Sealed by The King - Authored by Brandon Peterson [PDF E-Book] Free Download

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This is a great deal for my Christian Ozbargain brothers & sisters or just for those who may be genuinely vested in looking for answers or interested in looking for proofs of an intelligent designer such as God. One way you could find evidence of an Intelligent designer is to research and test for yourself the intricate patterns and details pointing to God's inspirations over the 1611 AV Holy Bible.

You have the option to purchase the book in paperback format but to be able to download it as a PDF for free is a great bargain being provided by the author of the book.

The 1611 Authorized Version of the Bible, otherwise known as the King James Version is the most influential and printed book in history. Little did we suspect that the name of Jesus Christ is signed and sealed into that same book in ways that no man could have ever conceived.

…for the writing which is written in the king’s name, and sealed with the king’s ring, may no man reverse.
Esther 8:8

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  • +4


    I'll pass.

  • +1

    those looking for answers

    Answers to what?

    proof of God is found by researching yourself

    Why not include the indisputable evidence in your post?

    EDIT: Found the indisputable evidence by clicking the link. A triangle is formed by writing down the amount of times jesus is mentioned then multiplying that with the amount of times something else or other is mentioned… well, I'm convinced.

  • +2

    Esther 8:8

    Yeah well what about Matthew 21:17?

    • -3

      Hi Jimothy what is it that you can tell me about Matthew 21:17 is it the correct chapter/verse you are referring, what is it’s relation or why would you bring that up in regards to Esther 8:8?

      • +1

        Esther 8:8

        This is yet one example of the twisting of the words actually written and applying their own interpretation to confirm the 'truth seekers' understanding of the truth.
        It is about a specific king's actions but they somehow twist it to mean 'the word of god".

  • +1

    intelligent designer such as God

    Mate that bullshit was uncovered as just a rebranding of creationism.

    If you really cared you'd go understand evolution, We understand evolution far more than gravity.

    The 1611 Authorized Version of the Bible, otherwise known as the King James Version

    So King goes this is what I like, the plebs go well okay King.

    for the writing which is written in the king’s name, and sealed with the king’s ring, may no man reverse.

    Are you saying if I reverse the Bible that is proof that I am God?

    • -2

      Science at School in Australia teaches plenty about Evolution, and that is not what I’m here to talk about though. I’ve posted on this forum to share about a book that is being offered for free for those that may be interested.

      This author of the book Brandon also has some YouTube videos talking about the content in his book.

      The King (King James) that Authorised this Version of the Bible did so with a committee of 47 scholars and clergymen over the course of something like 7 years.

      Nope not saying that, I imagine that’s what your thinking by how you’ve read that!! It seems that in your own eyes you’d be a god if you can reverse it.

      • +1

        this Version of the Bible

        What makes it so superior …Does it have DLC?

        • -2

          Downloadable content?

          This version like any version of the bible today has content (that if you choose to actually have a read of it) you can use, and hopefully you would consider it for the purposes of good.

          This version is available online and can be searched for many things, this book I’m sharing as a free download talks of the use of a search program that you can also download and install that helps to search through the scriptures within.

          • @AdoptedSon: You wrote a lot but missed the question.
            Why is this version superior? Why use that version in particular? What was your reasoning for that choice?

            • -1

              @jollibot: My father was brought up on it and trusts it compared to today. Personally knowing what I understand of the bible history, I chose to read it based on some older words that aren’t used so much today in modern versions. These words conveyed certain meaning to suit the context of the scripture that has been somewhat lost today.

              I am not a KJVO though as I use many of the other versions of today to get a thorough understanding of the texts translated as I’m young and like to see how others read into the text.

            • @jollibot:

              You wrote a lot but missed the question.

              Versions of the unchangeable words says a lot about how they can twist anything to fit their agenda.
              I find it amusing that they regularly say that the word of god cannot be changed but they all have their favourite versions of the words.
              They seem to have no problem accepting that their god allows different versions of his/her/their/its words that, according to their books, cannot be changed.

        • (youth pastor voice) It's got the most wonderful additional content of all time - living forever in God's love in the eternity of heaven, and you don't even need to buy a Nintendo to enjoy it

      • You what mate?

      • +1

        Schools teach about evolution because it is scientific FACT.

        The book you are hawking is about fables, not facts.


  • +5


    "Intelligent" designer =/= His followers and faith responsible for more violence, suppression of human history/knowledge and chaos than other singular entity save for Communism (whose two founders also came from very devout families, funnily enough). The same basic pattern is repeated in all of the Abrahamic death cults ("God loves you… right after you convert or die.")

    70% of Christian dogma makes no sense when examined beyond a superficial level. The other 30% that's basically stating the obvious (i.e. "try to not kill each other") is preexisting perennial philosophy that was adapted from much older, much more intelligently-designed traditions.

    Go read some Buddhist, Gnostic or Advaita Vedanta literature for much more sane answers to the existential human questions of life and meaning.

  • +4

    The 1611 Authorized Version of the Bible, otherwise known as the King James Version

    Ever played "pass the message" as a kid?
    This is the same deal but with about 1500 years of inaccurate repetition and rewrites, to please the patrons and politics of the day.

    • +1

      inaccurate repetition and rewrites

      Plot twist….it's actually spelt "Dog".

  • +1

    Joined 4 hours ago and this is his/her/its first post.

    I wonder how many other sites he/she/it has spammed like this?… makes as much (actually, a lot more) sense as your religious owner's manual and doesn't advocate violence against people who don't like pasta.

    • -2

      I actually had issues trying to log into an old account I had hence this fresh account and most of the time I’m on Ozbargain just hunting for the best deals without the need for the account.

      • Just wondering who adopted you and why?

        • -3

          Since this is a Christian related post, the name refers to being adopted as a follower of Christ.

          Galatians 4:3-7
          “In the same way we also, when we were children, were enslaved to the elementary principles of the world. But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his Son, born of woman, born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law, so that we might receive adoption as sons.”

          My previous Ozbargain account which I barely had used as I mostly just browsed for bargains, well I can’t seem to get access back to from an old email and the account had a different username that would not have suited well.

  • sealed with the king’s ring, may no man reverse

    Sounds kinky

  • +3

    I’m just going to file this under “fiction”…

    The thing I love about god botherers is how they like to cherry pick the parts of the bible they want and ignore the parts they don’t and how they seem to have a totally different interpretation of what is written…

    If we don’t allow gambling or cigarettes to be advertised on this site, we sure as hell shouldn’t be letting “religious” anything be listed here either.

    And I will finish with one of my favourite bible verses… Ezekiel 23:20…

  • The thing I love about god botherers is how they like to cherry pick the parts of the bible they want and ignore the parts they don’t
    And I will finish with one of my favourite bible verses… Ezekiel 23:20

    Is that verse one that they cherry pick or ignore?

    • It's the one that they base their whole religion around…

  • So @AdoptedSon is one of those people who claim the King James Version (KJV) of the Bible is divinely ordained, but other, modern, translations, such as the New International Version (NIV) are a satanic perversion?

  • I read "free book by Brandon Sanderson" and got excited…

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