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[Back Order] Canon RF 100-500mm f4.5-7.1L IS Lens - $3,759.20 Shipped @ Amazon AU

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A cracking deal on the Canon RF 100-500 f4.5-7.1L IS Lens - $3,759.20

Shipped and sold by Amazon AU

Probably lowest ever.

Please note that this item is not in stock at the moment with Amazon so should be a backorder.

Very fast auto focus and sharp images.. great for wildlife.

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.

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closed Comments

    • +2

      RIP a mirrorless body with that Tamron with an adapter. Smidge over 2kg. I just picked up a used 100-400 II on my new R8 and its is already at the limit of what feels practical to hold on such a small body without being permanently on a monopod / tripod.

      • Agree. Canon 100-500mm is so much shorter and lighter, which makes your life so much easier if you are taking it out hiking etc. Plus you need the adapter on the DSLR lenses which adds to the length and weight.

      • i've never held a camera wth a telephoto before, i suppose your left palm is doing the heavy lifting and the right hand is just there to operate the shutter and dials?

        recently tried out the Nikon Zfc in shop, the body has zero grip and even with the very small 16-50 kit lens i had to hold it like that.

        • Correct on holding technique with bigger lenses.

        • or a monopod

    • Tamron and sigma don't work well with the mirrorless Canon dslrs. They have issues with focusing

      • -3

        Sorry that’s false, I have a bunch of fast Sigma primes with my R6 (now mark 2) and they focus perfectly.

        • +1

          Sorry that's TRUE. This is common problem with the 150 - 600 mm lenses with the Canon mirrorless lenses. Look up Duade Patons video on YouTube about it. It's a well known fact.

          • +1

            @Mozzmanau: I have the Sigma 150-600C and did an African safari last year with it and it hit more than it missed, my Sigma 35/50 (and recently acquired 40) along with my 105 and 135 all just hits. All f/1.4/1.8 primes.

            But yea what would I know someone else on the internet said there’s a focus issue so I’m definitely wrong /s

            • +1

              @basketballfreak6: You know nothing because it may not be as bad as with your lens (doubtful) . People have varying results but a lot are BAD. It is a lot worse when your zoomed into to something closer so if you weren't using it zoomed in on something closer you would know NOTHING!!!! To tell people that this works prefect with a Canon lens is a disgrace because your could cause that person to waste over $1000.

              • -1

                @Mozzmanau: Ok cool bro, you win this very important internet argument, I’ll keep on taking photos with my shitty lenses.

                • +1

                  @basketballfreak6: At least he's helping people look into it. I'm not saying your wrong either but you do need to relax

                  • @justtoreply: Me? I think I’m pretty relaxed I literally could not be bothered arguing with him; he’s telling me I’m wrong even though I have the gear and using it?

                    People can spend their money however they wish it’s really none of my concern, I shared my own experience and I’m moving on.

                • +1

                  @basketballfreak6: Sorry mate just trying to save people wasting over $1,000 on a lens that even Tamron acknowledges has this issue. so if you're ok with people throwing away $1,000 based on somebody who went on a safari in Africa I'm sorry for trying to save people money because of what some simp wrote.

                • @basketballfreak6: Using the Sigma 150-600 with animal autofocus and a subject thats fairly close (usually small birds) maybe less than 6metres it will pulse in and out of focus while tracking in servo mode most of the photos are still in focus but its noticeably worse than with my 500 f4. You haven't experience this at all?

                  • @thisdoesntfeelnice: When I took my 150-600C to Africa last year experience was mostly good; we got lucky and got quite close to a few big cats and hyenas and there were definitely a few odd misses here and there though I wouldn’t call the overall experience terrible. I did leave the camera on servo but there wasn’t too much fast action though I did nail a few fairly close vultures in flight. Having said all that I’m not a huge wildlife guy (more of an occasional birder) and my super tele experience’s limited to the Sigma variant and I’ve no experience with the big whites. I will say at least as I use them a tonne the standard and short tele primes absolute nails on my R6/II. FWIW here’s my Insta for reference:…

                    • @basketballfreak6: It's still a great lens and using it with the R5 I get significantly more in focus shots than i did with the 7d2 its probably one of the better canon options since they don't have a 200-600 like sony and nikon. But I would recommend watching the Duade Paton video to anyone considering buying especially if you are primarily using it for subjects closer than 7metres.

