This was posted 1 year 7 months 25 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Twin Peaks: The Entire Mystery (Blu-ray) $44.70 Delivered @ Amazon UK via AU

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Rumours of David Lynch and Mark Frost working on the fabled "Wisteria" have emerged again, but in the meantime this seems to be a pretty great deal for their previous collaboration

What this set does include:
Twin Peaks Season 1 (including international alternate pilot)
Twin Peaks Season 2
The feature film Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me
The extended collection of cut footage from FWWM: The Missing Pieces
Many special features and interviews

What this set does not include:
Twin Peaks: A Limited Event Series (sometimes referred to as season 3)
Comments relating to how everything is bad after season 1
Comments about how Lynch is weird and bad due to the transgressive nature of his work
People questioning if other people still own physical media because streaming exists

Most of what's not included you can find right here in the comments across Ozbargain, with the exception of the Limited Series

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.

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closed Comments

  • +11

    The deal you like has come back in style.

    • +16

      When I ordered it was wrapped in plastic

      • +9

        My log does not judge.

        • +1

          That is one damn fine comment

          • +3

            @Faro: Diane… remind me to witness a front three-quarter view of two adults sharing a tender moment.

  • +7

    The owls are not what they seem.

  • +2

    What I want and what I need are two different things.

    • I want a brie and butter baguette 🥖

  • New shoes!

  • +13

    Upvoted for the description :)

  • +8

    Seires eht fo snaf stius koob siht.

    • +1

      Idk why but that whole scene was so unsettling

    • +1

      Tes yar-ulb a tub, koob a ton

      • +2

        Dab ym, thgir er'uoy, sdog ey.

  • +6

    There was a fish in the percolater

  • Comments relating to how everything is bad after season 1

    I loved series one but turned off the first episode of series 2 after 20 minutes, can't say why, something just seemed off. Is it worth going back to?

    • +1

      I would recommend everyone to see it all because it pushes boundaries and can expand people's taste and appreciation of television, but if you really weren't feeling it that soon into season 2 it could very much have the opposite effect and put you off ever trying anything Lynchian ever again.

      I'm all for people expanding their tastes and appreciations, but it's hard to say how you'll experience it.

      • +1

        Worth mentioning Season 2 wasn't overly directed by David Lynch. In fact, it's only one episode mid season as well the last episode that was actually directed by him during the entire season. Which is why many episodes feel strange to watch compared to Season 1, where Frost and Lynch pretty much shared their directional vision for all the episodes.

    • I got halfway through season 2 and stopped

      Good deal but btw you can access all of this on paramount plus (free trial or $7 a month on prime)

      • +2

        Does Paramount include Fire Walk With Me and the Missing Pieces as well?

        • I don't remember sorry

          • +2

            @Drpepper666: For me personally, its inclusion in this set was one of the bigger selling points as it has been absent from other DVD/Blu-ray collections of the series

        • -1


          Looks like the only option is to buy it from Google or source by other means…

    • From memory Lynch was fired so Season 2 was made by someone else until right at the end when he was rehired and the show became good again but it was too late and the show got cancelled.

      • +2

        My understanding is he wasn't fired, but burnt out from the workload that comes with weekly TV. He kinda just "left" but never really wanted it to stop which is why he campaigned to come back at the end after the show was "soft cancelled"

        • Talk to nicholas cage….

  • +1

    Just started watching this for the first time ever. I've known of David Lynch since watching Erasrehead over 20 years ago but never gave Twin Peaks a chance. Unfortunately (or fortunately) I played Deadly Premonition so have a fair idea where this is going. Only watched the first couple of episodes so far and it's pretty grounded… until the dream sequence in the red room.

    • +3

      Deadly Premonition was also my "introduction" to Twin Peaks. Never even knew the two were related until years after I'd heard of Deadly Prem
      (for context, I was not yet born while Twin Peaks was relevant.)

  • +1

    Who put the fish in the perculator?

  • I’ve never seen a single episode of this because the song made for it was so gloomy and depressing.

    Can someone just spoil the ending for me

    • +4

      They're is no ending.

      • -2

        Really ?? Sounds like a ducked a bullet

        • +3

          If you only watch for a logical conclusion, perhaps. If you can enjoy the journey (and the journey for this show is well worth it), then it's mandatory television.

        • +1

          Oh heck. Wait until you hear about this "real life" thing. That'll be sure to disappoint you if you're looking for satisfying conclusions 😬

      • There*

    • In a parallel universe Laura Palmer comes face to face with the reality of what happened and screams a bone chilling scream.

