The title says it all really. Ive seen plenty of deals around lately but cheapest to Brisbane for me so far. But hurry this ends at 11:59pm 31/08/2012.
This is the 3tb WD Red NAS internal drive.
The title says it all really. Ive seen plenty of deals around lately but cheapest to Brisbane for me so far. But hurry this ends at 11:59pm 31/08/2012.
This is the 3tb WD Red NAS internal drive.
And how much for delivery?
How many people don't live near a Umart or MSY by now?
me - not even close
I usually get my stuff from PCCG, who has this at $209 + $12 delivery. So would be saving of $10 for me here - not great but hardly neg worthy
I also don't live near a Umart or MSY. the time and effort it would take to travel would cost more than the $12 to my door….
I have visions of the new modern city, springing forth eternal with a Umart and MSY smack in the middle of every one. It will be a golden age for asa79
There is like 2 Umarts and 3 MSY's in driving from me and this is only Brisbane
I prefer to pick up where feasible, but if I have to go out of my way, pay for parking or risk a fine as you never know how long the queue is at MSY, the total cost including my time needs to be factored in.
My preference is pick up from DSE as one is on my way home, closes late with free parking. JB is out of the way, and MSY that plus no free parking.
Downside of Shoppingexpress is the shipping time I suppose, but of course some local online stores ship next day. Mind you, waiting for something to turn up is different to time I need to spend going to MSY or this mythical (for me anyway) Umart.
"Everywhere is walking distance… If you have the time." - Steven Wright.
@asa79 australia is not brisbane.
So there is no other cheap computer stores like MSY and Umart in Australia?
A true OzBargainer would travel a bit of distance just to save a bit. Spend more on fuel but feel like you saved the postage
None of the computer stores near me are priced like MSY or Umart - that's why I get stuff delivered. You have to realise there are plenty of Australians that don't live in big cities mate
Yes…. But what about outside of Brisbane?
LOL u have the time to wait for shopping express to ship the HD to you.
OP is though. Specifically stated it was the cheapest to Brisbane for him… which really it isn't as there should be an MSY or Umart within a 10km radius of virtually everyone in Brisbane.
there should be an MSY or Umart within a 10km radius of virtually everyone in Brisbane
I think you've mistaken 'MSY or Umart' for 'Starbucks or 7/11'. ;)
No deal for me.
Picking up hopefully today after work from ARC for $205.
Now where is that FREE SHIPPING coupon when you need it !!!!!!!!!!!
EDIT: A HDD is the last thing I would like to be shipped.
Has anyone had good/bad experiences shipping a HDD ?
If it well packaged I cant see a problem….How does the retailer get the product in the first place, I presume the same way we would :)
yeah no, not the same way,.. they usually have a distributor who actually cares about quality and has a process in place to ensure they arnt damaged,.. then they are sent to their wholesalers, ect…
How do you think it got to Australia?
You've been sniffing too much pixie dust bro! :p
yep, your right,..
some people think, well i dono what they think,.. theres a difference in shipping a commercial batch of these to aust, then domestic postage through the "mail"
some people just dont seam to understand that…..
I've ordered dozens of HDD's over the years - all arrived fine. How do you think hard drives get to Australia? Magic?
What shop in their right mind would ever get HDD's SHIPPED to them to sell to their customers!!!!
You seriously neg'd this because it has to be shipped? They come very well packaged. There is not madness in it, as many others have said how do you seriously expect it to even get in the country without shipping hmmmm……. oh wait it can't. Doesn't bode well for your argument does it…..
I think it is a case of "I know it better than the Pro's!"
Anyway. Personal experience — bought quite a few hard drives and had them delivered over the last 15 years. None failed because of delivery.
Hard drive manufacturers also have years of experience to make sure heads are locked in position properly when parked, and they won't move during transportation to minimise the chance of having them damaged.
^^^ That! :)
I've also had dozens delivered by various couriers & AP over the years, I've never had an issue either.
The amount of personal attacks from you, sin bin time?
I buy all my HDD by post, not one has bin an inssue as they are packed really well, if they are DOA report and they replace it. But that is not likely to occur.
Have you had a bad experience with postal HDD shipping?
A product does not become a bargain just because certain people on ozbargain want to have it delivered.
Lets not spam ozbargain with HDD prices as these are not actually cheap.
Suppliers are dropping their inflated prices after the flood.
Umart and MSY are high turnover shops and get the cheaper stock first.
Then the other shops will randomly get the new stock.
So basically this isn't a special price, it just needed the new stock faster then other shops.
If you don't think it's a bargain then specify why and neg it - perhaps even point to a place where it might be cheaper - that's how OzBargain works. If people didn't post things they thought were bargains this wouldn't be much of a site.
Can you find a cheaper price for this product - delivered? If so, please share it with the site.
I suspect he didn't neg it because, despite not being much of a "bargain", there's an aversion around here toward negging a deal that's nevertheless the cheapest available, as demonstrated in the challenge you've given him.
What would be the benefit to voting negative?
Why would I want to hide this product post from being seen?
From what I can understand from your post….
You want a 3TB delivered post on ozbargain as well as a 3TB pickup post on ozbargain.
Both are the cheapest in their category and both are standard prices.
This is NOT a bargain many reasons, if it was then there are so many possible deals I could post that would have no interest like this one.
Basically my reason for disagreeing is because the OP says this is a bargain specifically because MSY/Umart is too far away for him to want to drive there.
Convenience is not a bargain.
Yes it is - convenience can make something a bargain. Time is money, and for some, postage is the only option. There's plenty of people in Tasmania and Northern Territory who cannot just drive interstate to pick a HDD at Umart or MSY.
He said it was a bargain because it was the cheapest he could find that was delivered to him - that's it. Good enough reason to post for me
I didn't vote pos because I don't think it's that good of a deal - for me, but I'm not going to tell him or others not to post what are bargains for them because they're not for me. That's what the voting is for
And that's why I didn't vote negative or say that the OP shouldn't have posted it…
If you had read this post that predates this "bargain" post by 7 hours you may have negged. The same drive for $208.00 with free shipping, and even cheaper for multiple orders.
"Lets not spam ozbargain with HDD prices as these are not actually cheap."
That pretty much says to me you didn't want him to post this
This is the first time I've heard of "red" WD drives. My home server currently uses all "green" WD drives.
RED doesnt have the idle timeout that RAID needs
I did read up on them while posting this.
Basic summary: buy these if your need the drive running 24/7 and/or want longer warranty.
Note: there is more to the "red" drives that what I've mentioned, do your research on the differences!
Green is often a good thing for home server storage.
I have 4 drives in my server at the moment which are often sleeping. When someone wants to use something it wakes up for it and then goes to sleep after.
Its unlikely that a home user is going to have 4+ drives all being accessed at once all the time.
But not good for a RAID set up
The reds are a lot faster than the greens, just as quiet, vibrate less, have a longer warranty and should be all round better in every way. You pay the extra for it but it's worth it for very nice storage drives imo :)
See here for more:
As a storage drive there is no noticeable difference unless you want the "TLER" feature.
Actually as a storage drive they can give you much better transfer speeds (good if you transfer large files or have multiple people streaming data off the one NAS), and as mentioned they are quieter which a lot of people like. Longer warranty is handy as well.
Green drives give you 100 MB/s+.. why pay extra for a little bit more.
SPCR is outstanding for noise/power consumption info, but other sites (Tom's Hardware, Storage Review, etc.) give a more mixed view of the Reds' performance vs the Greens'.
no deal as UMart and MSY are $205