What Does Your Weekly Grocery Shop Look Like?

White bread, caged eggs, bananas? Or lobsters, wagyu steaks, and truffle? I'd love to see a list from OzBargainers what their weekly grocery shop looks like.


  • +1

    go outside to your local grocery store and survey yourself

    • How would I know if they were from OzB?

      • +11

        Have a look at mark down items in their trolleys

      • +2

        OzB hoodies

  • White bread, 1500 hens per hectare eggs, bananas, mince. No seafood

    • Yeah, you don't want seafood, but I add brown nashi pears

  • +2

    The Helga's style rye bread, a shit tonne of eggs, milk, carrots, umm other stuff. I eat the same things over and over for months until I get sick of it. Chicken salad sandwiches at the moment. I don't like planning meals or even spending time deciding what to eat, want something quick and easy. I'd eat Soylent Green if they sold it in cracker form like the movie.

  • +4

    "weekly grocery shop looks like"
    It's on a strip of paper about 7cm wide, and length depends on what I have purchased.

  • +1

    Like this

    • +1

      But in an Aldi trolley

  • +1

    Few Red bull zero x 4 packs
    5-6 bags of party sized chicken twisties
    Pizza pockets
    Farmers Union iced coffee
    4-5 kg of potato gem
    Microwaveable gravy
    3 kg of Cole’s mixed shredded cheese
    Few cans of tinned spam
    Few multipack of mi goreng
    .. metamucil

  • +1

    i work at a shop,
    people only buy eggs

  • I'm pretty opportunistic right now.
    Home brand at Colesworth for coffee, milk, Greek yogurt, free range eggs, rolled oats, tinned chickpeas and tomatoes.
    Peanut butter, tofu, tempeh. Bread, cheese occasionally.
    Fruit and veg from HFM but specials or imperfect picks.
    The fish market once a fortnight.

  • Weekly shop at Flemington where we get veggies, fruit for insane cheap prices then during the week for incidentals and meats at aldi

    • Where do you get coffee?

      • Local cafe that I like the beans from. Buy by the kg and grind at home to use in my machine.

        • +1

          Cheap meat and veggies, so you can pay top price for addiction. User name checks out. 🤣

          • @RockyRaccoon: I spend probably 1/3 for better quality veggies at Flemington than Coles worth.

            But yes. Less on food means more on the good brown stuff

  • +2

    Purely depends on whats marked down. Todays dinner is chicken. https://files.ozbargain.com.au/upload/29438/105316/screensho…

  • half a doz bottles of cristal and a couple of tins of beluga

  • +1

    Depends on what coles has on special each night. whatever special they got I just take that and call it day/night.
    Repeat the next day

    • You shop at Coles 7 nights a week?

      • not always But i try to, recently in past havent been able to go there. Weekends are usually less successful so dont bother going much on weekends

  • Since its been cold I've turned to crumpets over bread, pasta, mushrooms, eggs, bacon, potatoes, a roast chook for sandwiches and then soup, cashews, cheese(usually parmesan)sometimes, beef mince, bananas, mandarins, frozen fish portions(whatever is on sale)

  • Fruit/Veg/Herbs etc directly from the farmer

  • +1

    Anything that's in season and anything that's on special! I can't believe how much my grocery bill has gone up in the last year. I don't buy anything extravagant, but it goes up every week. Anyone else feeling the same pressure in their weekly shop?

    • YES!

      first it was the drought, then it was the flood, then it was covid.. now it's inflation. My bill from 6 years go was half what it is now.

  • +1
    • dark chocolate for the week
    • cheapest fruits or on sale
    • cheapest vegetables or on sale
    • milk
    • eggs
    • bread
    • orange juice
    • yogurt
    • block of cheese
    • cans of lentils or chickpeas to make my weekly Curry
    • cheapest fruit and veg? no!

      Buy ugly fruit and veg if you want cheaper but don't buy imports and buy in season

      OJ? waste of money as it is diluted.
      Oranges are now in season.. squezzzzzzz

      Make your own yoghurt and bread.

      Cans of Lentil and Chickpeas??


      buy dry from theSource Bulk food and SOAK

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