Hi all,
I got an email from Vanguard yesterday about a investor's vote to shift all invested units from Retail Funds to Wholesale Funds (with access via Vanguard Personal Investor website), due to the Retail Funds closing down and gradual attrition of its customer base - eventually financially not viable for Vanguard to operate.
E.g. units in VAN0010AU (retail) will be swapped to units in VAN0002AU (wholesale), without a CGT event.
Seems that fees and returns are all the same, but downsides include not being able to BPay funds directly into the fund, and also that Wholesale units are held by Vanguard as the trustee with the investor as the beneficiary (I don't actually know if this is a change from the current Retail Fund structure, but I'm assuming this is equivalent to going to a non-CHESS structure for shares).
With my minuscule voting power I doubt that there would be any difference to the result, but would still like to know everyone else's thoughts.
got the same.
I guess the against option is if they dont pass this when they want to, with the CGT free transfer across proposed, if they decide to just wind up the retail funds in the future and give you no option but to sell it could be inconvenient/costly.