Hi all,
I'm looking at getting a frisbee golf set for the family.
Can anyone recommend a good starter set that a family of 4 could use together?
Amazon seems to have the cheapest sets but only only seem to have sets for 2 or 3 people.
Do I just get a 2 person set and share and if all goes well get another?
Frisbee golf sets for families?

I believe sets generally have driver, mid range and putter discs. It is not going to work very well if every time (or every second time) someone drives, you have to run up, mark the disc, grab the driver, and then run back so the next person can throw.
Having said that, I have played with a 'normal' frisbee for the whole round, so that could be an option for each of you when just starting out.
If you’re just starting out there’s no reason you can’t use a regular frisbee. I’ve done it a couple of times and the regular ‘decent’ discs work fine. The cheapies we had turned out to be terrible.
Avid disc golfer here.
For true beginners, i'd honestly suggest 1 mid-range each. Especially if its a family thing. You will enjoy it, its great fun.
Play a couple of times, if you are enjoying it, get a starter set.I personally have around 120 discs, and carry about 25 discs everytime I play.. its a rabbit hole..
I would strongly recommend not using a regular frisbee - it does not make for an enjoyable experience.
I will send you a message of the cheapest way to go about it.
Doesn't sound like a fair exchange.