Anyone Had to Do a VIIU Check in NSW for an Interstate Repaired Write-off?

Bought a car 3 years ago, roadworthy and registered in VIC. No dramas since.

Recently moved to NSW and tried to transfer the rego and they've told me it was previously written off (prior to my purchase which I had no idea about) and now I have to go get a VIIU inspection which costs $600.

I don't have any paperwork or repair info regarding the write off so I have no idea what happened, or if the VIIU people are going to request any documents, cos I don't have any.

I also called Service NSW and they said there's no criteria for being selected for a VIIU inspection and that Transport NSW randomly selects previously written off cars to do these extra checks. Load of BS.

Anyone dealt with a VIIU inspection before? What's my best course of action here? I read a reddit post from like 5 years ago where they said VIIU said their car can't be registered until a structural integrity report was prepared and they then had to spend even more money to get the car registered. This seems like too much hassle if I have to do that and would rather just sell it in VIC if this is the case.

Any advice is appreciated.


    • i mean the second one is literally me aha…
      and the first one is the one i referenced in my post.

      Other than that there's no other info i can find

  • a simple ppsr and car history would have "written off " data
    ask prev owner to provide those documents if he can
    if they are recently dated you can ask rms to look for the same
    sometimes you wont get a choice but nothing wrong contesting it.

    • Yeah i just did that search, it has the details of what was damaged, but nothing about repairs and stuff.

      The write off was 3 years ago.

      And i have no contact details of prev owner anymore

    • +2

      "Not my problem" - Original Owner.

  • 3 years is significant time and if this is vintage car and all
    then just go for VIIU. next time buy something running on road because with inflation on rise
    its getting impossible now to be a smart shopper.

    • It’s not a vintage car its a 2016 holden trax

      It is running on the road? It’s registered and roadworthy in victoria? NSW just wont accept that as valid which is stupid.
      Not sure i follow sorry

      • It’s not a vintage car its a 2016 holden trax

        Goodness me, as if a Trax wasn't bad enough already.

        • +1

          thanks for your helpful input

  • Option: Send it back to Victoria and don’t try to register in NSW.

    • yeah that's the last resort if we go and they want a bunch of stuff repaired. cheers.

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