Headphones and Ears - in ear, over ear, on ear, around ear

The definitions of these terms don't seem very consistent or clear.

And so headphone shopping is driving me insane.

I want headphones where the cups go completely around my ears and do not touch my ears at all.

But every time I order 'over ear' headphones, they are to some extent on ear headphones.

I also want them to have wires because wireless scares me. And they're becoming harder to find.

Are there any shops left where you can try on headphones?

Are there any brands with big ear cups?


  • +5

    Maybe you just have big ears. You may want to order some replacement ear pad things with thicker foam to lift them off your ears. It'll change the sound a little, but not touching your ears is probably more important. Plenty of wireless headphones have a 3.5mm or 2.5mm jack to use in wired mode. Wireless sure is nice so that's what I'd get if I had to have wired. Also the amp/dac built into the headphones for wireless is probably better tuned to the headphones and higher quality than the amp/dac in your phone or computer.

    • +1

      Maybe you just have big ears.

      "What great big ears you have, Grandma."

  • +1

    Depends on where you are located but you can try earphones on at addictedtoaudio or minidisk most likely.

  • +1

    Go with Beyerdynamic. The earcups are a decent size on some models. I still use a pair I bought pre-2000.

  • +1

    I also want them to have wires because wireless scares me.

    Wireless scares you in which way ?

    TBH having wired headphones is the worst. Constantly getting tangled and you will 100% get up from your desk still attached and yank them out or break them.

    in ear, over ear, on ear, around ear

    These are pretty self explanatory, no?

    "In ear" will be things like airpods.
    "Over ear" and "around ear" are the same things and fit totally encompassing your ears
    "On ear" will sit on your ears

    Over ear are the best ones IMO. You won't get pressure pain, better sound experience and more comfortable.

    But everyone is different. go into a store and try them on.

    • Wireless scares you in which way ?

      Brain cancer. I know it hasnt been proven but it also hasnt been suffiently disproven for me. Im paranoid.

      "Over ear" and "around ear" are the same things and fit totally encompassing your ears

      I keep buying ones called 'over ear' and they touch my ears. It doesnt seem to be a standardised term. And they usually dont list measurements.

      • Brain cancer. I know it hasnt been proven but it also hasnt been suffiently disproven for me. Im paranoid.

        Do you have the same thoughts about mobile phones and WiFi?

        Many wireless headphones use Bluetooth. Do you have the same thoughts when using Bluetooth?

        • +1

          Yes i worry about it a lot.

          When i finally move into a permanent home i hope to have ethernet installed throughout so no more wifi worries.

          Headphones are an extra worry because so close to brain.

          I have heard of air tube headphones. Id like to try them but i have the same problem with it never being clear what size the ear cups are.

      • +1

        Brain cancer. I know it hasnt been proven but it also hasnt been suffiently disproven for me. Im paranoid.

        I'm sorry, what?

        Think about it logically. You have dozens, if not hundreds of wifi signals going through your body at any one point. Bluetooth signals do not cause brain cancer.

        Also, lack of it being disproven is not evidence for it to be proven.

        When i finally move into a permanent home i hope to have ethernet installed throughout so no more wifi worries.

        Is your home going to be within 500 meters of other homes? Because you will be affected by their Wifi signals too, or if you ever leave your home to go anywhere populated. Will you have a mobile phone in your house?

        Also what about radio waves from mobile phones etc?

        • Is your home going to be within 500 meters of other homes?

          Hopefully no

          Also what about radio waves from mobile phones etc? Will you have a mobile phone in your house?

          I think i might try to set up a signal area and a emf free or low emf area. It might just be nice to have a break sometimes.

          • +1

            @bargain huntress: Wait until you hear about neutrinos

          • @bargain huntress:

            I think i might try to set up a signal area and a emf free or low emf area. It might just be nice to have a break sometimes.

            There are some consultants who may be helpful in advising on how to shield your home properly. It's difficult to do properly, not to mention expensive.

            Good on you for at least being aware of the risks. Unfortunately, the government & corporations are intent on covering as much area as possible with artificial radiation. It's going to get a lot uglier for a lot of people who won't necessarily make the connection between their health issues & exposures.

            • @mrdean: Cool. Any recommendations?

              I can imagine doing it to an imperfect but significant level fairly cheaply by diy-ing a room or shed to chill out in sometimes.

              And bonus function as a nice faraday cage to protect digital cold storage from emf disasters

              • +1

                @bargain huntress: Shungite is supposed to protect against EMF.

              • +1

                @bargain huntress:

                Cool. Any recommendations?

                I don't have direct experience, but company's like EMR Australia (Lyn McLean) can help with advice. Products used typically involve shielding paints & fabrics.

                I suppose ideally would be to reside outside of major urban centres/cities & away from large telecommunications installations (at least for the time being). I have an acousticom 2 which measures frequencies between about 200MHz to 8 GHz & I can say the difference between rural & city is astonishing. Keep in mind that doesn't measure the levels above 8GHz which the 5G network will also be emitting.

                Some basic info would be to keep bedrooms clear of electrical equipment, avoid led/halogen & other lights that have too much green/blue spectrum at night. If I could afford it, I'd probably invest in the shielding canopies for beds.

  • +1

    I want headphones where the cups go completely around my ears and do not touch my ears at all.
    Are there any brands with big ear cups?
    I also want them to have wires because wireless scares me. And they're becoming harder to find.

    These are just called "circumaural" headphones.

    The vast majority of serious/audiophile headphones are this and wired. You can get open backed ones (terrible for use in public) and closed ones (better for noiser places). Downside of circumaural headphones is they are huge and not the sort of thing that people walk around with.

    You don't mention any sort of price range or use case though so I have no idea if this is what you're looking for.

    • Yes thats what i want.

      Ive tried searching for circumaural though and i still end up with ear touching ones.

      Maybe it is because i only buy cheap ones?

      Can you recommend the most economical model or brand that is actually circumaural and not just called that?

      I dont think my ears are the problem ive actually been told they are small?

      • +1

        What's your use case? At home in a quiet environment without others around, or walking around the street or public transport?

        • I want them to wear in noisy public places.

          Ideally i want them to reduce noise but also so i can hear people talking to me.

          • +1

            @bargain huntress: I'm always apprehensive about approaching ppl that wear headphones in public. I had to run after a guy who dropped his wallet in a shopping centre after I realised that shouting out 'Excuse Me' wasn't going to get his attention. Even diners at the indoor cafe were screaming at him but to no avail. He literally jumped when I finally caught up to him & tapped him on the shoulder. Same with a guy who didn't realise one of the registers was available at Bunnings & didn't hear the attendant yell out. Those over ear headphones really do block out sound very well.

          • +1

            @bargain huntress: Ah, my experience there is limited. Most my headphones are either city headphones and smaller on-ear (which you don't like), or they are for quiet environments.

            But these might fit the bill and budget- they are semi-closed off instead of fully open. They'll still let noise in (and out- don't be that obnoxious person on the train blasting music into your surroundings).

            I've found the earcups to be comfortably large, but you'd want to replace the crappy pleather ones (sweaty) with a velour pair.


            Mine have been well nigh indestructible, over ten years old and tossed around, used by kids.

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