Or if it's multi-versatile like for lil home stuff too…
Best Cable Management/Holder Solution Y'all Use in The Car?

capslock janitor on 26/07/2023 - 22:03
Last edited 26/07/2023 - 22:06
Last edited 26/07/2023 - 22:06
I just drape it over the back of the steering wheel.
Why do you type like that?
yo dawg. wot y'all problem. get wiff da times bruh! stay eetswa
Was it the y’all, or the caps on first letter of every word of title, the random hyphenation, or reference to his rap name (lil’ home stuff)?
hahaha it couldve been the fwd slash too
cos its da innanet mf
You tell him Shrek.
i gotchu fam
lil’ home stuff
This is now your official rap name too btw CJ
good one jw
like we call the homies homeslice.
waddup lil homestuff
Try Wallmart Texas y'all.
Get 'er dernHow many cables do you need in the car? I have a usb plug in the cigarette lighter for higher power output and a cable that has usb-c, lightning and microusb plugs.
I didn’t get this one, but it was practically identical to this