This was posted 12 years 6 months 1 day ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Sennheiser CX 300-II Precisions Earphones $29 on Dealrun


Hi guys, found this on DealRun today - $29 including free shipping. It's the same deal that was posted a few weeks back. Just though I'd give the heads up that it's on again. The deal expires at 12 tonight.

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  • +1

    plus on putting a value of $60 instead of $100 like most sellers usually do

  • Probably fake.

  • +1

    I bought into this a few weeks ago, i've not even received an email from them yet. I'll be cancelling the payment soon if they don't pull their finger out.

  • Beaut little headphones, if their real :)

  • +2

    Bought these for $75 at harvey norman about 5 years ago, have since used the 2 year warranty 3 times and am on my fourth pair, each time you claim it the warranty refreshes. Much better deal IMO if you know you will be around to return it to the specific store to have the warranty without needing shipping. Also guaranteed genuine at HN too.

    • I was close to the end of my two year period and had them replaced! Would I be in the system for another two years over there or what?

  • I actually agree with paintoad. There are so many fakes of this model, it's not even funny. I was going to get some from ebay but did my research and held off because as i said you'll most likely get a fake.

    These are ok, but you're paying for a brand name. There are better alternatives out there, just check head-fi

    Check out this comparison as well.…

    EDIT: MEElectronics are a very good alternative too.

  • I have the CX280 ($35 from cotd 2 years ago) and bumping the cables transmits a LOT of sound to the earpiece. Check these do not suffer from the same fate before purchase.

    • All in-ear phones I've used suffer this problem.

      • Get the Fischer Audio DBA… US$150 though.

  • Oh well, I brought a pair today. Is there a way to tell if they are fake?

  • +2

    I bought these from Dick Smith a couple of years ago and I love them. I did alot of research re these and decided not to buy from e-bay because I couldn't be sure if you would get real. This is a pretty good run-down on how to spot a fake pair -…

    • Thanks for that link mate, I'll have a look once Dealrun ships my pair.

  • +1

    Seriously, when I was looking for a replacement pair I asked every single seller on eBay that claimed they were Genuine if they really were Genuine, I got barely any replies (None of which confirmed that they were indeed the real deal).

    The ones that did reply said that their supplies tell them they're Genuine but if you want to make sure they're completely legit they suggested I purchased off a retail store.

  • great headphones but at $29 probably fake?

  • I bought the CX280s and they were crap. The left speaker died in two years after very limited use only. I suppose you get what you pay for… Would not recommend the CX280s for sound quality, so I'm not guessing these will be much better?

  • It's back again. Ends midnight tonight.…

    Don't you hate how they make visitors enter an email address just to view deals? I just spammed an [email protected] address. :)

  • +1

    Folks, I would stay clear of DEALRUN.COM. They have taken my money and no sign of my item 7 weeks later. They leave no contact number on the website and haven't responded to my request for a refund. ****Avoid at all costs****After researching online it seems if customers did eventually receive their items, they were fake anyway.AVOIDAVOIDAVOID

    • Still haven't received my headphones from this site either!!!

    • After contacting them I received mine, however, they appear to be fakes. At first glance everything looks fine but I also happen to own some genuine ones and was able to compare. There is a slight difference in the V part of the cable. The fake ones are thinner. Then, where the L and R is display on the back of the earbud, the plastic is bigger on the fakes. While I can't find my original pouch to compare, the one that came with this was not symmetrical. The one side of the case when looking at it appears convex rather concave.

      As for the packaging, the silver "Enhanced Bass" on the front is poor quality with bleeding of the silver. Then, on the side of the packaging it says "Delivery includes: CX 300-II earacanal phones, Ear adapter set (S/M/L), Storage pouch" - note the spelling of "earacanal" instead of "earcanal". Finally, the image of the earbuds on the back of the packaging are really poor quality as if someone used a photocopy. While I don't have a box with me to compare, I doubt a genuine one would look so bad.

  • yep I received mine finally after 7 weeks. They are fakes. I have been buying Sennheiser products for years and know exactly what to look for. Aside from the poor quality material, and the shoddy way it's been put together, complete with typos and print bleeds -not up to Sennheiser quality, the sound quality is also not Sennheiser.Insulting really, when the people who purchase this brand of earphones are doing so expecting the exceptional Sennheiser sound and are not stupid.

    I will be following this up and getting my money back. Everyone else who has been ripped off with counterfeits needs to do the same otherwise this sort of practice carries on..

  • Yep, mine finally came 2 months later - have requested a full refund. Stupid scammers…

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