Cheaper than the other deal posted recently. This time direct from 8BitDo rather than a third party.
Both black and white in stock
Enjoy :)
Cheaper than the other deal posted recently. This time direct from 8BitDo rather than a third party.
Both black and white in stock
Enjoy :)
Btw this was 50 aud in Japan
Now we need some deal to go to Japan.
I want to know how to search the products from amazon japan via amazon au
Hola! How do these compare to a pro controller for Switch?
It feels rather similar. Only issue is that you need to remap the home button.
Quick question, what do you mean by remap the home button? I have the controller and I didn't have to remap the home button for switch useage at all.
By default the 8bitdo logo button defaults to the home button on Nintendo switch.
This is probably the best controller on the market that isn’t ridiculously overpriced.
I haven't used the pro controller much.
Pretty straightforward connectivity to PC.
Can't turn the switch on from sleep.
Has hall effect joysticks so shouldn't drift.
Has two programmable back buttons.
Doesn't feel cheap - better QC than some first party controllers.
Both have built in battery.
Can't turn the switch on from sleep.
You can't with the Pro 2, you can with the Ultimate.
Turn the controller on, then give it a shake. Yes, seriously, "shake to wake".
That's great news. No reason to go with the nintendo pro controller then.
8bitdo make good stuff.
Jeez I want this but another controller that is Switch/PC only is a bit pointless for me.
Agreed. If this could work across all consoles and PC, it’d be an instant buy.
If the 2.4GHz model was hall sensor model, I would have gotten that instead. Dont know why they screwed it up.
You do know that this Bluetooth version also comes with 2.4ghz dongle yeah?
Yes that part I understand. But, I dont understand fully about this, but I think there is some X and D inputs and something about this not working with older games and XBOX or something and the other thing works? Maybe I am wrong - sorry new to controllers.
@[Deactivated]: The other Ultimate wireless (2.4 Ghz = no hall sensor
THIS Ultimate wireless (Bluetoothv+ 2.4 Ghz) = hall sensor
I don't know why you think this is screwed up. If you have concern with the bluetooth and want to get hall sensor then just get this one and use the included 2.4 ghz dongle.
If using Bluetooth, use X Input all the time. D Input is only needed for older Android games.
And no, this controller is not compatible with Xbox consoles. But compatible with Xbox cloud gaming on PC and phones.
@meong: He could be referring to how these two models have different button layouts, the 2.4GHz model has xbox layout and bluetooth model has switch layout. So I guess if you were using it for PC gayming you might run into situations where the button layout and the actual labels on the buttons don't match. But surely there is a software solution where you just remap the buttons
Thanks for this. Almost fell into the trap of assuming it will work for other consoles given Bluetooth connectivity.
Dammit I can't even cancel my order since it's already shipped
Just order it, and free return the more expensive one bro
does it matter what I put down as a reason for why "the product doesn't meet expectations"?
The one time I had to return something (not due to a fault) through Amazon, a $7 restocking or delivery charge was deducted from the refund - am I doing something wrong?
Do you have Prime?
Wrong reason selected.
@[Deactivated]: What reason, other than a product fault, results in a free return? Wanting to educate myself for the future!
@berto14: I don't know fully. But when I returned my unused keyboard, some showed return charges, some reasons didn't. I ended up selecting the right reason and paid up 7. My mistake I ordered wrong.
I tried to return a PS4 game because it came to PS+ shortly after I bought it and I hadn't opened it yet. They also wanted to charge a $7 return fee. I got on chat and they ended up refunding me the entire amount for the game and didn't want me to send the game back.
I was with Prime fwiw
if you select "product doesn't meet expectations" you get free return
Man 2$! Do you really want to ;)
i want the blackpink one at this price
i mean bluetooth pink
anybody else having a weird glitch that if you click on the pink one, it drops the price to $67 on all three controllers
pink is 2.4GHz, selecting that option takes you to the 2.4GHz model (as opposed to ultimate bluetooth) and you're seeing the price for that
ahh, makes sense…
cant believe i paid 79.96 on prime day like a fool.
they played me like a damn fiddle
Congratulations. You played yourself (and all your games on the 8BitDo Ultimate Controller).
You and me both buddy
Although it's still a damn good controller
Probably more cashback during prime day to negate the price.
I already spent a fortune during Prime Day, so I resisted buying it then, and I think I'll still pass on this deal unfortunately…
Can't really afford stuff these days and I already have the Hori Split Pad Pro and the official pro controller (both are great and get the job done), so really no need for another controller, as tempting as it is with all the rave reviews…
I bought it for my steam deck as finally bought a steam dock for deck
What dock did you end up with? the official Valve one?
@theguyrules: The cheaper jsaux one, yet to use it - but looks basic. Just wanted something to prop up the deck while docked and have hdmi out - I kind of feel the whole docked aspect feels like an afterthought for valve . Eg can’t put it to sleep with controller or wake like you can a switch
Love this controller. I ended up swapping the buttons to Xbox layout rather than the default switch layout.
This controller has got me back into using a gamepad for most PC games excluding FPS ones. Was always a keyboard/mouse player for everything.
I ordered mine for the same reason. Want to try it out.
Yeah it’s got quality all over it. I definitely miss the force feedback feeling - actually makes games quite fun.
Did you order directly from the 8bitdo site shipped from China
Preserves directly from 8bitdo site. Yeah must’ve come from China as it took over a week to get here. Was about $10 in total I think.
Thank you.
How did you swap the button layout btw?
Just watched a dissemble video on YouTube and went from there. It’s pretty straight forward.
Perfect to drive a submarine.
Sucked in. I just caved, I've been resisting for a while, but I keep reading such good things and they keep dropping in price
Wish there was an aftermarket PS5 controller with a similar level of quality
Finally what I've been looking for to control my home made sub! All abroad!
price showing as 84.95 for me. is there something i have to do? and which is better 2.4g or bluetooth?
Still showing the same price for me. Do you have amazon prime? In terms of which is better, that would be the 2.4g version because it has the hall effect joysticks which counteract stick drift.
The Bluetooth version is the hall effect sensor version, and also comes with a 2.4ghz dongle.
The 2.4ghz only version does not have the hall effect sensors.
Apologies yes the bluetooth version is the one with hall effect sensors.
Price war haha.