Watch face function:
- Steps Count
- Steps Goal(10000steps/1days)
- Battery
- Heart rate measurement
- Moon phase
- Color Change Option
Watch face function:
- Steps Count
- Steps Goal(10000steps/1days)
- Battery
- Heart rate measurement
- Moon phase
- Color Change Option
Free for me
The developer appears to be Chinese. What privileges does this require?
you bank details and passwords
The developer appears to be Chinese.
They're Korean.
What privileges does this require?
App permissions:
Great information, thanks.
Does anyone know if I'm able to add these free watch faces to my google account now, even though I don't have a smart watch. And if in the future I ever did buy one the faces would be there ready to use?
Sure, you can install to your Android phone/tablet and then when you launch the app you get a button to install to watch. Which can be done whenever!
Excellent, thanks @nceee
You can also just add it to your account by tapping on Install and then Cancel right away. No need to install or download.
Thanks OP. looks nice.
Not showing as free for me