Possible pricing error at Coles for Dove 820ml Shampoo/conditioner - $17 for one, or $8.50 for two?
6 different options to choose from.
Same bottles are $8.50 each on Amazon…
Possible pricing error at Coles for Dove 820ml Shampoo/conditioner - $17 for one, or $8.50 for two?
6 different options to choose from.
Same bottles are $8.50 each on Amazon…
damn my order have just arrived 1 hour ago,this is a good deal
Thanks OP, legend.
so need minimum $50 order ?
Yes. Even for click and collect.
Last week Coca-Cola Zero Sugar Soft Drink Multipack Bottles 12x300mL was $15.20 for one and $15.10 for 2. This "error" might be just a 2-for-1 deal.
but this is BOTH for half price of one
This week same promotion @ Woolworths 2 (12 x 300) for $15.20
Thanks for sharing, combined with spend $50 x 4 weeks, and paid with the $250 Coles e-mastercard.
Picked up me 12 bottles, cheers!
Thanks, only thing ordered during Prime day(s)!
Upvoting for this amazing deal, better than most Prime Day specials lol.
I'm not buying any tho have quite a bit at home. Enjoy guys :)
Did you load up from Amazon's cheap price for the 5-pack 320ml bottles?
prime day was crap. waiting for awesome ebay plus deals! imo ebay rules Australian online shopping.
Perfect for my hair ;)
Any hack for not ordering minimum $50?
Wait until Coles opens tomorrow and hope its still that price in-store
Least we can do is wait and check same deal in-store. Thanks to OP for amazing deal.
The only pseudo hack I know is stacking on a bunch of Staples like rice
i managed $50+ by the halfprice catalogue and liquors this time
Not as much a hack than maxing savings, if you need liquor, they have 20% off now. Re: https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/787568
Total can come to under $50, so $41.7 min spend (I think)
Thanks! Good to know about the alcohol deal!
Only non alcoholic available in QLD
yeah stupid outdated laws
Thanks op grabbed 6 probably not necessary given I grabbed a few of the Amazon specials but whatever it will get used
Thanks OP, hopefully my click and collect order won’t get cancelled.
Thanks op, grabbed 6, shampoo and conditioner sorted out until late 2025!
Username checks out
Thought your name was shampoo for a sec
Thanks OP, order placed :)
Thanks, OP. Grabbed 7 shampoo and 5 conditioner. My wife uses 5-6 pumps per wash, so it should last about a year…
Is her name Rapunzel?
whadda bout the shampoo & Conditioner - how much does she use …. ohh wait … nvm
pfp doesnt check out
why so many pumps ?
I'm bald and I'm still buying this
Can use as body wash, it's pretty much the same stuff.
Trying to buy instore and querying price. They aren’t happy about it and are checking. Confirming discount doesn’t scan at checkout.
Confirmed not a price error. Online offer only to push more people to buy things online.
So you were unable to buy?
They refunded me full price and said I could stand there and do click and collect on my phone and then take away. But had to be online order.
how u confirmed ?
The team member said it was an online offer only.
@heathz14: interestingly inconsistent…
not on this page and doesnt have have the Önline Only sticker either
maybe complaint feedback that store
My online click and collect order just got cancelled
same here. no explanation. just cancelled.
depending whts on ur order, would be strange they cancelled entirely
lol. 12×shampoo
how much was your order?
Mine was confirmed and ready to be collected (bought 6 of them btw, should last me years)
Mine was just delivered, now to cancel some of the shampoos I ordered on prime day
Coles site is down???
i was getting on 3 browsers
Something went wrong
Check back soon. For support contact our Customer Care team.
try again now i can finally get to checkout page
Just collected! Got even more money's worth, didn't have all large pump bottles. Replaced with 3 smaller bottles.
1 large pump = 820ml
3 smaller bottles 320ml each = 960ml!
True winner winner chicken dinner. I never let them sub, because they always give me some brain dead rubbish.
When I went to checkout and paid, it worked out to $4.25 per bottle. Got 4.
so unticked they will still "sub" with smaller version ?
Appears that way. Probably depends on who's doing the picking. Some will, some won't. How much hassle is the refund over throwing 3 in a bag instead of 1?
