I'm wanting a FPS game to go online with a family member and do some battles. Prefer ability to lock the server room with just us. The addition of bots would be cool also. Any recommendations that allow us to do that? I'm not really familiar with what's out there.
Recommend Free First Person Shooter Games?

take it back to cs 1.6, and make everyone bring along a rig to someone's parents basement like the old days of lan parties
trash talking just hit different back then
i guess 1.6 is technically not free though but pretty easily worked around lol
Yeah it literally did hit you when your mother came out at 3am and smacked the snot out of your head with a slipper.
I miss the days of yelling expletive-laden insults across the office floor at an old job where we used the rendering farm workstations for Friday night, after-work LAN parties.
Nothing like fragging and teabagging your managers in UT2K4 to let off some steam.
all my friends were into quake :(
Overwatch 2 is free and it's honestly pretty top tier quality even though the player base is toxic af. If there's five of you then you are essentially locking your team from others joining. I'm pretty sure there are bots, but they are useless to play against, hard bots play worse than bronze tier players. There isn't really a proper mode for your team against waves of CPU, even though it was kinda promised. Perhaps with Microsoft buying Actiblizzard we will finally get it.
Playing against other human teams is more fun though. You won't believe how toxic and sweaty this cartoonish looking game can get, it can be a lot of fun.
I am hoping to play that game soon, why is it toxic? How so?
People take matches very seriously and will scream and cuss out their own teammates. A common expression in Overwatch is "kys" or these days "k y s" to make it past the filter, meaning "kill yourself". But you just shouldn't let it get to you. It's not totally toxic, sometimes at the start of a match someone will say "glhf" meaning "good luck have fun", but it's usually replied with "k y s", or if you're lucky "no u". As long as you are aware of this going into it and don't take it personally, don't actually kill yourself over a video game, then it's fine. And ranked system will place you where you belong, eventually, so don't even take ranked too seriously tbh.
bit confused, is replying "no u" after glhf toxic too?
Apex legend for sure.
Krunker.io - arena, small map, blocky
Split Gate - intuitive combat, portals, unsureof private servers but player base is low level
OW2 - yes
CS GO - old classic, simple. If you pay to level, lobbies are crp. Dont upgrade to prime.
Warframe - always vs AI. Nice movement, 3D looter shooter
Destiny 2 - FPS, online, looter shooter
Paladins - think Moba games turned to FPS. Like OW1If you're going drop money, go BattleBit. Think battlefield large maps, 127 v 127, looks like Roblox or Minecraft (low poly). Very intuitive. Team play isvery fun. Good people.
Bought Battlebit yesterday, have played an hour or two and it's honestly quite impressive. Runs on absolute potato PCs too.
Very very enjoyable, I didn't enjoy the recent Battlefield instalments, but decided to give it a crack because of what I had heard recently
Did not disappoint. The low poly graphics do not take away from how great the game is. Most amount of genuine fun I've had in a shooter in a long while
Yeah, the hype/coverage for the game has definitely ballooned like crazy over the past month or so. Hopefully the player base only expands from here onwards and won't decay anytime soon.
Finding it a bit chaotic and overwhelming atm; struggling to even find where the action is lol. But the gameplay is definitely enjoyable
@CrispyChrispy: If you follow others, you normally end up in the thick of things - otherwise pressing "M" pulls up the map and you can see where all the blue (i.e. your team) and green blips (i.e. your squad) are situated. You can also spawn on top of the green blips, provided that they aren't in combat at that moment - helps to get you back into fights quickly after dying
You don't even really need to get into the thick of things to find gunfights, there's always people running around the outskirts trying to flank.
That being said, there's definitely a lot that's happening at any given moment. I'm enjoying it immensely and I'm only about 25 hours in and have only touched the medic class haha
Edit: You could even try out the 32 v 32 game mode, it's less chaotic - however, I've found that there's only really enough people queuing for the smaller game modes in the peak hours
i am so sad the controls dont translate well to s/d :(
gotta play on my gaming rig instead haha sigh
Ready or Not You play as SWAT team. Enemies are all bots.
Deep Rock Galactic. Best played with 4 players but still doable with just 2 players.
All the Borderlands series have coop.
Far Cry 6 and 5 has coop (2 players max)
Halo Infinite (4 players max)
Resident Evil 5 and 6 (2 players max)He wanted free games btw.
ha, missed that part. I think benoffie has all the good ones covered already.
You can do a search on Steam and apply custom filters to see the rest
List of all multiplayer games that are free to play
https://store.steampowered.com/search/?tags=3859%2C113%2C177…Coop only
TF2 if you want some shenanigans
Heavy update?
Player Unknown's Battle Grounds - can run your own server and set all sorts of game types
Unreal Tournament 2004 - using something like ZeroTier to mimic LAN - well balanced deathmatch and other co-op modes like Invasion and Onslaught
https://openarena.live/ - browser-based port of Quake 3
Mmm, on the BR note, Fortnite is worth mentioning too because it doesn't cost anything to play. I don't like it because building is a skill I'll never have, but apparently there is a no build mode.
Thought about it, but isn't OP after FPS?
Fortnite is only played in third-person perspective? I just had to google to see if they even had a first person mode, apparently there is but it hasn't been released yet?
Oh yeah you're right. It feels and plays like a FPS though, other than the ridiculous fort building.
@AustriaBargain: The last I heard they had implemented new game modes that took out the building aspect
I've recently started playing this with my 8yo and it is quite kid friendly and fun and there is zero gore. You can play in a squad together and there are different game modes including zero build. You don't have to listen to other players. I think there is an option to play in first person but probably a disadvantage as you would lose some of your spacial awareness. Multiplatform including xbox cloud gaming which is free and works surprisingly well
nevermind, realised its "custom" game, shame the game went the path it did. I do miss the adrenaline of final circle / first drop massacres
There's still a small, but alive, global Quakeworld Teamfortresss community.
Never played it but heard good things about Valorant. I think it’s a mix of CS and Overwatch.
Escape from Tarkov.
Second this. Escape from Tarkov
doesn't it cost money though?
PUBG has FPP and TPP and has gone free to play.
Shatterline - PvE mode is 3 people doing objectives and killing bots.
The Cycle: Frontier - Is a PvP aspect, doesn't often come up, but the risk is always there, it's a fun game, play to have fun and you won't mind the occasion you lose some resources when you get killed.I think I've aged out of FPS. Was never a good shot and 20 years later my reflexes just aren't the same. Had some fun during lockdown with PUBG mobile but my eyes and hands just can't hack it any more…
Try Overwatch. It's a bit more forgiving than the snap and shoot games of the 90/00/10s… Particularly roles like Soldier, Ashe or Pharah. Or Torbjorn if you ever played an engineer/mechanic.. You'll get your mojo back in no time!
download from steam
zombie online coop shooter, normally no more than 8 players depending on server, (worldwide) and oceanic servers for low ping, LOTS of maps, lots of fun
CS:GO prob your first bet.