This was posted 1 year 7 months 27 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired
  • targeted

Bonus Credit (Variable Amount) for Club Members @ Supercheap Auto


targeted offer . check your email from Super Cheap Auto Bonus Credit for Members

We want to thank you for being a loyal member of our club with some BONUS CREDIT!

Click below to see how much credit you have received

Must click on email

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Supercheap Auto
Supercheap Auto

closed Comments

  • +6

    I got $20!! This is after the $10 a couple of weeks ago, but next to nothing prior.

    • I only got the $10 from a few weeks back 😔

    • +1

      what was the deal a couple of weeks ago?
      go the ozbargain link?

      how do you get $20,
      do you spend alot there or hardly at all

  • $20

    • how do you get $20,
      do you spend alot there or hardly at all

      • Hardly spend anything other than claiming credits

        • interesting..

          do you spend exactly the credit amount given or buy more expensive items to pay it off
          or only spend only slight more than the credit amount e.g. $21 with $20 off etc.

          also do that too
          not sure how they determine the credit amount.

  • +2

    Got $15

    • ditto

  • +2

    Nein :(

    • +12

      $9 isn't too bad.

      I got zilch

      • Actually my email just recently came through… got $10, which is higher than nein :)

        • Same. I got $10 late afternoon.

          So now have $20. 🙂

    • Same, I've never received a cent in bonus credit.

  • Nice. Got $20

  • +1

    $10 used yesterday, $15 just now!

  • nada :(

    • +1

      wait. I only got an email now

      • heres to hoping! ive sadly missed out all previous times before though

        • Checked my wifes account to see why she hadnt received anything either, after logging in i saw she'd opted out of marketing messages so i opted her in just now.

  • Bzzzzttt.

  • +4

    got $10

  • +1

    I get their catalogues emailed to me. But I never get any credit

    • +1

      I'd prefer the credit to their catalogues.

      Maybe call them and see if you can switch.

  • +1

    Just found an email from 21/6 saying $10 credit but when I click "activate credit" I get "Ooops an error has occured." even though it says "activate and spend before 19th july"

    • have you logged in first?

      • Yea, just saw this new email I got today and that credit worked though, just took like 5 minutes before it actually showed up in my account. Received $10 from this new one.

        Maybe this one superseded the old one

        • The old one probably expired - it's been a couple of weeks.

          • +1

            @shiznit: Said expire 19/7, either way I contacted SCA, all sorted now :)

  • Got $20. Thanks OP.

    • meanwhile $0

      da heck haha

    • how do you collect all the goods?

      are all those accounts have real people .e.g family members
      or you made up all those accounts

      • All in my name. But i order from 3 local stores / 2 orders a day and its fine.

        Ive cleared out all the $5 minecraft rgb XL mousepads BTW lol

  • what is the email subject/headline please?

    • +2

      From: Supercheap Auto Club <[email protected]>
      Subject: Surprise Name! Bonus credit inside ✉️💰
      Date: Tue, 11 Jul 2023 20:57:58 -0600

  • got nothing…

  • Maybe I should use my $25 from the speaker fumble and they’ll consider me for credit :(

    • I only spent that last week.or the week before, it had an October expiry I think
      Today, I got $10 on the targeted email however

      • Okay, I’ll use it asap. Thanks

    • I’ve still got $10 remaining of the speaker credit and got $20 today.

  • +3

    $10. Thanks, but boooo!

  • +1

    10 bob for me

  • +1

    $10, eh, I'll take it.

  • +2

    Meh, only got $10… still, better than nothing I guess.

  • +1

    $10 for me.

  • got nothing never get anything either

  • me too nothing

  • $35 ..not bad…

  • $20, do I even use it lol

    • do you buy lots of expensive items or shop frequently at SCA?

      wonder how someone gets $20 vs $10

  • +1

    $10 here. I’ll take it. Pays for half of my next oil filter.

    Be aware, it needs to be spent by 19th July.

  • No email

    • The emails might still be incoming. I only just received mine. $10 credit

  • +1


    email received in the last 20 minutes.

  • All the money I've spent mustn't be loyal enough… I got nothing :(

  • +1


  • +1

    $10 on each account, just received now

  • +1

    Just received email now; got $10.

  • +1


  • +1

    Got $450

    • -1

      Got $810,000

  • +1

    Got and spent $10

  • Nothing on any of my club accounts, main account is a trade one

  • +1

    Wahoo $10 😁🎉

  • +1


  • Still waiting for my Email.

  • +1

    Just got $10 👌

  • Got $20, SCA handing out free moneh!

  • +2

    $10, will probably end up spending a bit of time deciding what to buy…

  • +1

    10 buckaroos

  • +1

    $10. Thanks!

  • +1

    Just received the email and got $10.00 can’t complain

  • are there any signup bonuses if open an acct now?

  • +1

    $10 for me. Thanks.

  • +1

    Checked earlier nothing…decided to check emails again $10

    Expiry 19th

  • Did something silly, accidentally deleted email and cleared bin folder. Presumably gone case and SCA wouldn’t be able to resend email?

    • gone…

      could try asking head office.

    • accidentally deleted email and cleared bin folder

      If you're prone to this type of thing, sign up to a second email account, and have your normal email account forward all email to the second email account. The email will still be available in your second email account.

      • That’s a great idea thanks. How I wish they just automatically credit the account rather than having to click via the email.

  • +1

    just got my email, $10

  • whats email header/body keywords ?

    • Surprise Wayne Kerr! Bonus credit inside ✉️💰

  • +2
    • +1

      What's with the light bulbs?

    • +2

      This was a self-build kit decades ago in Electronic Australia magazine and has been copied by everyone. It's pretty much useless apart from drawing a little power from the battery unnecessarily. By the time one of the two lowest LEDs come on, you already know your battery needs charging by the car cranking slower and taking longer to start. And the higher LEDs are useless because you know the battery is strong when the opposite happens - the engine cranks faster, plus when the engine is running the alternator will be putting out something like 14 to 17 volts which is obviously higher than it can display anyway. Also its highest voltage LED doesn't automatically mean the battery is fine. A battery might show a higher voltage than this can display, but still have a dying/dead cell. Car batteries have to be "load tested" where a high resistance/load is put across the terminals. If a cell is dying/dead it can stream bubbles, or the voltage drop right down to 11V or lower. Battery places do this test and tells you the battery is probably going to leave you stranded in the near future, so it's time to replace. I made a few of these kits years ago and the highest LED was on yet the battery died the next day. So sadly this thing isn't much more than a cat toy for adults. The only useful thing it does is confirms someone hasn't stolen your battery while you're driving along the highway. Which obviously isn't useful at all, since you know the battery is there because it started the car, the bonnet would be up, and they can't run that fast. ;-) That said, I still haven't brought myself to toss out the last one I built… No idea why I'm hanging onto it. :-D

  • got $15

  • +3

    No email gang rise up

  • $10, bought an air freshener.

  • What do you all get for the 10?

  • I got the email but got this when I clicked
    We cannot direct you to the requested web page at this time. Please try again.

  • What to buy….

  • $10 here

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