Amazon JP gunpla at it again. This time its the MG 1/100 Unicorn Gundam (OVA). This is a 2010 model that was re-boxed in 2021 with blue Bandai logo.
This is a great looking flagship Gundam kit, where they have a full sized statue in Odaiba Japan.
The OVA version has improved the waist joint and knee articulation compared to the MG 1/100 Unicorn Gundam (Ver. Ka).That being said, this kit is quite well known for being a little complicated to build, articulation is not the greatest, and is quite delicate after being built due to the transformation gimmicks. All of the MG Unicorn/Banshee models essentially use this same model just with different colours.
This is more of a build it, pose it then leave it alone kind of kit.