(eBay) How come one same category item have redeeming code and another doesn't?


Does anyone know why same category listing (eg, Camera > Lens), one attracts redemption code and another doesn't?

https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/256165230061 - code C2CAUGA for 7% off, must list after 31/07.

https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/126036173001 - no redeeming code, item was listed 01/08. Spoke to seller who relisted it just to be sure but nothing.


  • +3

    its like that and thats the way it is

  • How come one same category item have redeeming code and another doesn't?


  • Because sellers can choose to opt in/out of codes.


  • we need to raise awareness for deal equality
    free the redeeming codes!

    • Rainbowdeals ?

  • Databases.

  • Question regarding eBay.. has anyone been getting those “everyone deserves a second chance” emails with items that are really random??

    Like the last 2 I’ve gotten is one for silverware, and another for model trains?? I’ve checked my ebay history, and haven’t looked at any of them

    • Are you logged onto ebay on any other device that someone else is using?

      Also take a look at your watchlist


      • Yeah checked my watch list for active and ended auctions, and there’s nothing there that would be related.. I’m only logged into eBay on my work laptop and my phone

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