Crack in Car Tyre

I noticed a crack in my car tyre. The car (and tyres) was purchased new March 2021.

Is it something to worry about? Could it be something that is warranted by the tyre manufacturer?

I'm asking, as I'm going to call my dealer's service department, but I want to be prepared in case they try and brush me off.


  • +9

    That tyre should be taken off your car immediately

    Take it back to shop that fitted it

    • As I mentioned, it's come like this from the dealer. Is this something that can happen with regular wear and tear or is it more likely to be a tyre fault?

      • +4

        That's not regular wear. That is either you went through something really rough that could cut your tire or is a manufacturing issue which I think is more likely. That is not safe to ride.

        I have never seen a tire split like that.

      • -3

        As I mentioned, it's come like this from the dealer.

        No, it didn't.

        Do you even drive?

        • -1

          I'm referring to the fact that the tyres were fitted when the car was delivered. OEM.

          There is no shop to return to. Only the dealer.

          • @Niko123456:

            car was delivered. OEM.

            In 2021 though.. manufacturing defect getting "claimed" 2 years later?
            You should have already booked in at your local tyre dealer for 2 new tyres already.

          • +1

            @Niko123456: There is no shop/dealer to return to as you cannot claim that the tyre was like that 2 years after you took delivery of the car.

            It's a safety issue now - not how to wrangle a freebie from the dealer.

            Use a mobile tyre service if the spare tyre cannot be used to drive to a tyre shop.

            • @[Deactivated]: No one is claiming the tyre was like that on delivery?

              Dear lord.

              • +4

                @Niko123456: God wants to know why you posted

      • Looks like you hit a pothole

      • If you noticed it two years ago, why are you only asking questions now?

    • and take notes to post back here on the BS that comes out of the dealers mouth to dodge responsibility

  • +2

    Is it something to worry about?


    • Honestly.. I don't know.

      So.. I guess it is?

      So I guess I will get it looked at asap. any thoughts if it is a warranty issue?

      • +4

        That doesn’t look like a manufacturing defect, more of a cut, so unlikely to be covered under warranty. Especially not over 2 years since purchase.

        Wasting your time going to dealer. You’ll need to get it replaced. Do NOT drive on this tyre.

        Either put the spare on or get a mobile tyre service to come to you.

        Punch the spec details into or call local Bob Jane for options and quotes.

        It’s a bit worrying you’re on the road with others but “don’t know” if a deep cut in a tyre is something to worry about. But I’ll refrain from further comment.

  • +1

    Could be the angle but your tyres look a touch under inflated

    Take it back but I think you'd have difficulty proving that was a defect and not something caused by wear and tear, especially on a two year old car (the upside is that the car was new so you may have more support from the dealer but it also depends on the brand of car and what their dealer network is like). Yes things like the can happen with wear and tear but tyre defects are hard to prove because there are so many factors that can cause something like that so the line between (wear and tear and manufacturer defect is blurry at the best of times, and on a two year old tyre it's blurrier).

  • +4

    That tyre, and the matching one on the other side needs to be replaced.

    Realistically, they're going to say it's related to you hitting a pothole or something and you're going to need to pay for the replacement.

    • Hmm yep, suspected as much! Oh well.

      I guess I'll give the dealership a try and failing that get it to a car place.

      In terms of an immediate safety issue.. is it worth getting NRMA out to put the space saver on?

      • +6

        Haha you're even thinking about calling the NRMA out just to change your tyre when you're not out in the wild?

        Unless age or health conditions mean you're physically unable to do this - regardless of your sex you really owe it to yourself to take the time and learn how to do this. I mean its a very handy life skill - regardless of if you intend to always have RSA or not.

        Watch a Youtube tut, ensure you're parked on a flat hard surface and it'll be done in 15mins.

        • Nah changed heaps of tyres. But I also have a membership where I can press a button and someone else can do it. This is ozbargain remember! Haha

          • +12

            @Niko123456: :-/ Ok well if as a grown arse man you want to call for another man to come and change your tyre, you do you.

          • +5


            This is ozbargain remember!

            I was unaware being lazy or unable to do things yourself was part of the requirements :/

              • +2

                @Niko123456: No idea why you're paying for NRMA on a 2 year old Toyota.
                Does Toyota not included road side assistance included in their new car ?

                NRMA is road side break down assistance. Changing your tyre in your driveway, if you're physically capable and know how is just lazy.

                • @SBOB: Ok anyway..

                  He's here now and obviously he's happy enough to replace it.

                  Unlike the doom and gloomers in this thread he didn't seem too worried about it.

  • How many k’s are on it

    • Only 25k!

      • All on that one tyre :D

        • +1

          Yep. Car has 100k on it so there’s 25 on each tyre.

  • +1

    After 2 years of use unfortunately there's little recourse with the manufacturer, it may also have been caused by a slice from a metal object as well.

    Just get a coupla new tyres, yes it's cooked.

  • +1

    Could it be something that is warranted by the tyre manufacturer?

    Doesn't look like a manufacturing defect to me. As others have said it's dangerous and you need to replace asap. Imagine what would happen if it deflated instantaneously while you're driving along at 80km/h!!

  • Is it a crack or a cut caused by the tyre running over something sharp?

    Agree, worth trying your luck at the dealer - as others have said get it off ASAP- you might have a case for a manufacturing fault but it might also just be a wear issue or something thats unprovable - i.e a manufacturing fault has to be provable, if its a grey area you'll have to rely on goodwill.

    Whats the brand and model of the tyre? e.g Bridgestone Turanza.

