Bought something last night which went smoothly without any issues. Got a generic tracking number this morning that is still not in Auspost system yet. Just then, got a message from the seller saying my order has been canceled and refund is in process. Just a bit confused about how they are going to refund me if the item is already "shipped". Unless the tracking number is a dud.
eBay Seller Cancelled Order after Providing a Tracking Number

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I noticed today that Kmart sends you an email saying your order has been "fully dispatched", which is nice. Usually being given a tracking number means your order hasn't even been boxed yet and won't be fully dispatched for a few days.
You can generate AusPost tracking codes before an item has been shipped. It helps businesses print labels and prepare packages more efficiently.
They have probably done that or set it up to doso automatically and something went wrong then cancelled it. Chances are it wasn't sent out but keep an eye on tracking to see if it updates.
Probably works the same in reverse, when eBay generates your return label the seller may be given your tracking number even if you don't plan to send it for another two weeks.
The ebay managed payment system will handle this with ease.
Seller cancels the sale and issues refund (a couple of clicks). Everything after that is pretty much automated.
"Seller Cancelled Order after Providing a Tracking Number"
because AP and ebay pseudo-collude to "fake" compliance with each others scam systems.
Even faking a location in online claims (in print) is acceptable to the ACCC, apparently. You will get your money back, but the scam will continue ad infinitum.
ebay seems to be happy to have adopted a protection racket for drop shipping. AP seems to be happy to aid & abet.The ACCC is well aware, but does diddly squat.
The shipping process starts from seller desk, they check the orders, generate shipping labels, enter tracking numbers in eBay to remove the orders from to be ship list, then proceed with actual packing the orders. In this step usually seller found out they may not have the stock.
Then AP should stop with the bullshit intimating it is somehow in THEIR system when it is not. It's fraud to say "tracking is active" UNTIL it is out of the sellers possession. Chain of custody is everything and every step of 'tracking' should reflect a location each time. Not this blancmange crap that ebay/AP use to deflect inefficiency and accuracy. It is either WITH AP and their systems/staff or it aint.Period
I think AP do have different categories to differentiate between where a shipping label has been generated to where a parcel has been physically received by their network.
I sold a few items last week. First tracking event occurs when I purchase a label from AP: Ready for processing, Shipping information received by Australia Post
If I lodge the item in a red street post box, the next tracking event occurs after collection: Item processed at facilityand both definitions had the location they were scanned. Right? If not, why not?
Same on Bunnings:
Place click n collect order
print all documents
get cancellation notice
Excrement can happen even on big ones
Tracking numbers can be generated by the seller as soon as you place an order, it can be completely automated by their system. But it's not an indication that your item has been dispatched.