Correct on the sub option, always untick, surprises are good, unless it's click and collect substitutions.
@HelpWanted: Can I ask for refund for substituted bottles?
I was given the smaller bottle as substitution like wtf??
@Aakkad: You got more for your money!
You could, depends, like a lot of things in life these days. If you get a nice Coles person, it'll be easy, if they are having "a bad day" then who knows where you'll end up.
@HelpWanted: I went to the store to check if the stock were available first. They didn't have any shampoo but they had conditioner. I told them I didn't want to take the small bottles and replaced them with the conditioner pumps. So everything worked out in the end.
But I still don't understand why didn't they do that from the beginning.
It's not the first time I was in such a situation at my local Coles, but the first time it happened I didn't check the bags until I got home.
Lesson learnt 😉
@Aakkad: cos shampoo is different product to conditioner, thho sometimes u may get subs like that depending on the picker(?) discretion.
and yes refund should be easy, you just text them youre unhappy with what substitution they provided..
surprises are good, unless it's click and collect substitutions.
you mean getting delivered has better surprises? why would that be..
also i like to tick/sub for homebrand or cheapest stuff so they should sub with higher priced ones hehe
@Aakkad: they did the wrong thing. helpwanted was under the impression you received multiple sml bottles to make up for it, like they were
sweet just picked up 15 bottles click and collect, now just need to grow my hair longer to use it
If it's a price error and we're all abusing it, why has it still not been fixed lol
just picked up 8 bottles click and collected.
Our >$50 C&C order got cancelled :(
just placed my order for click & collect tomorrow from 4PM to 6PM, let see how it goes.
They said none available for me click and collect and cancelled it.
it's been so long since i did online order at coles, will try pickup for next week
Monday 17 Jul, 12:00pm to 2:00pm
Placed 13 July 2023
Managed to get it in-store. Go during a busy time and the staff won't bother.
Why face the staff when you have self-serve??
Did it scan straight away or need staff to overrider the price?
Oops, placed a C&C last night for Saturday, assuming the price would be fixed but now looks like it's just going to be marked as out of stock :(.
set diff store
I haven't bought as it is price error and don't want to give them loss due to just a mistake. I would have bought if its actually a deal not error.
LOL it would be great if WW and Coles would do the same to both consumer and supplier
Two wrong doesnt make one right
don't want to give them loss
bro it's coles. theyll do just fine with this dove shampooconditioner
One of two shampoos I ordered was unavailable and wasn't substituted. Coles said:
"Where items are unavailable you have not been charged. Where we have substituted an item, we’ve charged you at the lowest price. Your order has now been finalised with the below item changes and can’t be changed."
It would be interesting to see the amount that they will refund … (if any at all)
Yep, same, they just cancelled both mine.
One of two shampoos I ordered was unavailable and wasn't substituted. Coles said:
"Where items are unavailable you have not been charged.
you shouldnt have been charged for unavail, check receipt wouldnt have been deducted
Unavailable item wasn't reflected in tax invoice, but I was charged anyway (i.e. I was charged more than what is reflected in tax invoice).
You should get refund for whatever wasn't picked/packed
Ordered 3 shampoo and 3 conditioner, oos of the shampoo I wanted and refused to substitute despite there being substitutes when I went in store, then refused to price match for another transaction. Thanks Coles <3
Picked up my $51 order of Shampoo and conditioner at 6 pm. Saved $153 according to Coles. Thanks OP.
They have now made the items unavailable and the deal has been removed
Successfully picked up my $51 order today at 2pm with no substitutions made.
now how to manage some refunds instead ..
just realized it appears when i placed order on 13th was charged full price?
2 $34.00
and my meat multi-buy order also unexpectedly over $20
these changes must've happened during the online checkout öutage" during that time :\
edit- i added all the prices next to each item on invoice, and it's not summing up to the end total? so confusing
ok now this is REALLY confusing..
below each special there's "Saved $xxx"
Total (with GST) $111.17
Your savings
$113.33 saved
my head hurting
Ok, if I subtract the "Saved" doves and meats from $194.94, it works out close enough to listed total .. should be fine then
great deal