This was posted 1 year 6 months 30 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • out of stock

Ninja AirFryer Black AF100 $120 Delivered @ Myer


Currently for $249 @ jb HiFi and $149 @ The Good Guys. Further 50% off applied at checkout.

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Nice find!

  • +49

    I read that as black as fck.

    think it’s time to log off and touch some grass

    • hahahaha….so did I! What does that say about us? lol

    • Is that prawn🦐hub?

  • is this a good air fryer?

    • +1

      Been using it for 3 years. One of the best out there. Easy to clean. Doesn’t scratch easily. Gets up to 240deg for quick cooking. Others only get to around 200 wrong model. Overall comment still applies to this unit

  • +18

    Cook and crisp 900g of French fries

    So only suitable for one person? That's a shame.

  • +6

    Great price, but 3.8L basket is abit too small imo.

  • Thanks! I have another brand Teflon fell Apart after 1 yr will give this a go.

    • did you put in dishwasher?

      • +1

        Guilty! a handful of times, only when the no stick coating wore off already however. Did use it daily for a year strait and was cheap no brand gift.

        • This one is dishwasher safe.

          • @DontNeedThis: Dishwasher safe, just that it won’t be non stick anymore

            • +2

              @viper8548: Use baking paper; works, easier to clean, and protects the appliance. You can even get it in the basket shape at AliEx for not much.

            • @viper8548: Not true, I've used it for 2 yeats years and it's still non stick

  • +3

    I bought one. I had a spare Myer gift card I had never used (seriously who even shops at Myer anymore) and got it for a total of 70. Great size for my first airfryer

  • +3

    Not sure why this model is so pricey everywhere compared to the AF160 which has a higher capacity.

    • +1

      RRP on this one is lower by $50

  • +4

    Too small. Size matters.

    • Only if you're making love to it

      • or cooking a dinner for 4

  • +1

    weve got the duel draw one its basically replaced our oven

    • +18

      Which side usually wins?

      • +19

        It’s a draw.

        • +1

          this here deserves all the likes

  • +1

    For size matters folks, af160 is priced at $199

  • I have an older, basic Mistral 3.5l. Works fine for us atm, but would consider this if it is markedly better performance. Any thoughts? This is marginally bigger capacity, so that won't be the selling point.

    • +1

      Same - would also like to know. We have a cheapy Mistral 3.5Lwith a manual timer from a Woolies special.

      • yes, that would be the same as ours. Our son bought it for us for our first airfyer as he had one…he has since upgraded his, but we still have ours…prob 3 years old this Christmas (I think 3 lol…losing track of time)

  • I am also using mistral for over 3 years, is this the lowest price? Any thoughts?

    • Don't waste your money, you have a fryer already!

      • yes, but the Mistral ones are pretty basic. If this gave a markedly better cooking result I would buy it. If it was 4l and above I might consider, but it is just 300ml larger than our Mistral.

    • +2

      The AF100 retails in the U.S for USD$59.99, i.e, AUD$95 so it's not really that much of a bargain.

      I use the Mistral too and I can't see much of a difference except the AF100 claims the grill plate is dish washer safe ceramic. I can't believe the grill plate will be non stick and intact after a few cycles in the dish washer.

  • Got it for $48 as I had a bunch o' Velocity points to cover the rest. I have the Ninja dual drawer one which is very handy at home. This one is for my motorhome.

    • +2

      You just used a bunch of Velocity points to reduce an item by $72? How many points exactly.. sounds like a not so good value deal.

      • 13,000 odd. Not sure what that'd be worth trying to use them for a Virgin flight, but it's hard enough using Virgin travel credit so points I presume is a joke there. I got them as a bonus for their home insurance.

        • 7,800 points is around a $150 ticket from Melbourne to Sydney one way.

          Luckily you didn't spend too much, but wasn't a great return.

          • @jaygee: 13,900 points it was. Just did a test booking on the Virgin site for a route I would fly and that many points is worth $83.

