• expired

China Southern: Beijing, Chongqing, Shanghai, Tianjin Return fr Sydney $589, Melbourne $568 @ Google Flights (Fly August)


Some great last minute fares to China from Sydney or Melbourne. All flights are return, via Guangzhou, and include 23kg checked luggage.
Dates in August 2023 only.

Melbourne to Beijing
Sydney to Beijing

Melbourne to Chongqing
Sydney to Chongqing

Melbourne to Shanghai
Sydney to Shganghai

Melbourne to Tianjin
Sydney to Tianjin

Found by Cheap Flight Hunter. Sign up (free!) to get deals like these sent straight to your inbox.

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Google One: random (188)

Targeted offer: Referee gets 75% off first 3 months of Google One. Referrer get $7.

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Cheap Flight Hunter
Cheap Flight Hunter
China Southern Airline
China Southern Airline

closed Comments

  • Nice. Love cheap flights!

    • Same!

    • -6

      I prefer visiting the free people of Taiwan rather than the slaves of West Taiwan

    • +7

      lol what?

    • +1

      For you, the day Bison graced your village was the most important day in your life, but for me? It was Tuesday.

    • +8

      ha ha. China is Australia’s biggest trading partner. Close the borders and what? We have far more to lose than them.

      • We would just enrich the next 3rd world nation and possibly get better products.

        • +1

          Yeah come get your Nigerian quality

        • +1

          Kinda Ironic when Australia is becoming a third nation country compared to China and some African countries.

        • +2

          You do realize we are not “enriching” china? They’re buying our ore and we are making a lot of money off that. We are the poorer partner in the relationship. Their economy is 6 times ours (12t vs 1.5t USD). Learn the facts.

          • -4

            @soan papdi: Don't talk nonsense. Of course we are enriching China. They buy our resources for cents and sell them for dollars. They buy our property and businesses. And on it goes. Either way it still doesn't change what I said. Stuff China and their "let it rot" and "if you can cheat then cheat" mentality. If they disappeared overnight all we'd "lose" is the 70% of substandard and dangerous products they produce (I used to repair and therefore see the poor quality and hidden dangers of their death-trap electrical appliances most people would never see), and a delay counted in months - not years, while we arrange other trading partners.

            The faster their house of cards implodes, environment collapses, and their people start staving just as they did under the last backward dictator (and Winnie the Pr_ck and the CCP is certainly driving things in that direction - toxic water, poison air, etc) the better. I'm looking forward to the day the Chinese people revolt and start dragging their "leaders" into the streets for public hangings. We've already seen recent signs of it - they don't have the hold over the people they think they do.

            • +1

              @[Deactivated]: Lmao the coloniser brain is still strong.

              You talk as if Australia has anything about from its resources. See what haopens to Australia's GDP once they run out of things to rip out of the ground.

              Pollution, my favourite topic. As if the industrial revolution and outsourcing the world's production to one country isn't going to impact the StaTisTiCs. Derp.

              Don't worry, you sure know better in backwater Australia fixing cheap gadgets lmao.

        • you're delusional if you think theres any country in this world that can mass produce products in better quality than China.

    • +1

      Your rapping sux.

    • -3

      It's won't be long until Australia is an Autonomous region of China, like Tibet is now. America is sick; Communists are going to take over the world.

    • +7

      For sure. Middle east was first, now Europe next stop is Asia.

      • +1

        Hope not. That will hurt us all badly.

      • +1

        :) If it's clockwise, the next stop is Oceania.
        Probably coming back by invaders' planes into their AU base?

    • -3

      Especially if for some reason you visit a school gym… or any building there for that matter.

    • It is oneway if you act like an idiot - believe me.
      Act accordingly and you'll be fine.

  • +4

    exercise a high degree of caution. If you're arriving on an international flight into China, you can take a rapid antigen self-test (RAT) within 48 hours before boarding. As previously advised, authorities have detained foreigners on the grounds of ‘endangering national security’. Australians may be at risk of arbitrary detention or harsh enforcement of local laws, including broadly defined National Security Laws.

    • -1

      "Authorities have detained foreigners on the grounds of ‘endangering national security"??