  • -3

    Caulk it

  • +2

    I'm no tyre expert at all. But looking with my layman eye at that image you posted, two scenarios come to my mind.
    The first scenario is that the thread layer of the tyre is damaged, may strip while you drive and expose the wire mesh.
    The second scenario involves sounds of screaming, screeching and twisting metal. These sounds can happen in interchangeable order. The sound of ambulance sirens always comes last though.

    I would change that tyre asap and then think what with it.

  • +5

    What did the NRMA person suggest was the cause?

    I reckon you've clipped the edge of a pot hole but you would probably remember the event because it would have been felt through the steering wheel and been a "holy crap what was that, I better check my tyre when I get home" moment.

    Why is the tyre a different colour near the crack? Is that from clipping a concrete curb, really bad dry turning or driving over something like a spray can?

    It just seems odd, IMHO, that you've randomly spotted this split and there is other strange markings on the tyre nearby. I reckon you've hit something, checked it out, discovered the damage, not wanted to claim responsibility or bear the cost of a new tyre and blame shifted.

    How many drivers of the car?

    I'm asking, as I'm going to call my dealer's service department, but I want to be prepared in case they try and brush me off.

    This has absolutely nothing to do with the dealer. Not sure why you would even think that. So yes, if you call them, prepare to be brushed off or overpay for a pair of new tyres. Lol. This sounds like the entitled old farts I saw/heard in telstra shop looking for technical support for a shitty old phone they purchased there 2 years earlier. God help us

    • -2

      chill out dude.

      it's a Bridgestone.

      They have a warranty on accidental damage.

      Whether that applies to an OEM tyre is a question for the dealer. i'll find out on Monday.

      as for the rest of your post. i dunno man, i think you need a new hobby.

      • That makes sense. Cheers

        How do you qualify for the Road Hazard warranty?
        When you purchase any number of Bridgestone or Firestone car tyres from a Bridgestone Select or Bridgestone Service Centre, you may qualify for the Road Hazard tyre warranty.

        You are not covered. Pretty logical when you think about it.

  • Looks like a cut. You will need to replace the tyre. I dint think you can claim warranty unless the dealer damaged the trye

  • Looks to be something white at the bottom of the cut (it’s most likely a cut from running something over). If that is true and there is something other than black rubber visible in the cut, do not drive on that tyre further than the nearest tyre shop. Definitely do not travel at highway speeds. Preferably chuck the spare on before driving further.

  • Yeah you'll need to buy a new tyre - skip stuffing around with the dealer

  • This is almost definitely a cut. Look how straight it is, and then the smooth radius on the end.
    Likely something that has flown off the back of a tradies ute.

  • +6

    Looks like user error. I have seen this many times from people who can't drive, or have no idea about parking.

    You see that white smudge next to it? that's concrete particles from the gutter embedded into the tyre. Might have been angle parking, or parallel parking, but someone has manage to pinch the tyre between the gutter and their rims causing it to split like that.

    • +5

      Don't get off track here Ken.

      The whole post is about claiming warranty and whether it applies (which it doesn't).


      • -4

        Have you ever thought that maybe because you post on every single thread that people will generally just think of you as some smelly fatso sitting in his room on the internet all day, as opposed to some sort of reliable resource? I'm sorry I just can't take you seriously!

        • +1

          @Niko123456 , Play the ball, not the man.

          @Muzeeb didn't get outta line - so is not a good look to act like that when he's only tried to be constructive.

          • +1

            @Daniel Plainview: Hey, both you & OP have such similar usernames

        • +1

          Pot Kettle

  • +1

    At first glance I thought you bought a tyre off bikies and found some drugs inside it..phew

    • I'm starting to wish that is what happened.

      • Defo get it replaced..not your fault

  • Get that *** down to forensics. (Apologies to Mick Malloy and Crackerjack).
    Replace at suppliers cost immediately. I would check manufacturer date (4 digits on side wall) and push for all tyres to be replaced as QC problem. Not worth the risk.

  • +2

    I've seen this before when a tyre is run well under pressure, 20psi or less.
    Could of happened on transport truck too, driving up on tyre guide cut into tyre.

  • Impact damage. Fit spare today. Buy a new tyre and rotate. Simple and safe.

  • Note damage tyre, assess safety, replace with spare, take are to nearest tyre shop, have both front tyres replaced
    , get wheel assignment. No dealership entitlement, no NRMA call them cause you pay for membership, no someone, somebody, something owes me, no I’ll ask OZBargain for advice…..cause this is one of those mystery things that just happen and common sense prevails to just sort it.I do wonder how some survive in life, I guess some mothers do have them.

  • doesnt look like a crack to me, more of a cut where you have run over something and it has sliced into the tread

    If the cut is deep enough to go through the belt you probably should change it

    If its 4mm or so and only into rubber with no canvass or steel belt penetration it will most likely be OK to drive on it until completely worn and it would be a good idea to inspect it every time you fill up to make sure its not getting worse

  • Either hoons having late night fun or you parked in your neighbours usual spot. Sharp knife either way eh.

    • Not that I've ever done it but if you're wanting to slash someone's tyres I'd not think you'd cut into the tread, where it's SO much thicker.

      The sidewalls are thinner & can't be repaired - so do I think the OP seems like the type of personality who might get his tyres slashed? No comment - but that doesn't look like a deliberate slash job to me

  • I hope the cops don’t pull you over with crack in your tyre

  • @Niko123456 when was last logbook service, and next one?
    should they have picked up on that ?

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