  • +11

    OzBargainers, I’m going to let you in on a little secret. Everyday, once a day, give yourself a present. Don’t plan it, don’t wait for it. Just let it happen. It could be a new shirt at the Men’s store. A catnap in your office chair. Or two series of good, quality television. Like this.

    • 365 presents at year it is soon to be hoarding

      • +1

        Ill see you again in 25 years

  • +3

    Perfect timing. I'm enjoying a damn good coffee right this moment.

  • Time to open up the tin of creamed corn

  • -2

    False advertising! Without season 3 its not "The Complete Mystery"

    • +2

      When this was originally released in ~2014 it was true

      • Plus, Season 3 was just too different, wish I hadn’t also watched it when I rewatched the first two seasons earlier this year.

        • Because you didn’t enjoy it or because it messed with the original two?

          • @0jay: Both, it didn’t seem entirely consistent with the first two, plus the entire style was very different.

            Diane was also a disappointing development, although I thought the hotel room key was a great touch.

            • @SolitaryMan: I’ve not seen any of it but I’ve loved Lynch since seeing Eraserhead after the Dead Kennedys’ reference so it’ll come. Not sure why the delay but it’ll come

  • +9

    I thought season 3 was excellent.

    Gotta light?

    • Someone seems intent on downvoting a lot of comments in this comment section, but I am with you on that!

    • +1

      Same! I loved S3 and felt like Christmas when it came out.
      Was SO good to see Coop, Albert & Gordon again. Such superb acting. Also Audrey & her 'dance' again.

    • +1

      How good but frustrating is Dougie

      • +1


    • +4

      Like many, I expected S3 to be similar to the original story. It frustrated me for weeks, and when it all concluded I realised this was a ground breaking show for its time, as much as the original was for its time. At a time when a bunch of other 90s shows were resurrected to have the same actors doing the same thing years later, Lynch went in a totally different direction and made something you still think about years later. In 1992 when Laura promised she would see Cooper again in 25 years few of us thought we would see it. S3 was a great journey.

    • (profanity) you tammie

  • +1

    I loved this in the 90's and want to keep the good memories of it. So often I watch again what I loved once and get disappointed

    • +1

      I wasn't alive when it first broadcast and watched it for the first time last year at the age of 27 and enjoyed it. Our current gen are arguably spoiled with quality and access to TV series (Breaking Bad, Better Call Saul, Orphan Black, Squid Game, Ozark, Fleabag, The Boys, etc, etc) and even after all that I still think Twin Peaks is great and holds up

      • I haven't seen any of those shows.

        • Awesome. thanks for letting us know

  • -4

    Twin Peaks: The Entire Mystery

    Is this where they tell you which star has had a boob job?

    • +2

      You really saw this post, read the title, had that thought, believed that thought was good enough to share and then left it as a comment for all to see, huh?

      • -1

        No, I read all the comments first, remembered how different this was when it came out and that David Lynch should have done more stuff, then thought it would be good name for a boob job series.

  • What other shows/movies is twin peaks comparable to? Trying to figure out of I'll like it or not. Is it creepy/scary? Are there any jump scares? I like mysteries, thrillers, etc but dislike horror.

    • +2

      I'd say only the prequel movie ventures towards proper horror vibes, but the show can get a bit supernatural at times.

      I'm not sure it's exactly like any show.

      Things that come to mind in terms of vague similarities are:
      Atlanta (TV show)
      Mulholland Drive
      Wild at Heart
      I'm thinking of Ending Things
      Synecdoche New York
      Deadly Premonition (video game)

    • There are a couple of “horror” bits but mostly it is a thriller was some funny quirky bits to it.

    • Monster, Hellfjord, Rebels of the Neon God, Seinfeld, anything else by David Lynch. Edit: somebody said Broadchurch and I’d agree

  • +1

    The greatest tv series ever!

    It marked a paradigm shift in television sparking other great shows like: Broadchurch, Lost, True Detective, and others listed here:…

  • +1

    My favourite TV series ever!

    Twin Peaks paved the way for The X Files, Babylon 5 and other multiform TV shows that allow creative visions and freedom.

    I love this show, I plan to rewatch it again soon and even though the 3rd series literally subverted expectations, I still enjoyed it.

    I guess there's no chance of a 4th series?

  • +2

    What year is it?

  • +1

    She's dead, wrapped in ……

  • what the hell .. why not

  • +1

    I thought mrs Palmer had 5 daughters

  • +1

    Showing as $76 for me

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