This was posted 1 year 7 months 16 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Receive a Free Cheese Board (Valued at $27.95) in Store When You Buy Any 2 Philadelphia Products in 1 Transaction @ Coles


Looks like this deal is back!
I saw the cheese boards and promo tucked away in a corner at my local Coles in WA.

Sure enough, I bought two Philadelphia products and then scanned the board and got it free!

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closed Comments

  • Interesting. Thanks OP. Will check it out in my local Coles today. If its on packaging, then it should also work in Woolies.

    • +13

      The package states 'Only at Coles'.

  • +2

    Good move

    • +12

      Cheese Board, not Chess Board

      • +4


  • +2

    Small cheeseboard…

  • +10

    Yeah that board totally looks like its worth $28 /s

    • +1

      Made for Kmart, free at Coles!

    • Those one looks much better (I have the Philly cheese board)

  • +25

    "Talking out of turn? That's a paddlin'.
    Lookin' out the window? That's a paddlin'.
    Staring at my sandals? That's a paddlin'.
    Paddlin' the school canoe? Oh, you better believe that's a paddlin'."

    • …me too! lol!

    • +4

      Oh, poor baby. Been lifting your wallet?

      • +9

        C'mon guys it's another Jasper quote, he's literally my profile picture

  • +1

    When they use the word valued at its like RRP so remove the first digit that should be the real worth rrp.($7.95).

  • +2

    I'd rather a cheese storage container personally.

    • +11

      Most people have one of those, a big white appliance that stands prominently in the kitchen.

      • Mine's silver.

      • Bit rude to call my cheese-loving father an 'appliance', he is big and white though.

  • +5

    Never trust Coles.

    Chessboard was sold out (free) during the promotion period. Not long after the promotion, seen them at the clearance section selling for 24.95.

    • Probably because they got restocked, and there was a surplus?

    • +7

      I prefer checkers myself

    • +1

      Chessboard was sold out

      Pawns had to be sacrificed.

  • what are the cheapest and longest-storing items i can buy to get this branded cheese board?

    • Interested

    • +2

      Philly cheese lasts for ages. But I'm not sure it's worth the premium over the identical but cheaper home brand or Aldi variant. Unless you really need a cheese board.

      • +5

        Tried all, Philly does taste better.

        • IMO Aldi's Manhattan cream cheese is better than Philly's (both are better than Coles and Woolies' brands). Easier to spread, too.

          FYI, Philadelphia cream cheese was made in New York, but they called it "Philadelphia", because they thought it would market it better (more dairy farms there).

          Aldi is called its cream cheese Manhattan (which is in New York), purely to troll Philadelphia. Love it.

          • @PeppaPigDidNthngWrng: Aldi version wasn't nice in my Japanese cheesecake.

            It's like using anything but the kream brand of corn flour in grandma's cake.

      • +1

        ive tried a multitude of cream cheeses and philly cheese is noticeably better than all. id hardly call them identical

      • +1

        The best cheesecake I made was using cream cheese, sour cream and digestive biscuits all from aldi figure that

    • 2 x Light cream for cooking $6.60?

  • +1

    i remember this last time, the cheese boards were all gone first day, inside job?

  • What's the cheapest 2 products you can buy to get this then?

    • dupe question

  • Say Cheeeeeeeeesssee 😁

  • +3

    The $28RRP is what Robins Kitchen would claim as the 'before' price, then it's reduced by 80%-90%

  • +6

    If you got two of these, can play table tennis.

    • +3

      Also, a single one can be used as a spanking paddle with your consenting partner.

      • +1

        don't know what you got neg'd this is exactly why my wife volunteered to go to Coles this arvo.. here have a +

        • +1

          Thank-you for your understanding and kind words.

        • +1

          Are you the paddler or the paddlee?

  • +1

    Buy 2 products.

    Get a free cheese board.

    Take the products back. Say you got the wrong products. Ask to replace the cheese.

    Swap products with new receipt.

    Take new products back with new receipt and ask for a refund.

    You now should still have a cheeseboard.

    Note. I have no idea if this would actually work. This is pretty (profanity) thing to do and also it's a lot of effort, but if anyone is desperate for a free cheese board…. 😂

    • -2

      To be honest, it would just be easier to take the cheeseboard and not pay for it… In the 1% chance you are questioned, say you thought it was free.

      • +3

        I think inflation is starting to bite when people consider stealing a cheeseboard

    • Swap products with new receipt.
      Take new products back with new receipt and ask for a refund.

      I haven't seen this, you get a brand new receipt when you show an old receipt and swap something on it?

    • Don't give a wrong idea to the community, some pathetic people might try it.

  • +1

    Been to 2 Coles on SE VIC and both did not have the board up or know about the promo. Perhaps targeted?

    • +2

      Not ready yet…… manager said it will start next week.

    • Selected stores what ever that means

      I managed to get 3 in the same purchase

  • What to do with 2 philadelpia?

    • Make a cheesecake.

      • +2

        Thanks. Good weekend activity

    • Dunk your bagels in them.

  • A cheese board would look great next to my butter dish, if I had one.

    • I know right!
      Butter is so expensive these days.

  • Got 2 cream for $9, also reminded a lady there's a free cheeseboard.

  • Fingers crossed it'll be on 50% off next Wed.

  • +1

    Got 3 cheeseboards with 6 items on one receipt

    Currently 2 for $9 special

    Expiry date was Jan 2024 on the cream cheese

    • Why do you need that many cheeseboards?

      • I don't but I need the cream cheese

        Why would I forfeit entitlements

  • Bargain! Thanks OP. I got one cheeseboard

  • Got it today, thanks

  • what's the best crackers to eat the cheese with?

  • coles town hall didn't know anything about this deal. are they available anywhere in sydney?

    • While stock lasts. Sometimes they may be misplaced unfortunately. Visit more stores if you are keen.

    • I'm guessing that's a city store, they don't have the same promos.

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