v lighter was broken.
What hidden miracle force drew you to such a well hidden and elusive unicorn?
My 2022 car has the 12V Socket but it looks to be for stupid purposes like LED charge cables and whatnot.
Stupid purposes like charging your phone, camera, laptop, or camping torch, running GPS unit, dashcam, etc., as opposed to intelligent purposes like taking your attention off the road to light your cigarette, filling your lungs with carcinogenic smoke, and making your car's interior smell like a toilet?
Natural selection
Not to mention fires lit by deliberate dodgy butt disposal
Not to mention fires lit by deliberate dodgy butt disposal
You live in a bubble of theoretical stupidity.You have a higher chance being killed by a dog than lighting your car on fire during the process of lighting your cigarette.
Natural selection
Pot calling the kettle black.
Bushfires , but cheap shot times 2
Pot calling lung? black
Do they have google and Supercheap in your country?
as opposed to intelligent purposes like taking your attention off the road to light your cigarette
Would you like me to nail your vapid, and half-witted response with a Google search on the car accident statistics caused by:
- Lighting a Cigarette Vs.
- Charging, Looking, Using a Phone?
You'd lose the nailing. Smoking Pariahs are outnumbered by dimwit phone users about a 100/1, but you should prove your point by uploading the stats anyway.
You can use google, now?
That was quickWould you like me to nail your vapid, and half-witted response with a Google search on the car accident statistics caused by:
Lighting a Cigarette Vs.
Charging, Looking, Using a Phone?Did you know you can stop the car to do these things? Are you telling me you actually do light your cigarette while driving?
" and making your
car'sbody's interior smell like a toilet? "
Have you tried this magic site called GOOGLE…
it only comes up with About 20,100,000 results (0.44 seconds) hits to 12v cigarette lighter socketSome ppl can't handle such modern innovations and extremely challenging processes like google
That's why they made Ozbargain forums.And miss out on making himself a victim on Australia's second best whingeing forum?
Australia's second best whingeing forum
Which is the first best?
Have you tried this magic site called GOOGLE…
Is this you here, asking OZB for the best XBOX GamePass Deals??
Google could help with that too BTW,
Your 2022 car is trying to tell you to take up vaping.
And die earlier?
Yeah, nah.Earlier than a smoker? Yeah, nah.
(Both are just as bad as each other)
to be for stupid purposes like LED charge cables and whatnot.
Unlike those non stupid purposes like smoking cigarettes? lmao
in This Nanny World We Live
I love how the use of a single word tells so much about a person
If he calls you woke, you've made it to reality
Get an ecig. Then you can smoke and use that stupid led charging thing for a good purpose. I'm sure you can still be cool by not breathing in poison
Going by all the above responses…. Yes.
OP fails to google, or look in the most obvious websites, also gets multiple links to help, then goes on multiple personal attacks.
- Quit smoking.
- Don't smoke in the car.
Problem solved.
You can also try this, instant burn don't need to wait for the coil to heatup.…Nanny.?
Smoking should be free for all adults, and come with a health disclaimer that forces them to the end of all hospital admissions lists,with smoking related conditions.
There should be a mandatory penalty of $500 per every occasion a smoker lights up withing 200M of any non consenting adult or a minor. 3 strikes and you do 6 months (no parole) with no access to cigs in jail.So is it the new Blues Mobile?!