      Someone you know it has happened to? Or you just spreading fear just like all the foreign media??

    • Smart traveler need to update their site. As far as I know, PCR test not required anymore.

      • +1

        It's RAT not PCR

        • +8

          Just got back from China for work. You "need" proof of a negative RAT test within 48 hours to arriving but no one checked.
          The one they they do inforce is a questionnaire that asks you which area you are visiting, personal contact within the country, incoming flight details, any sickness symptoms and countries you have visited within 14 days. It then generates a personal QR and this has to be done within 24 hours of arriving. Note, you also need to do this to exit as well. That one caught me out. I had the inbound all prepped.

  • +34

    The amount of ignorance and Sinophobia in this thread is next level

    It’s like all the tight ass racist morons in one sub

    Keep up the stupid. Don’t let us down

    • +9

      if you watch the mainstream media, you get these sort of opinions coming from "experts" every single day. What chance does a 'non-expert' have when they being bombarded with western propaganda?

      I can imagine it's the same with Russians too. Would love to get some bias from the other side of the news wall.

      • +6

        …Because Russia didn't unilaterally invade another (multiple actually) countries, right?

        • -3

          it's not like anyone talks about the reason that provoked them to attack or anything right, all we see is the aftermath of the bombs flying…

          • @Frozensage: 'provoked' is emotive.

            • +3

              @Eeples: If by "provoked" you mean "didn't want Ukraine to join NATO", then yes - Putin was "provoked".

              • @johnno07: I didn’t say ‘provoked’.

                I’m saying it’s emotive.

                • @Eeples: Apologies, I mean to reply to @Frozensage

              • -2

                @johnno07: Countries join NATO by asking to join.

                Countries join Russia looking down the barrel of a gun pointed at them

                • +1

                  @JeffOz: I think you confused Russia with the Us/UK/France

      • +1

        @Frozensage As a person observing biases from both sides, i can tell it can be hard to remain a gentleman. I am glad that people still question main agenda here, but western propaganda defenetly is magnitutes craftier that the worst commie propaganda. On the other side of iron curtain people developed much stronger immunity now and i think able to see things in perspective and not get too angry at the world/ opponents.

    • -3
    • can't blame them really, even the Australian government can twist a common logic as “if you got covid please don't come" to "authorities have detained foreigners on the grounds of ‘endangering national security"

      Or just like the "porsche804" down there, I mean seriously, there are tons of vloggers making money in China just by walking around. They have been doing those vids for years, white, black, yellow, brown. I think this "porsche804" must be really special kind that making the Chinese become so hostile.

      Thanks to scomo, Aussies are living in another reality that full of hatred.

  • No love for Adelaide?

    • +1

      Sorry :( I did check

      • Any chance to get a deal from SYD or BNE to HK or Canton please?

        • +1

          Brisbane to Hong Kong for $698 is probably the best deal around right now. On Philippine Airlines, via Manila.

        • If you are able to book via hong kong booking website you can get it for cheaper price, I plan to travel back to hong kong in the coming months the lowest I can find from Australia website is around 1200k but I can get around 800 if I book on hong kong website

    • I remembered to fly Cathay Pacific for Adelaide <=> HK <=> Beijing before. But that's almost 10 years ago.

      I believe currently CSAir only got cheap flights in SYD and MEL (well, makes sense, right?)

  • When are they going to open up direct flight from Brisbane?

    • Soon I hope!

  • That's so cheap, maybe worth flying for a weekend for some cheap designer shopping 😂

  • Why is it flying to Shanghai via Haikou is cheaper than just going to Haikou? It's the same flight from melbourne to haikou, would make sense since I'm not needing the 2nd flight to shanghai it should be cheaper not more expensive? wtf?

    • Because they want enough people on the second leg (it could be that there's a lot of passengers flying from Shanghai to Haikou that leaves the return flights not full)

  • +10

    I came back from China a few weeks ago and China is very different compared to pre-covid. many elderly people act like you are the source of covid and will cover their face with a mask when anywhere near you because the media say covid came from Americans, many middle aged men are much more hostile. Everywhere is WeChat pay now and no cash accepted but you can't use WeChat pay if you don't have a Chinese resident card, yes there are articles that say it's coming but this is all bs.
    I wish I had gone somewhere else for an actual holiday.

