Have you been to Bali recently? The Indonesian government has leaked information of 9 million foreign passports
We can't even trust governments with data anymore
Have You Been to Bali Recently? 9 Million Passports Leaked
Use the browser or online translator?
I used the Bing translator and is says it's a story about a grandmother baking 9 million banana cream pies.
baking 9 million banana cream pies.
Do cream pies need baking?
@bobbified: That's what confused me about the article…
Damn, I seem to get every one of these leaks.
Did you make an Optus call to buy a trip to Bali using your Latitude credit card and then got Medibank travel insurance?
Time to buy a lotto ticket…
9 million foreign passports
says foreign issued visas, not passports
Says 34 million Indonesian passports, and doesn't mention the no of foreign issued visas for entry.Not sure what data's in the visa, but likley all the same sensitive/identifying stuff
How is it even possible to leak that much data. Shouldn't the largest economy in SE Asia, and the 16th largest in the world, be able to afford the best security and protocols possible?
This is Indo you are talking about.
Why people even go there amazes me.
The local everyday people may be fantastic, but the system? Yeah nah.Indonesia is massive, and if the Balinese cared more about the integrity of national governmental systems, it would be a lot harder to be relaxed.
@yewman: You'll need to translate that for me.
AFAIK, there's more brown paper bags passed around in Bali than anywhere else in Indo.
That means tourism feeds the beast
The Ministry of Communication and Informatics (Kemenkominfo) is investigating information regarding the alleged leak of nine million visa data for foreign nationals (foreigners) who entered Indonesia.
"We checked again regarding visas," said Usman Kansong, Director General of Information and Public Communication of the Ministry of Communication and Informatics, reported by Antara, Saturday (8/7/2023).
Hacker Bjorka is suspected of trading foreigners' personal data. In his blog, it is stated that the data traded is in the form of visas from foreigners to enter Indonesia issued by the Directorate General of Immigration, Ministry of Law and Human Rights.
"This database contains foreign visas to enter Indonesia issued by the Directorate General of Immigration of Indonesia," wrote Bjorka.
Usman said his staff were still checking the information. However, he revealed that the visa data was indeed in the same system as the Immigration Management Information System (Simkim).
"Indeed, visas are in the same system as Simkim," he said.
Recently, it was reported that as many as 34 million Indonesian passport data were allegedly leaked and traded. This information was revealed by cyber security practitioner Teguh Aprianto via a tweet on his Twitter account.
"For those who already have passports, congratulations because 34 million passport data have just been leaked and traded," alluded to Teguh in his tweet on the @secgron account.
Teguh explained that the leaked information included passport number, passport expiry date, full name, date of birth, and gender.
Regarding the alleged leak of passport data, Usman responded that the Ministry of Communication and Informatics is still waiting for a report from the National Cyber and Crypto Agency (BSSN) team which has the authority to audit information security.
"Regarding the leak of passport data, the Ministry of Communication and Informatics is waiting for a report from the BSSN team which has the task and function of an information security audit," said Usman. (ant/bnt/iss)
VOA website https://molina.imigrasi.go.id/ maybe?
The typical Aussie Bali traveller wouldn't care.
well, thats my data leaked. Thanks
You never could trust governments with data.
just checked my passport its dry, no leaks detected
it's dry because everything has leaked out of it
The text of the article appears to be in Indonesian. So can't read. Apa? Karena Bodohku.