This was posted 12 years 6 months 6 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Free 500ml Mother Sugar Free Energy Drink from 7-Eleven


You have to redeem the voucher online, then they'll send it to your mobile and email.
What to do:

  1. Click deals
  2. Click the white can of drink
  3. fill out your details to redeem
  4. ???
  5. Profit

Mod: 7/11 is experiencing some technical issues with their Point of Sale systems causing
the vouchers to scan incorrectly. They are fixing this now and your vouchers should
work as of Thursday 6th of September.

Related Stores


closed Comments

  • Can someone please open a 7-11 in Perth so that I stop missing free Mothers and Slurpees?

    • +7

      you can have my 'mum' for free, I'll even pay to send her over to you.

      • +5

        Do I need to 'like' her on Facebook first?

        • +5

          someone's got too cause I haven't

      • +5

        And that kids…

        was the story about how I met your mother.


        • The 'Mother' is on her way. You can pick her up from the greyhound terminal. Just look for the coffin size box, but don't worry, I poked a few holes in the bottom of the box :)

        • Horatio is back!

    • You mean there's no 7/11 in Perth- What a business idea!!

      • Completely agree! With their warm weather, they would make a killing with slurpees I think

  • I'm not familiar with these kinds of drinks in general, so can someone in the know explain why Energy drinks need to be sugar-free?

    • +3

      Because somehow they seem less fattening for chicks :)

    • +3

      The sugar gives you the joules. The sugar free varieties are just loaded up with caffeine, so you can drink it without getting fat and are diabetic-friendly.

      Basically sugar free "energy" drinks are just a soft drink with extra caffeine, since they don't give you calories. They also taste terrible because of all that artificial sweetener.

  • +4

    Tried one. Tastes like spider webs.

    • +12

      how do you know what spider webs taste like?

    • Maybe timmye had spider web juice for breakfast? Just a thought.

  • Sugar free = aspartame, an artificial sweetener.
    Worse than sugar.

    • +14

      THIS IS aSPARTAme!

    • Agreed. A friend of mine was diagnosed with Leukemia after drinking this everyday..

      • +3

        He needs to find somewhere still selling Double Downs, they cure it.

    • +6

      a lot of that stuff about aspartame was a a hoax, Google it.

      Although it is nice to be able to justify drinking empty calories by saying the low calorie/joule stuff gives you cancer or causes poor health. The fact of the matter is being overweight is worse for you than aspartame according to any study so far. I haven't met a single person who thinks aspartame (or any other artificial sweetener) causes ill health who is in a healthy weight range. Makes you think

    • +3

      Do your research before spreading unfounded conspiracies!!!

  • "Gift consists of one 500ml Mother Sugar Free. There are 5,000 Gifts available. Total value of Gifts is $20,000 RRP (inc GST). Gifts are not redeemable for cash. If any Gift becomes unavailable for reasons beyond the Promoter's control, the Promoter may substitute a gift of equal or greater value."
    so be quickk

  • can i redeem at Mobil petrol stations? they are 7-eleven too?

  • +3
    • I wonder what slurpee would taste like if combined with this…

      • A mother slurpee?

  • +1

    Urgh… the app keeps freezing for me :(
    EDIT: Finally got it to work :D
    EDIT2: where is the barcode on the voucher 0_0…
    EDIT3: ffs hotmail was slow to load the full image. It worked :)

    • +1

      Yeh, having the same problem with gmail.. Sites getting hammered apparently. :P

  • +2

    i don't want the drink, but i gave you a plus purely for the underpants gnomes reference

  • Website is very slow at the moment, but seems to be working still, just slowly. Thanks OP for letting us know! :-)

  • Worked in like 2 seconds!

  • V give u wings!

    • So do Libra Panty Liners.. and Red Bull. ;P

  • +7

    T&C says "Offer is open to residents of Victoria who are 18 years and over" and "Print the email voucher or present the electronic MMS voucher at any 7-Eleven store located in Victoria ("Participating Outlet") to receive a free Gift"

    So is this Vic only then???

    • +1

      Terms say Victoria.

      7/11 Facebook Rep says:

      ‎William… Sure is!!! Everyone in Oz can get this :)

      Guess, the question is, has anyone outside of VIC claimed this yet?

      • +1

        I have! Mine doesn't say anything about Vic.

  • anyone in nsw get it ?

  • +1

    Can't 7 Eleven give us a icecream or a free hot dog etc instead?

    These drinks are pretty crappy.

  • Going to be great with the BYO Cup day tomorrow! Massive cup of slurpee with a take home sugar free Mother for the night of gaming!

    • +1

      BYO Cup rules …. "23cm by 26cm (depth isn’t an issue) " … just sealed up the end to my new bit of drainpipe…

  • +3

    So I went to 7/11 today and the voucher didn't work! Going by the facebook page it has happened to a few people.

  • Same here tried 2 cbd stores in brisbane

  • Same here, tried 3 stores, 2 of them had none left on the shelf and 1 couldn't scan.

  • First store I went to wasn't helpful. Second store I went to said they would make a call and told me to come back later… ? I will try again later.

  • neg from me, "already redeemed"

    • I got this email today:

      Thank you for downloading a voucher for a free MOTHER SUGAR FREE.

      We are experiencing some technical issues with our Point of Sale systems causing the vouchers to scan incorrectly. We're fixing this now and your vouchers should work as of Thursday 6th of September.

      Thanks for your patients,


  • Didn't work at one of the Chapel St, Prahran stores, it scanned but the dude working there said no.

  • +2

    I just received an email from 7/11

    Hi Neil,

    Thank you for downloading a voucher for a free MOTHER SUGAR FREE.

    We are experiencing some technical issues with our Point of Sale systems causing
    the vouchers to scan incorrectly. We're fixing this now and your vouchers should
    work as of Thursday 6th of September.

    Thanks for your patients,


    LOL, just noticed their misspelling at the end.

    • I got same email…. "Thanks patients"

  • Same problem "already redeemed". I thought the guy was just being an idiot, or scanning it wrong, so I just gave up and swore never to go there again.
    But seeming as it's a problem with the system, I will try one more time. It better freaking work!!!!

  • the store i went to this morning before the emails were sent out called up for help and they gave them to me and my mate still.

  • mine didnt scan (showed him the bar code off the email), but they guy still gave me one for free

    As i was walking out, he shouted " make sure you delete the voucher off your email "
    me " yep sure i will " wink wink , ill see you tomorrow for another one …mwahahah

  • Got mine today at cnr Tootal/Centre dandenong rd. Seems like the system is working now :)

  • +2

    Just tried it at the Lonsdale/Swanston location and the guy said the promotion isn't in the system. I repeatedly asked if he can scan the barcode to which the answer was the promotion isn't in the system and try at another 7/11. Why does every 7/11 promotion involve explaining to the operator what the promotion is or the system not working?

    • +2

      Far out… you should have threatened to call head office… I hate when they pull bullshit like that…

  • i tried today but it didn't work—- I got so furious!!!

  • "This Account Has Been Suspended"


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