            • @wfdTamar: No, its 7,800 points with the $38 fee or 13,900 points. You have 2 ways.

              13,900 points also goes towards bigger flights.

              • @jaygee: What's the $38 fee? The way I worked it out was picked a flight that cost say $200, then said I'd use points for part of it. It said I had to pay $117 as well as the points, so the points were worth $83.

                • -2

                  @wfdTamar: Bro do you not know how points work? That made 0 sense.

                  • @jaygee: Bro - do you know how maths works?

                    Flight cost $200
                    Payment is:
                    Cash $117
                    Points (13,900)

                    $200 - $117 = $83, therefore the points value is $83. Simples.

                    It could also be they value the points differently depending on the flight.

                    • @wfdTamar: WHERE are you paying $117 cash for a Melbourne or Sydney flight WITH points, screenshot me right now.

                      • @jaygee: It was $117 PLUS the points for a return flight on a route I would fly (LST-MEL). It was actually something like $180 total (before points were involved) when I first checked it, but next time I went back it had gone up to $207 or something like that.

                        Just for arguments sake I did it for a Mel-Syd and got the same thing. Flight was either $208 cash, or 13,900 points and $125 cash (so points valued at $83).

                        • @wfdTamar: We are all night owl here :)

                          • @Purple: I'm in France - it's 5pm here, but someone there can't sleep :-)

                        • -1

                          @wfdTamar: I said Melbourne to Sydney and you're throwing out LST for some reason. Also clearly you have no idea how points works - if you're paying 13.9k points PLUS $117 then you're using a flexible ticket, not a saver ticket.

                          I just looked up LST to Melbourne and there are 2 options with the saver tickets:
                          1: 7,800 points + $30.68
                          2: 13,100 points with no additional cash.


                          BOTH are cheaper than whatever weird maths you did above.

                          • +2

                            @jaygee: You were working on Mel-Syd. I worked on Lst-Mel. Doesn't matter which route you use or what the flight cost. It's how much of the price you 'displace' with the points that gives you the value of them.

                            For your record I had selected a Mel-Syd return Choice flight in October in my second example. Total was $208 (no points), or $124.60 plus 13,900 points. Now if that's not what you get it could be they customise the points value for each customer and the route & date chosen.

                            Your screenshot proves nothing if you don't also show the price with no points involved. However I don't need you to prove it as I believe you may be able to work out this simple equation. I would request you believe the same of me. Also what value you might get for points does not mean everyone will get that value.

                            No how's about you go to bed and stop picking fights for no reason? Hey bud, bro, punk? :-)

                              • @jaygee: Considering you can't point out the flaw in my logic and have to resort to insults to 'win', I think everyone (that could even be bothered to care) can see who is who in this.

                                I'm guessing it comes down to that points don't have the same points everywhere for everyone.

                                • @wfdTamar:

                                  $124.60 plus 13,900 points

                                  Sounds like points plus pay on standard fare.

                                  Award seats are around 7800 points + taxes($30) or 13k points using points to pay taxes.

                                  Nominal value is around 1c/pp if sold.

                                  13k points for a $72 reduction in price is similar to the yield from virgin store purchases of TVs and toasters.

                                • @wfdTamar: That was supposed to be 'I'm guessing it comes down to that points don't have the same value everywhere for everyone.

                                  Ok if you select Business class the points are worth $91.

                                  • @wfdTamar: Well it is your points so good on you to use them. What i suppose Jaygee forgot to mention and you may already know is paying that $38 tax through points is really expensive so most select points + pay. However, i have over 200k points with both Qantas and velocity and hardly fly once or twice a year so you do what you want instead of booking flights. Enjoy the cripsy fries!

                                    • @Royale with cheese: @wfdTamar is using points to pay instead of cash which is the least useful way to pay.
                                      What everyone else is talking about is reward flights where you get flights with a much lower point spend (7800 for eg.), which makes the points generally worth at least 2x as much.

