Roast Pork version available too: Link
Price matching WW this time.
If youre referring to the Tinder date it won't last years. Will be lucky if it even lasts 5 mins.
If it lasts more than 4 hours, consult a doctor.
Which one is preferred flavour?
Do you like pork or beef more?
I ended up getting both couldn't decide
i had the beef it was ok
Girls like beef
I’ve had beef- it’s ok. Would go pork if you’re just buying one. Pork ramen / instant noodles tend to be better flavour in my experience
Both are good. If you have Amazon Prime and like spicy noodles and don't need the instant bowl, try Jinmailang Spicy Beef Flavour Instant Noodle 5 Packets…, add 40-50g mince and one egg, more if you wish.
You add raw mince into the broth while cooking?
Before microwaving. Break the raw mince into small pieces with a spoon, add the egg, put the noodles on top and add the small packets contents. microwave 6-7 minutes.
Have also added carrot, brussel sprouts, cauliflower, broccoli, onion and capsicum with above (together). Note, less spicy as greens seems to absorb chilli.
That actually sounds disgusting mate. Would rather eat without beef than microwave beef minced…
@PuntyBrah: I appreciate his creativity. Most beef mince has a hard time browning so it's not too different to cooking it through your spaghetti sauce in my eyes
@PuntyBrah: To each their own, sounds great to me.
Microwave is just boiling it, what's so bad about that
taste different tho
and these ones have "real beef"
Wanted to try when saw those @woolies today, but put it back on the shelves as soon as I saw the nutritional info on both flavours 😱
Wait till you find out how the pork and beef are procured!
But seriously, looking at nutritional value on instant noodles is like looking at nutritional value on beer or doughnuts or something.
It’s just not done.
I mean I was really surprised, that's not something I usually eat so didn't know what to expect, but I was certainly not expecting that much !
Crack an egg in there to sort out nutritional value
the beef is allegedly from Australia and packed in Taiwan.
what specifically is bad or worse compared to other noodles?
The ones high in salt and saturated fat
That just means high in flavour lol
For instant ramen I usually don't use all of the seasoning packet, maybe 2/3 of it.
on a scale 1 to 10 how bad are these for you
3, but crack an egg in there and it becomes a 6.
Crack 2 becomes 9
Crack 3 becomes crack
add crack and it becomes a 10
Costco use to have these for under $13 for six. What is the current Costco price now?
$16.50 for six if you use Woollies price, not really a deal.
Also the Costco ones are slightly bigger
Wow when I joined Costco about 2 years ago they were already $15. This year jumped to $18 and then $23 in just a few months. Pretty big price jump :(
The Costco ones of these are the big bowl ones though not these cup ones
SERIOUSLY!! That is almost asian supermarket price…..
Guess i will have to try and grap a from woolies.
Costco ones are 200g, these are 150g
At half price, Woolies ends up cheaper than Costco by weight
Same price at Woolworths. Pretty good at $2.75.
Thanks! Next tinder date sorted!
Edit: How many years do these last?