    • +3

      heard you can now bind visa card to wechat pay for foreigners, but yes I think you should have went to Japan. It's more westerner friendly.

      • Hard to see the Wall, Tiananmen square, terracotta warriors, etc…. in Japan.

        • Taiwan next time!

          Did you manage to get to any of those landmarks?

    • +4

      I'm a bit sad to hear that… But I guess this is the price of propaganda that's "required to keep the country together". Much easier for a government to unite people against an external enemy than have them criticise internal matters….

      • You must not be keeping up with Anthony Fauci and his antics 😊

      • if you are so worried about propaganda best to just have holiday in qld.

      • -1

        Required to keep country together, whether they want it or not…😂

    • Travelling in a few weeks, haven't been there since pre-covid. Will be sending most the time in a smallish town too so westerns are rare sight. Only people I've talked to going to china recently were Chinese so first I've heard of this, might be interesting….
      For payment apparently Ali pay can be used with credit cards aswell, I'll have to check that residential card requirement though

      • +1

        Yep, Alipay works, don't need residential card. Setup the credit card in the app before you go (from memory you might need to do Passport ID verification in the app first).

    • +1

      I was in China in March and used WeChat pay fine? It was paired to my 28 Degrees card. I'm back there in a few weeks so planning on doing the same again.

      • Now both WeChat pay and Alipay have introduced a 3% surcharge for payments over 200 CNY (free if under ¥200) for foreign cards. Be aware of that.

  • -5

    China Southern


    Seems right

    • +2

      China Southern is the airline

    • +3

      QANTAS flies outside of Australia too. Crazy!

      • +2

        Regional Express flies sydney to Melbourne, absolutely incredible

  • +2

    I believe those flights should be 2x23kg checked? It was always 2x23kg for me instead 1x23kg. Been flying with CS for many years as they're the only one got 1-stop connecting flights to my usual destination.

    P.S. the international segment should be 2x23kg, while chinese-domestic segments are usually 1x23kg. However as long as you have your baggage checked to the final destination, 2x23kg should apply to both segments.

  • When I hear chongqing I never forget that cutie seen on LJ

  • Can you book return flight for say 2 weeks and then from China, book return flight from China to Europe or Japan?

    • Yes you can

    • +2

      Yes but you'll need a double entry China Visa.

  • +3

    Do I like the destinations? No
    Do I like the deal? Yes

    China Southern is by far the best Chinese Mainland carrier out of the 6 that operate into Australia (Air China, China Eastern, Shanghai Airlines, Xiamen, China Southern and Capital Airlines)

    • HU also operate into Aus.

  • +7

    Just flew to Europe on 2 legs with China Southern, some of the best flights I've been on in a long time. I'm 6'3" and leg room was comparatively great in economy. My wife forgot to select the vegan option when booking and they fell over themselves on both flights to accomodate her when they didn't have one on board. Staff were really lovely and Guangzhou airport surprisingly comfortable with good, cheap food options.
    Only downsides were poor entertainment options (who cares, I bring my own) and security checks when transferring took a long time, were poorly organised and confusing.

    edit: food on the flights was relative good too. Dumplings as on option for breakfast is a win

    • +1

      This is the sort of comment we need on Ozbargain +++

    • As a fellow 'man of average size' (1.90m) can I ask, did you book an exit row? What are the 'average' seats like?
      Flying to China on the Trip A Deal offer in March and at this point the actual airline is still TBC. Have flown with CS before but it was a while ago.

    • Yeah I didn't mind CS Airline too. . The only thing I hated (and this was before COVID days, not sure what the rules are now) was that they'd take fingerprints of all 10 fingers along with your passport when transiting to another gate. I know the US do similar too, but two wrongs don't make it right.

  • Link for Syd to Beijing is wrong

    • +1

      Thanks, fixed :)

  • -1

    What I eat could not be what I eat I think. Lots of fake and dangerous food there. That's why I don't go there.

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