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Free Koinly Tax Report for Swyftx Customers with Less than 500 Transactions on Single Wallet @ Swyftx


Swyftx customers that have under 500 transactions with one wallet can get a free Koinly Tax report for 2022-23. Must be on web platform. Unsure of end date…

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Referral: random (355)

Referee and referrer each get A$10 worth of Bitcoin credited to your Swyftx accounts after referee makes a trade within 30 days of signing up.

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Almost get excited 😌

  • Do I still have to specify it in my tax returns if I have not paid or withdrawn any money for the financial year

    • A cgt event will have occurred if you sold a crypto asset, even if you reinvested it in a different crypto asset within the same exchange. If you have simply held one type of crypto without any sales for the year then it will be unlikely you triggered a cgt event.

      • Staking or 'earn' is a capital gains even too.
        Shouldn't be much since they are all doing so badly for the past year or two, ha

  • +1

    I run the data import on Koinly and just check my capital gain (well Loss haha) and use that.

    • Does koinly support Kucoin?

      • Yes

  • Note: Binance Australia is not endorsing any particular third-party tax tool software. The guide and accompanying screenshots are only an illustration. Please exercise your own discretion and/or consult your personal tax adviser based on your personal tax circumstances and requirements when selecting third-party tax tools.

  • Does anyone know if this includes the Download report? When I try to download, it says I need to have a tax plan. Will a screenshot of the onscreen Tax report enough to do a Tax return?

    • unfortunately no. you have to get a full report otherwise Accountant does not except it

      • *accept

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