                      • @thisdoesntfeelnice: How you like the R5 coming from the 7D2? I assume you mostly shoot wildlife? I wanted the R5 for the megapixels (for the times I need to crop or want to print big) but couldn’t justify the price increase at the time so went with the R6 (which I ended up being super happy with).

                        My 150-600 is mostly delegated to shooting deep sky these days (just like my 70-200L 2.8 II) lol…did you know up to 1500mm is considered “wide field “ for deep sky astro haha.

                        • @basketballfreak6: Basically no complaints using the R5 for wildlife just wish the buffer was slightly larger. Biggest improvement has definitely been the autofocus makes the whole experience so much enjoyable. It just locks on and allows you to pay more attention to the composition has really simplified the process. I've used the R6 and the R5's extra megapixels are an improvement for the photos I take (mostly small birds) but with people mainly viewing photos on their phones these days I try to obsess less over the image quality, but the feather detail does look amazing at 100% magnification on a 4k oled. I'm sure I would have been more than happy with the R6.

                          • @thisdoesntfeelnice: That’s definitely my experience coming from the 5D4 in that the autofocus is fantastic (though it definitely still has its quirks, quad pixel AF should fix all of that). I used to shoot full manual mode for everything too but now that metering has improved (along with live feedback from EVF and improved sensor) I’m happily shooting manual with auto ISO and simply exposure compensate when the situation calls for it. Like you said quite liberating without having to worry as much about the other stuff now and rather just focus on framing and actually getting the shot.

            • @basketballfreak6: Oh and by the way, this is something that the manufacturers have a acknowledge with all of their EF lenses when paired with a Canon mirrorless body.

    • sell your body and get a sony xd

  • +1

    Still waiting for a EF 70-200 f2.8 deal. Anyone seen anything? Otherwise 2nd hand is pretty tempting.

    • +1

      2nd hand on this lens is great, I had one for a few years and i still sold it for the same price

      • +1

        So you mean great for the seller 😉 , you are talking to a buyer here!
        Jokes aside, I guess you mean great because you can offload it for no loss

    • That's what I need for my wife also. Let me know if you find anything!

    • +1

      I have a Tamron 70-200 f2.8 listed on Gumtree!
      It really is a big step up from "normal" kit zoom lenses - a huge chunk to glass that gathers so much more light and makes taking great photos easy.

  • Wish Sony makes one in this range. I sometimes need a little more reach from the 100-400, the 200-600 is just too long at the short end. Swapping lenses on the field is just not practical, so I often have to carry 2 bodies with both lenses, a massive pain (and weight and overlap).

    • can always use the 2x extender, handy when it is now and then you need the extra reach, but not enough to justify a dedicated set of glass.

      • Sony's 2x is a bit ass. The reduction in light and sharpness is too great. The 1.4x is useful, though.
        2x might be alright on 400 GM & 600 GM but I'm not baller enough to know.

      • Not a fan of teleconverters, they are almost 1/3 the price of their 200-600, with AF and IQ penalties. May considered if less than 1/5.

    • This is a terrible lens for spurts or any moving subjects. F7. 1 on a lens this size makes me shake my head in disbelief. The things Canon do sometimes never ceases to amaze me.

      • Thought this 100-500 is aim at sports and action?

  • +1

    $3,700 for an f7.1 lens! Whew. Poor Canon shooters.

    • did you mean: ”Rich Canon Shooters”

      • May be rich in $$$ but not rich in intelligence

    • Agreed. And for the insane price their asking as well. If Canon don't open up 3rd party lenses soon I'll be ditching them. Their new mirrorless lenses are ridiculous.

  • f4.5-7.1, yeah no thanks

    • Agreed. I laugh at people who bought this lens and at the price Canon are asking.

    • I've heard it justified in terms of the newer RF sensors have much lower noise at higher ISO, which reduces the need for wider apertures in the lenses used

  • Can this attach to my Galaxy phone?

    • Why not

    • Or did you mean can you Galaxy phone attach to it? :D

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