                                      • @xsacha: I suppose each to their own. I know buying things or giftcards is not the best use. I personally am waiting to book flights one day but never get a chance. One day

  • Thanks OP…..was thinking of waiting for standard 20% CR every weekend but got anxiety of this being ozbargained.

    Was looking for an airfryer for parents who don't need a huge one.

  • Any thoughts on how the Kmart options compare to brand name appliances?

    • +1

      Kmart will burn your bench top from the heat

  • +1

    Nice, been putting off buying one these for awhile. Hopefully doesn't take up toooo much space in apartment kitchen

  • Are these ceramic coated? Including the bigger AF160?

    Anyone know for sure? I can only seem to find the AF101 mentioned, but don't know if it's a blanket thing with Ninja.. (I really don't want Teflon coating)

    • I did read somewhere that the af100 is

  • So many available now. Wouldn't consider anything under 10 litres. At least you can cook something decent

  • What is this? An air fryer for ants? It needs to be 3x bigger than this!

    • we have a 3.5l Mistral and been using that for nearly 3 years (it was a present)….overall isn't too bad for 1 or 2 people, so this is fractionally larger than that (apparently) They do have an AF160 that is 5.2l I think. That one is $199

      • Would consider the af160 for $150

      • Can it fit a 2 kg chicken?

        • which one? Mine, no, not sure of the others as I don't have them

  • -3

    It says $240 when clicked, deal finished?

    • +1

      Discount at checkout

      • Got it, bought one. Thanks.

  • I got a slim wooden ply table, if I keep this on that will it burn the table surface?

    • Nope. Hasn't burnt mine and had it for over a year.

  • Our 3yr old Russell Hobbs has always sent out a fair bit of smoke, even when we don't use much oil.

    Any tips?

    • Try to avoid spatter on the element

  • +1

    Purchased. $110 (Comm bank rewards)

    • What did you do? Please share gf has commbank

      • +2

        Just activate Myer reward in Commbank app and pay with its card.

        • did it ty!

  • Grabbed one, thanks op! $115 with Bupa rewards gift card ($100 gift card for $95, -5%).

  • Sold out now (took a lot longer than expected!)

    Has anyone had a shipping notification yet?

    • I ordered another article together with the fryer. That article has been shipped, no movement on the fryer yet.

    • Still says preparing, feel it will get cancelled eventually.

  • Looks like these may be cancelled. Everyone who bought with a gift card will get stuck with non-refundable Myer credit.

  • I already purchased frozen food worth $60. I hope there is no cancellation.

  • has anyone had delivery of these yet? I got an email saying there has been a delay?

    • Same.

  • Also only had email saying there is a delay.
    Now to find out how hard it is to get refund from Myer..

    • Me too. I'm going through PayPal to cancel using dispute process.
      No reply from my email to myer

      • Good idea, will use PayPal next time for any Ozbargains! Called Myer they said 3-5 days for refund.. And that they show there is stock in the warehouse for them still…will have update 3-5 days.. won't hold breath.

        • I've requested to cancel mine, and Myer said they have to wait for Ninja's response as this one directly from them, will take a few days.

    • +1

      Its pretty easy. They refund me all the time for OOS items.

  • I just received an email said that my order is ready for delivery.

    • That gives me hopes, my order is still 'Preparing".

  • My order has said it is on its way for delivery now. However I already bought the af160 from binglee eBay store. It was delivered today and ordered well after myer. How hard is it to return something that is classified as a clearance that took way too long?

    • You can't return a clearance item unless it's faulty.

  • Mine has shipped - finally. Very poor service from Myer. I get packages faster from China sometimes.

    • Yeah, contacted Myer to cancel today and now have shipping email. I ordered alternative from Amazon which has reliable and typically faster shipping so will have to work out what to do, certainly will be reluctant to order from Myer in future (and similar with Kmart/Target/BigW which I've had mixed experiences versus typically excellent service from Amazon…)

      • Myer is a fading star. If they don’t get with the times their demise will be quicker than what it already appears to be.

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