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Free Apple T-Shirt - Grand Opening Apple Store, Garden City WA (8 Sept 10am)


Free Apple T-shirt - Grand opening Apple Store, Garden City WA (8 Sept 10am)

*For the first 1000 customers, no purchase necessary.

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closed Comments

  • I'm 18th in the queue outside the store! Got my sleeping bag.

  • -5

    Its free
    Its a bargain for me
    Im coming

  • Next trolling comment will get a ban.

    Have some respect for other peoples choices while they might not be what you like, its childish to try and force your opinions down their throats. Be nice people.

    Share bargains not hate

    • Thank you ozpete, you have my +1 Vote

      • Thanks I have changed this to a mods comment so votes now cant be recorded

        • +1

          Geez why all the deleted red comments?

          I hope Ozbargain does not become like whirlpool and starts deleting almost every comment.

        • Yes it will get the same as whirlpool in that if people are going to use ozbargain to play childish games of trying to push their own agenda in a thread - eg apple better than Android in an Android thread or vice versa, then we will kill all the trolling.

          This is a bargain site to share nice things not bait and hate.

          Android and Apple people both share bargains of all descriptions, all are welcome. This is not a technological religious debate. We want people to respect others choices in life.

          People can play with their devices or other tools, rather than these technological mind games..:)

          And these have been in our guidelines for a long time.

          BTW we do have forums where people can go all out on their technological religion and save the world from the evils of Samsung, Apple, Microsoft, Redbull, Qantas, Telstra or whatever their latest peptic ulcer desires… :)

          And in there only personal attacks get a mods attention

    • Wow what's with all these red comments? C'mon, stop hating the Apple T-shirts!

  • +2

    Havn't been in a city with an Apple store opening - any chance of any other deals .. I remember reading that when Apple stores opened they did things like lucky dip bags (you paid for the bag but got more then the value eg $300 might have a ipad in it) ..

    maybe it was only the first few.
    Did some googling .. but doesn't look like they do it anymore. http://www.ifoapplestore.com/stores/lucky_bags.html don't otherwise think the drive / crowd is worth it.

    • +1

      Shirt is it. Everything else is normal. Except for high fives from workers as you enter, that's free, and the one thing I hate about Apple.

    • im already thinking of an excuse to drive down to Booragoon :)
      dont want a high five though.

  • +4

    First you get Sunday trading, now an Apple Store. One day you might even get running water over there!

    • +5

      This is the second Apple store in Perth, we are apparently joining the elite ranks now !

  • The new Apple Store in Canberra opens this Saturday (also at 10am) and has the same deal.

  • +2

    What does an apple t look like? Like a staff one?

  • +1

    There are a lot of Apple t-shirt replicas on eBay. If you do end up getting one, it's possible to sell one off for as much as $15. Maybe even more if you say it's an authentic apple product.

    People do pay for them (like this one, which is apparently dedicated to Steve Jobs(ebay.com.au) 36 units sold and counting)

    • the one you linked too if pretty cool!

  • If I didn't already have plans I'd be there :0)

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