Only available with fuel purchase in same transaction. Regular coffee size only. Not in conjunction with any other offer. Valid to 28.08.2023.
Only available with fuel purchase in same transaction. Regular coffee size only. Not in conjunction with any other offer. Valid to 28.08.2023.
What if i need to refuel my jet before attending the logies? Do they even consider the 1% with these deals? Oh wait, yep, oil profits. Silly me.
1%? What a loser.
Fill a Jerry can for an emergency.
Can we donate it to the less fortunate?
It's an ICE coffee.
+1 for the laugh 😂
Let’s give you a minute to figure that out.
Not valid with any other offer - wonder if claiming a fuel lock will confuse the system
Redeemed a fuel lock this morning and cashier mentioned the free coffee offer wasn’t coming up on the system - VIC.
And you left without the coffee?
Cashier was nice enough to offer the coffee but I just left lol.
It says "Not in conjunction with any other coffee offer." in my email.
Fuel lock is fine, in fact the POS tries to use the 50c app coffee discount and it has to be overridden.
Any in store offer is fine, the app ones should might actually work because this free coffee offer is a POS coupon, not an app one.
Thanks for that, I went in today but was charged $1.50 because of the fuel lock I'd assume.
Might have another try when I fill up next time (and don't get a cashier that's just on their phone the whole time/more or less ignoring me).
Fuel lock is fine
Not it's not.
My 7-Eleven told me I can't use it with fuel lock and only offered the 50 cents off…
Yes it is.
My 7-Eleven told me I can use it with fuel lock and gave me the free coffee after scanning the cup.
@jv: The staff at your local are either incompetent, trying to rip you off, or maybe a little of both…
@jv: When you scan your app the POS will remove the free coffee and apply the 50c off coffee app discount because it’s stupid. I think we actually got a memo about it.
The cashier has to go into “Coupon Lookup” and select the voucher, it’ll likely be the only one there “FREE COFFEE AUG”, something along those lines.
I’ve done it several times today. I know some staff that just don’t pay attention. Tell them that you’ve been told the app overrides the free coffee and ask them to do what I said above.
Yep, I just called their Customer Service and they confirmed free coffee is still included even with fuel lock. I had a free coffee refused on the weekend by one of my local stores so I asked Head Office to resend the memo to that store ;)
The Greenacre nsw store declined the free coffee. I pumped 50 liters of petrol, spent nearly 100 dollars, only saved 1 dollar due to a locked price , but they charged me 1.5 dollars for the coffee. first time got rejected , never have issues from all other stores
@adpaholic: Update: I received am email from 7-Eleven also confirming the operator had mad an error, and they added a free coffee into my app :) Pretty happy with that outcome.
@adpaholic: Same happened to me on Great Western Highway, I went back and told them everytime it was free and dude gave me $1.5 back change.
@I Smell Pennies: I told the operator the same but he only refund me 1.5 but don't let me to get the free coffee.
@adpaholic: if you already made the coffee surely he’d let you keep it. that’s so dodgy
unless you haven’t made it yet
Unlucky tesla owners
They know what they did
They can still buy into a can for their lawn mower??
$3,199 USD, pre taxes.
Given the quality of 7-11 coffee, I’d say they are lucky.
You mean Tesla CAR owners. I am a Tesla owner just not a Tesla CAR owner.
You don't own anything unless you direct register.
If you know you know
Maybe the local coal power station will offer them free coffee.
No minimum fuel purchase 🤔
Get 2L for your lawn mower.
I bought 3L of fuel this morning.
Don’t spend all at once.
Apart from the minimum on the pump, nope. Fill up as many times as you like.
Question I’ve always had. What happens if I want to fill a 1L fuel bottle for say a motorcycle. Does it only stop after 2L?
You’ll just have to pay for 2L. You can put the rest in your car if it takes the same fuel though.
I’ve clarified this. The store will just charge you for the amount you pump even if it’s below 2L. Not all operators or stores may do this though, but the POS will allow it.
Yeah, I thought to go get half a litre to clear my high fuel lock, get a free coffee, and then go lock in a cheap price on my next trip to the cheap fuel zone, kill a few birds with one stone.
I wish they did promotions with large coffees. Something so small isn't enough to satisfy me!
Dat's what she seyz.
Buy more fuel.
Split fuel purchase into two and get 2x regular coffees lol
Easily done. Pump 2L then hang up pump, wait till it stops. Pick up pump and get another 2L. Pay and get 2 coffees.
Can anyone vouch their coffee is any better as they have changed the blend?
I argue half the equation is the different lid they have on the cup. Some takeouts have lids which aerate the coffee and can make the taste quite different. The new 7/11 lids aren’t it.
Smoother/less bitter but less intensity in my experience.
You have to double shot it to make it taste passable.
I do find it's a little worse than before. I had two coffees since the new blend- first was still the old machine and tasted terrible. Second time the store had upgraded machines to the new ones and they were better than the first but still not as good as before (intensity wise).
coffee sales down since new machines?
New Machines, New Blend, Price Hike, take your pick!
My money is on the price hike. The new blend/machines have much less intensity but not bad overall.
i bet the extra $1 charge will stop 30% of people from coming in .. the rest will still come .. and the increase will make up for that short fall, perhaps its better off without the $1 customers ..
I'm part of that 30%. Before the hike I was in there every second day. Since the hike I could probably count on one hand the amount of coffees I have purchased from them.
@melbourne guy: Same here. It's silly but it just felt almost free before and now it doesn't. I used to buy my petrol there almost exclusively but now I just go anywhere. Psychology is weird.
$1.70 a liter can I buy 100ml of fuel? 17c coffee is not a bad deal🤣🤣
2L minimum is usualy plastered somewhere on most petrol stations.
Pretty hard to balance a coffee while riding a motorcycle.
Easy, just finish it in one go.
Back when I only had a bike I modified a tank bag with a cup holder specifically for this purpose. Worked great, only problem is pre-dawn rides into work meant it didn't stay hot long.
Need a insulated travel mug.
Short black
I had my first 7/11 coffee yesterday via a freebie in the app. I must say I was pretty impressed with the flavour!
Regular serve is so small
Meow really?
2 litres I believe.
Got mine already. Is this a one off or all month? I cant be bothered reading the t&c
All month. No app required.
Yes. For further information, consult the t&c.
All month
If this offer is all month, then I guess the fuel price will stay high for the whole month.
You’d be surprised how many people turn it down
Can I purchase 2L of fuel everyday with free coffee until it ends
You'd have to be desperate to do that.
The new coffee is not all that good.
The only thing to look forward to is something free on my 7th visit.
I might just be desperate and buy 2L for the next 6 days. haha
I'd rather drink the petrol than be subjected to their coffee.
Good idea. It is cheaper too.
So does it combine with fuel price lock?
Fuel price lock is not considered an offer so yes?
Yes works
Btw normal price of the regular is $1.5 after app discount?
Still got charged $1.50 for the coffee.
Does this work with a fuel lock?
Will it auto deduct to $0 for the coffee if I scan the 7 eleven app?
The POS tries to apply the app discount rather than the free coffee as the free coffee needs to be put through manually as a coupon on the POS. It’s not automatic. Just ask if they applied the free coffee rather than the app discount.
Yes, fuel lock is fine.
Nope, it’s seperate.
What if I need to charge an electric car? My fuel is power!