Not sure how many people out there are after this upcoming release but it seems like a fair price.
PS3 Black Ops II Hardened Edition $79.99 + Shipping @ Amazon

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Where to get for 60$ ?
Every country other than Australia…
+1. Hardened is pretty disappointing. Would of liked something similar to elite (all dlc included) or even have the console versions come with W@W like PC to try and get more people playing it.
Oh well - means I'll spend less money :)
PS3 version is $95.96 including postage.
Xbox 360 version inexplicably does not ship to Aus.Please update :)
Wouldn't 360 version not work here because it's ntsc?
Hadn't thought of that! A large portion of 360 games are region free - though it's not a rule.
Yes, CoD games on a 360 have never been region locked and always have been region free. However, that does NOT mean that an upcoming games won't. So you would be better to wait and make sure before buying it.
on ps3 multiplayer updates won't work as its not the australian one. the game will still play online just no updated maps
I bought MW3 hardened from Amazon last year and it works fine.
It came with elite and I have had no problems downloading all the updates and DLC map - just cant gameshare with mates since it's a different disk.
Even then, if it screws up with DLC, make a new SEN, set region to US. Purchase DLC maps and download. Change profile to Australian one and it will work.
+1. When updates are available you get to chose which update you need. There is a code on the binder of game covers to tell you which game version you have and you then download the appropriate upgrade. Still hoping on decent local offers here on the regular version.
so the codes worked on your aus psn? i though aus psn can only download bles and not blus mw3 dlc.
just pre-ordered black ops 2 care package edition for ps3 on amazon us, would i be able to enter the codes for digital downloads on my aus psn account? i also have elite on aus psn, will i need to cancel that and buy elite on usa psn for bops 2?
So I guess it won't blend?
i wanna see that helicopter the advanced editcon comes with blend
sucks that care package edition sold out in Aus. I ended up ordering it for xbox on amazon for $205 delivered, also ordered hardened edition for ps3 at EB $108. Black ops 2 is going to be my last cod so i thought i'd go out with a bang and get it for both consoles . is it wrong that all up including elite membership ill be spending $378 on black ops 2 :S
$15-$25 for shipping. Better off paying the extra couple dollars locally and get it day one. Plus Hardened edition nothing good about it just get standard for $60 from UK