What Image Hosting Sites Do You Recommend?

Hi all,

Currently using Imgur but lately having issues when linking images, getting a 404 error instead of the image. Just wondering what other Free alternatives are there that you guys might recommend? Pretty much only use it to upload random images so I can then share/link them to forums, either as a link or embedded image.

Thanks in advance,


  • On your own site or just in general internet use?

    • General internet use. For uploading images then sharing a link or embedding the image to a forum.

  • +3

    ozbargain files

    • Thanks :). Is there a capacity limit for ozbargain files ?

    • Thanks Doge, I'll check them out :)

  • Postimg

    • postimages.org?

      • yes

        • Thanks, I'll check it out :)

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